Phil Rowen's picture

Published on Oct 21, 2012 by paradoxman316

Yes, I can still see with my natural eyes; and God has also blessed me to see with my supernatural eye. Whereas those that only see with the natural eyes see the conflict aand division as the Light comes on with greater intensity, some are able to see as God sees, looking beneath the surface and recognizing the common ground within and beneath the diversity. There is a gathering of those souls that are willing to look deeper; and it is those souls that follow in the footsteps of the messengers than have gone before us. There are more of us on this planet now than ever before; and our mission is the mission of Christ consciousness, the ministry of reconciliation. We hear the cry of Master Jesus, "Father, that they all may be one in us." This is the time of the gathering of souls.



the time thing

firestarr79's picture

I have one question, why do you only post at the threes? You said you were making your video at 3:33, and didn't wasn't to wait until 4:44¿, also, one comment, Facebook changed their interface again, and the"chat" was recently added, so any of your friends can see when you are logged in. Probably why so much chat activity.

2012: Gathering of Souls

Ra-Raela's picture

Happy Birthday, Ron! Thank you for being the light that you are and enlightening all of us!

hello Ron ...happy birthday !

Guest   suhela's picture

hello Ron ...happy birthday ! ... it's me again from Cape Town ...I had a tragedy at home while away in the States and went off facebook ...so nice to see you here ...much love as always ...S