Lia's picture






Please understand this with a Forgiving Heart of "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE".....What needs to be said at this "Juncture Of Victory"..is Clear...Let me start by saying this:    EVERY Soul in this Universe, Multiverse, OmniVerse, and Multiple Dimensions, ETC;.. PRIOR to incarnation, CHOSE their ROLE to Play in this GRAND EXPERIMENT......They,  "WE" were CHOSEN because WE ARE the BEST OF THE BEST....THE STRONGEST of THE STRONG!  Imagine if you will, Please Imagine for a Moment,  that you Chose one of the TOUGHEST, ROUGHEST, DARKEST Challenges EVER in the HISTORY of this UNIVERSE!  Imagine that was YOU....And Prior to your incarnation, you agreed to this DEEPLY MIRED DARKNESS, knowing full well, that you MAY NOT COME BACK to the LIGHT!!....This ROLE that was PLAYED was and STILL IS something PROFOUND that MUST be Recognized!  IMAGINE...for just a millisecond, that this was YOUR ROLE?  NOT so Pretty is it?  We think of ourselves as Lightworker and WayShowers....and Rightfully so...

AND this is were the Brightest of LIGHT MUST PENETRATE!  It is with Gentle hearts and Truth, Awareness and Awakening, that we use through our Hearts and Eyes....

WE THE PEOPLE must STOP! this PETTY Aggression towards ANYONE! EVERYONE! Stop pointing Fingers my Friends and THANK!  THANK those POWERFUL SOULS that took on this Challenge! THEY HAVE COME TO THE LIGHT!  and already Residing in the 5th Dimension!  This may be difficult to accept, but it is the DARK doings that has Ultimately Raised our LIGHT!  It is these beings that suppressed and Oppressed us, that are Responsible for the RETURN of our POWER!   Do you not SEE?  THIS is the 'Juncture of Victory"  NOT beating the DARK forces,  but Regaining our LIGHT!  This has been the Divine Plan ALL ALONG!  What is the Light Workers Creed?  First and Foremost, NON JUDGMENTAL FORGIVENESS WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!.....With this, everything Else will fall into Place...

YOU are Beautiful!

Wayne Matthew Clarke



My full applause for this

Guest's picture

My full applause for this words. The Darks play an important role in this game without we would have more problems to raise or even find our light. So they need our love and compassion and no judgement. I send them my deep unconditional love that they might find back to their own light.

I bow to this Also

Achara's picture

Thank you,

all that is,

for the dynamics, the contrasts, dualism.

I embrasse all.

I am also.

Also all that is dark.Also all that is light.

All that is  vibrating low and high.

Boyond dualism I dive

among all that is,

beyond words,

exploring without a goal..