Animal Protection Laws In Peril! Final Farm Bill Must Not Include the King Amendment!!

Ra-Raela's picture
Stop the Attack 
On States' Rights
  Final Farm Bill Must Not Include the King Amendment       Facebook Tweet Forward Donate Visit our Website      

Dear Animal Advocates, 

The U.S. Senate and House have each passed their own versions of the Farm Bill, and soon a joint committee of senators and reps will meet to iron out the differences and present one final bill. 

One major difference between the Senate and House Farm Bills is that the House’s version contains a radical anti-animal provision known as the King Amendment. We need your help to make sure this provision is not part of the final bill. 

Authored by Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the King Amendment is an unprecedented assault on states’ sovereign rights to pass laws that protect animals on farms, in puppy mills and elsewhere. Even more alarming, the King Amendment could strike down many existingstate animal cruelty laws, leaving some animals with no legal protections. 


What You Can Do 

Please don’t delay—visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center to quickly contact your members of Congress in Washington, D.C., and ask them to urge their colleagues working on the final Farm Bill to strike the King Amendment. 

Thank you for your help! 

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