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~Love Reporter St. Germain~



"My Dear Ones Believe what you hear because you are but a whisper away from the most exciting event. An event that will reverberate all around the world. One that will move you to the promised changes and release you from the thraldom of centuries of oppression."

"You are powerful and are manifesting a New Vision for Earth, one that fulfills your desire to lift up and leave the old behind.....as you bring the New Earth into being, so your own evolution proceeds to gain pace and the enlightenment of the masses grows in intensity."

"What is taking place is unstoppable, and in it's ultimate expression will surpass your desires and ideas of what it is like to Ascend. Your experience shall be a unique and most exciting time."

"The cycle has to end in it's present expression, having served its purpose in allowing you to experience duality."

"Your Radiance is creating such a magnificent glow upon Earth that it is attracting the attention of other Light Beings who gather to witness your Ascension."

"What you are experiencing is contained in the energy you call "God." This profound energy permeates all that is , and has been your assurance that you would rise up out of the darkness.

You have always known that eventually you would have the opportunity to lift up again, into the Light that was your home before you accepted the challenge of duality.

It will be a most stupendous and great occasion, and the most de-light-ful and complete experience you have ever had."



~Earth is an unusual planet and it is quite alive in its own right. It is nearing an alignment with this luminous field of First Source that enables a planet to shift its dimensional frequency. All of us are ascending dimensionally through timespace. This ascension is not arbitrary or capricious in any way. Rather, it is the plan of First Source in action.~ --James, www.wingmakers.com



John E Hall

~Look not from the mind, but from the soul. For the life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world. Just look more closely. Find the eyes to see.~

~ First Insight


~FROM Love Reporter Birget Anderson~



~Now is a very crucial time for clearing energy patters, we are moving into a new... Era of Time, where we should not bring with us the old; Angels are clearing us now in meditation and in dreams, and Angels are showing us souls, who can assist us in our clearing process ♥♥ ~


~Your heart is free,
Have the courage to follow it.~~~Taken from Braveheart
Know your heart is the centre of all that is and trust it will lead you to where you are meant to be. May your week be blessed.~~


