AA Uriel ~ The Pivot Point

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The Pivot Point

The opening and the pivot point is nearly upon you.  A few short days and you will be upon the 12-12-12 portal, then nine short days later, 12-21-12 and some of you may notice a pattern here – it is so.  There are two ways to look at these numbers.  One was as all 9s and the other as 11,9,11.  The first denotes completion, being a 9 and it is time to complete your journey in the old 3D world and step into the ‘new world’.  A time to lay down all your burdens, your fears and doubts and simply leave them behind, a time for new beginnings – for everyone.  The other method really has the same result – 11, being illumination, then the 9 of completion, then again the 11 of illumination.  It matters not which ‘method’ you choose, for they all lead down the same path, to the same destination -  A new beginning, a new world, a new way of being.
Some may look around and think – what new beginning? - all I see is destruction, war, natural disasters and pending economic hardships.  But, we ask you – what comes after these things? - New beginnings.  What comes after the storm you call Sandy? - People helping one another and new beginnings.  It is unfortunate that humans need to be ‘knocked over the head’ to get the message and sometimes brought to the brink before change can be wrought – well, you now are at the brink.  For some, this means great change, for others this means reaching out a helping hand to those who need it.  Some will rise to the challenge and others will sit down and weep, still others will chose to leave because it is too hard.  We commend your dedication and willingness to be here during these difficult times, but remember also, that you all chose to be here because of these times and what is happening.  The challenges that have been laid at your feet are of your own choosing, the triumphs as well.  The burdens that have been put upon your shoulders have been placed there by you and if they seem too heavy it is a reminder from yourself to lay some of them down. 
The most intense time of this incarnation is nearly upon you – note, we did not say most important for, we feel that will occur afterwards when your help will be greatly needed, but, most intense – it will be, and on a global scale.  Some will believe that you will nearly be entering what you call WW3, but clearer heads will prevail, despite the talking that will go on.  The tone of caution and reconciliation will come from an unlikely source, but the tinderbox will not ignite, it will merely smolder – for quite some time.  Unfortunately, this will cause some changes in the balance of power in the region and the world.  So, we say to you – you who have been preparing for this moment for eons.  This is your time, the time you all came here for – whether or not you realize it.  We urge you to use it well and remember we are always there for support and assistance in any way we can.
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