2012 ~ Awareness with-out fear ~ Dissolving the control system

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2012 ~ Awareness with-out fear ~ Dissolving the control system







The first posting I made about the changes associated with 2012 was over 3 years ago. One of the statements I made within this piece of information was "the governments and companies in the world that have been using “force” to control people will start to fall." I'm sure you will all agree there is a lot of this going on today. The Light is shining on the control for which exists and these systems are being exposed and dissolved one by one. Within each country of the world today some form of control still exists. It's not just related to one government, it exists in many forms. Many people still live in the illusion that they do not live under some kind of control, however more and more are expanding their awareness of the control system with-out fear and they are moving "beyond" it. The control no longer controls them for they have expanded their consciousness beyond the control. So you may be asking yourself "what control" am I talking about? I am describing the control of peoples consciousness. Just as most people live in denial of their own fears and will not want to face their own inner fears. The same principle applies to the control system. Most live in the illusion or choose not to explore that fact that a system of control exists "beyond their knowing". They have not made the choice to explore the truths that exist beyond their beliefs and fears. It is this choice of holding onto the fear and denial that keeps their conscious state of being "within" the control. Over time it has been the control for which has conditioned, instituted and reinforced these thought processes into the collective of the people. For example "you are free" and or "we will take care of you" just give us your power. Some of this conditioning has been instituted by many of the most popular religions also. They continue to tell people what to believe and how they should give their power away to something outside of themselves. Which leaves the conscious state of the people in an illusionary bubble filled with beliefs and out of touch of their true identity. The truth of who they really are and what their connection is with other people, the Earth, Universe and all that is.

A person becomes free of the control system when they release these conditioned beliefs and inner fears to the truth for which exists beyond these veils of illusion. Expanding ones awareness with-out fear to what truly exists without belief, but knowing what is through their own experience. Allowing your consciousness to "go there" and then "move beyond it" with-out fear. Many people these days are waking up to these systems of control, but are still holding onto the duality view and separation from one another. It is this separation from one another that allows control to continue. Where separation, fear and duality exists, it leaves the door open for manipulation to occur. A person or a collective within duality consciousness is easily steered in one direction or another by creating fear or an opposing force. Every soul on Earth still has "free will" and the choice is always there to follow along with the system or not. I want to be clear in saying that by choosing to no longer follow along with the system that exists does not mean a battle must ensue. What I am meaning is through our own Self empowerment we realize no battling is needed. Only balance and Unity is needed.

Here is the process I have seen work the best relating to expanding our conscious awareness with-out fear.

- The first step is to start releasing your fears/beliefs and embracing/expanding the love of your own Self.

- Step two is to do your own research to what does exist and expand your awareness with-out fear. Don't give your power away to someone else to tell you these truths. Find it out for yourself and what aligns with your own heart.

- Step three "let it go"! With your inner knowing, peace and love that you are facing your fears and moving beyond your beliefs. You are expanding your "knowingness"! Then keep expanding your "knowingness" with the "willingness" to continually let go of what was known "as the truth" to the next days expanded truth. Live in the knowingness of this present moment, your own love and connection to all that is.

- Step four, don't allow your ego to create separation or fear within your daily life. Beyond the levels of control lies the knowingness of our connection with Unity consciousness. Unity consciousness is what is currently grounding/manifesting within the 3D reality of Earth at this time. This is the reason why the systems of control are dissolving. There are no such controls, illusionary programs and belief systems in Unity consciousness. These are two different frequencies and vibrational realities and both will not be able exist within the same space. The lower frequency environment of 3D control and separation will continue to dissolve in the expanding Light of Unity consciousness as the density rises into 4th density. Within Unity consciousness souls know their connection with one another and work together collectively. Always keep in mind that during this process of expanding the awareness of  your soul experience, the ego grows with intelligence also. The ego will not be able to understand what collective Unity consciousness is and or how it works. So the ego will always be trying to go back to what it knows best and that is separation and fear. This is when "we" the conscious living soul makes the choice to continue listening to the voice of the ego or the voice of love and Unity of our everlasting Self. The IAM Self knows it's connection with the collective consciousness. This level of ourself knows we are One consciousness experiencing reality together and all that has been separating us is now dissolving! The more people that wake up to this truth and live by the voice of their IAM Self. The more the control system dissolves. Our collective consciousness no longer will be then creating and allowing control to exist. This is done by letting go of blame, duality, Self doubt, and separation and embracing our Unity as One collective existence on Earth. Have fun, dance, bounce, jump, and smile with the inner knowing we are infinite love!

With each day that passes now, more and more of the control is being exposed and then dissolved. This system will try and adjust and present itself as a "changed" system. The government may say all is well and we have changed and the religious leaders may say we have changed our beliefs, but there is no need to give your power away to them any longer. Just as the ego evolves with intelligence so does the control of our own existence. We the people of love will continue to Unite as One collective beyond control and expand our work together. Where we are living, loving and serving each other with-out conditions. The people can lead themselves with-out having to give their power away to others to lead them. Lead and empower your Self! Together the thought process of the Self empowered people will spill into the collective creating the change into Oneness.

Let go of all that no longer serves you. All the beliefs, fears, thoughts, feelings, and systems of control that need your power for their existence. Embrace and love all that creates and sustains the control system that exists as all continues to transition. Allow change to happen with-out fear of loss. One way or another we are all tied to the systems that exist. Not loving what exists is the same as not loving another part of our own Self. As the systems for which we know fall away, it is up to us to Unite and work together to bring forth a new system beyond barriers and control.

Stay centered within your heart and continue to expand your own empowerment, awareness and love. Take the time to breath and smile!

Many changes lie ahead of us, most of these changes are beyond our current imagination. Lets embrace change and our thoughts, actions and imagination that is creating this change. We do not have to be fearful of our own Creation! Lets live as the love and Unity that we are and continue to share our love to all with-out conditions.

Love to all, Joe
