Anchoring Your Rainbow Pillars of Light. The Council of the Venus Ray, through Rastran of Sirius.

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Anchoring Your Rainbow Pillars of Light. The Council of the Venus Ray, through Rastran of Sirius. 



By GLR AuroRa Le. April 13, 2012


❤ Greetings, Dear Hearts, I am Rastran.  I come before you this day to remind you of a gift you each were given and of a task you all agreed to perform, prior to your bodily incarnation upon the surface of our blessed Gaia.  You, the Bringers of Light, the Wayshowers, the Custodians of the Earth.  The gift of which I speak is one which you agreed to bestow upon her, at a time in your future, when the energies were aligned.  “What is this thing,” you ask?  “I have no memory of this?”  But, alas, dig deep and you shall see that you do.  You are remembering, every time you choose to connect yourself to her magnificent core-crystal or as you set afire the crystalline grid.  This gift I speak of is your gift of color;  your own spectacular array, which carries the vibrant shades and unique tones of your soul’s own personal energetic signature.  Like a snowflake or a fingerprint, no two are exactly alike. Within you exists the power to control this light and direct it where it is needed most.  So I say to you now, that it is your beloved Mother Earth who is most sorely in need of your services at this time.

Within each of you resides the power to transmit your nurturing heart-essence deeply into the body of Gaia.  This light you carry is constantly being replenished from Source, the Great Central Sun.  You have agreed to share of this light with her, at such a time as this.  Her birthing pains  are growing greater and you are feeling it as she begins to thrash more violently in the throes of her labor.  You experience this happening now, do you not?  Her surface will be cleansed and the great continents will rise up again, but do you think she does this on her own?  No.  It is you who shall  tenderly nurse her through these painful hours, your very essence acting as a cool cloth laid across her brow; an anesthetic to dull her aches.  Yours is the firm hand she grasps with each contraction.

Do this thing for Gaia, as it is actually quite simple, and it is something that can be done as you go to and from your daily destinations.  Trust that it shall only take a few moments of your time.   Imagine you are walking down the street or driving in your car.  Envision before you rows of translucent pillars of brilliant light, each one carrying the loveliest variations of your own hue.  Visualize these glowing pillars literally planted along the sidewalks and medians, like towering multicolored streetlamps.  Plant them.  Raise them high, over the trees in a grassy park or strategically  encircling a school, playground, or  a place of commerce.  Anchor them at their base and send them, like roots, deep into the very center of the Earth.  Stabilizing.  Strengthening.  Fill them with your precious love.  Let it stream into these pillars, thereby feeding Gaia as only her sweet children can.  Embrace this task with  great intensity.  All are Divinely connected. 

Accept that it is you, my Dears, who are the Creators of a  rapidly transforming world.  Give of yourself to Gaia, so that she may more painlessly nourish and grow a healthy and grand  new civilization.  Behold those pillars of your own creation and know that they are YOU.  They are your soul’s blueprint in dazzling form.  A rainbow of love.  

Carry on in blessed service.  You are loved.





"the throes of Her labor"...

Noeticka's picture that what I'm feeling??? For about a year now, I have sometimes felt a tightening in my solar plexus hours before a major quake occurred somewhere. For the past three days, I have been in horrible pain in my sacrum, reminiscent of those last few days before giving birth. Does anyone else feel this? A tremendous pressure just aching for release? I haven't felt pain like this since I gave birth almost 7 years ago now but it's not something you forget. I have also had some strange "unravelings" this past week, as if these were obstacles that have been waiting in the wings to try and throw me off track. I have a feeling many Wayshowers have been feeling this as I've even seen a few "unwelcome" guest posts on this site also. Still, I feel like this has been a long trip to get to the beach and after asking "are we there yet?" a million times I can now taste the salt on my lips :) Hold tight dear ones, we're nearly there ;)


glr_Andrea's picture

what you're feeling are the energies getting Higher and spreading all over. As you get more sensitive your body becomes a vibrational transmitter. This is an example of Onness as your living in a specific part of the world does not interfer of your Feeling All thet's happening. 


Pains will leave as soon as your body adapts to the higher vibrations, leaving you only the awarness of them.


Thank You


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