20 Profound Things to Be Grateful For (That Will Change Your Life if You Let Them)

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HJ: Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotional tools we have in our arsenal as creator beings.  Simply because what you resonate with you attract more of into your life.  Emotions are energy in motion and gratitude is giving positive energy towards what it is that you enjoy and love.  Happiness begets happiness.  Abundance begets abundance.  Love begets love.  And gratitude gets you into a place of love, happiness and abundance powerfully and quickly.

To really get the most out your gratitude practice, add it into your daily routine as much as possible.

Here is a suggestion:  upon waking in the morning, at every meal and just before going to bed at night.  That’s five times in one day.  Powerful stuff, to be sure.

- Truth

20 Things Life is Too Short Not to Appreciate

By Angel Chernoff | Marc and Angel

Life is rarely perfect, but it’s always pretty darn good.
