8 Lesser-Known Natural Bug Repellents

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Source: www.naturalsociety.com | Original Post Date: August 5, 2014 –

8-lesser-known-natural-bug-repellentsWhen the weather is warm, everyone wants to spend time outdoors, but no one wants to hang out with mosquitoes or other annoying bugs. In an effort to deter insects from feasting on our flesh, many people coat themselves in various sprays and lotions loaded with potentially dangerous toxins. Fortunately, you don’t have to opt for these chemical baths; there are natural alternatives.

Insect-Repellent Plants

You can make your yard less pleasant for insects and send them packing by incorporating deterrent plants. Try citronella plant (often called a mosquito plant) in a pot on your patio, or marigolds and lemon balm around your garden area.
