Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 21 April 2012

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Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 21 April 2012


Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we wish to speak to you on the topic of relationships. All relationships whether the ones with your life, your home, your spouse, your children, or your pet, are teaching you about the relationship you have with yourself. The relationships with others show you very clearly what parts of yourself you are willing to bring to the surface in your life and what parts of yourself you are willing to let go. For in truth, dear ones, all energies exist within you and you choose which ones you want to experience.

Seldom in the human race is “falling in love” truly about loving another. Far more often you are falling in love with yourself in the presence of another. In the mirror of a kind soul who acknowledges you, pays attention to you, compliments you, and resonates with you on many levels, you feel good about yourselves! We celebrate when you feel this way! We love to see you acknowledge the truth of your being – that you are beautiful inside and out, worthy of all love and acknowledgment. But we also know, that if you perceive that this sensation comes from another, and “fall in love” with them for that sensation, then dear ones you can just as easily “fall out of love” when the other ceases to make you feel this way, and you can be tempted to try any number of human machinations to get the other to make you feel this way again.

Real love comes from a spring of well-being within you. Real love says, “I already know I am loved! I already feel good about myself. And from this full place, I have love to share. I see this person in front of me. They are worthy of love, respect, and acknowledgement. I want to share myself with them. I want to learn more about them. I want to uplift them. I want to support their goals and dreams. I want to take delight in their presence. I want to see how deeply we can share ourselves with one another. I want to see how we can grow together and experience and expand the love of God within ourselves.” If you are not there yet, dear friends, don’t despair. This type of love is rare upon your planet earth.

So how do you create truly loving relationships with all of life? You must, absolutely, start with yourself. If you take care of yourself, do kind things for yourself, create balance in your life, try to be honest and authentic in your expressions, and reach out for help and comfort when you are in need, you will find that you have created the relationship with yourself that you so desperately want with another. In this space, you are a beacon and a light in the world! You will attract those of like mind and heart, and you will find yourself drifting away from those who have other journeys. You will live a life centered in yourself, knowing that the true self within you is centered in God’s love. You will have fallen in love with your true self! And in this space of truly embracing God’s love and presence within you, you will find yourself falling in love with all of life, creating the magic that was intended to be a part of your daily lives, not just in a relationship with one human being, but in all your relationships. This, dear ones, is heaven on earth.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
–The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi All,

This is personal and I debated about whether or not to include it in a newsletter, but after the angels channeled this week’s message, I think the story may help some of you.

I recently lost a dear friend, not through death, but through misunderstanding. She was family to me. We communicated every day and have known each other for over a decade. Late last year when I was stressed, I was not as sensitive as usual and some things I said and did in innocence were terribly misinterpreted. My friend began to pull away, suddenly, without telling me why. I attempted to communicate several times and things seemed better after each conversation, but then she pulled away again. Her responses to my invitations became shorter and more curt and after one particularly painful rejection when I was attempting to reconnect, I knew I had to listen to what the angels were telling me, and let go. The angels made it clear that right now her journey was without me, and that I had triggered a pain much deeper than the issues at hand – one I could not fix, and one that was exacerbated by my presence in her life. The angels told me the kind thing to do was bless her, release her, and simply let her know I loved her. So I did. I wrote a brief note saying I would honor her desire not to communicate and that I loved her. I meant every word.

The time leading up to this letting go was painful. i deeply grieved the times we had shared, the fun, the friendship, the laughter, and her sweet and kind heart. One day, however, Archangel MIchael – the angel of truth and protection, who loves us all – showed up and said to me quite simply, “How long do you plan to suffer? Isn’t it time you choose to love yourself in this too?” His words woke me up. He was right. While there was so much in the past that I missed, what had been going on recently was not loving or kind to me. I neither wanted nor deserved the rejection, lack of communication, and false pretenses that had gone on the last few months. I wanted kinder and more honest behaviors in my life.

The revelation was a big one for me. Many times in my life, I have chased after people who have been upset with me, trying to prove my love, my heart, and my intentions. I’ve tried to help them solve their childhood pain, often at my own expense, only to realize it didn’t work after all. So, for the first time in my life, I gave up trying to fix what could not be fixed at this time. I released my friend to God’s love and decided to love myself.

As soon as I sent the note, a great weight lifted off my shoulders. Immediately abundance started flowing, the readings deepened, my health started feeling better than ever, and all of life seemed amazing, happy, and miraculous once again. I started feeling the flow of God’s grace. It has brought a clarity to my life that I previously didn’t even know was missing.

I still think of my old friend with a lot of love. I pray for her, and trust that she is on the path she needs to be on. I have heard she is doing great, and I am too. God, in his infinite wisdom, moved us, to create more gentle and kind growth in both of our lives.

I have been rejected many times this lifetime. I have been unceremoniously dumped, misunderstood, scapegoated, vilified, and attacked. But the constant in my life is the love I feel from God and the angels. They are the friends who can never leave, the ones that always understand the purity of my heart, and the ones who constantly motivate me to be a more loving person. They’re the ones I turn to first, when I am in need. Being a loving person does not always mean we are perfect, nor does it mean we will always be nice, always please others, or always appear to be “holy.” But it does mean that time and again we can call forth the presence of God’s love within us, through our own free will, choosing to love God first, self next, and others as a natural product of the first two.

We cannot offer true love to others until we grant that to ourselves. We cannot be at peace with others’ feelings and choices until we allow ourselves our own. So when I’m hurt, I cry, rant, and rave, in private. I grant myself full expression as an act of love towards myself. It never fails… when the so-called negative feelings are flushed through my system, love follows, because always and forevermore, love is the deepest truth within us.

Challenge yourself this week to be truly loving to yourself. See how it changes your feelings towards others.

Love and hugs and a deep abiding peace,
Ann link to original article





Sophiebee's picture

Wow! This is truly truly amazing! If anything recently has affirmed my belief in God, the power of one, spiritual guidance...Angels. My goodness. I am overfilled and flushed with Extreme Joy and Rejuvenation. Thank you for Your Real love for yourself to share this writing! I totally feel like this is just what I have needed to read. and I by no coincidence...of course not!!! :-) I Have "stumbled" upon this...God knows the desires of of heart and always we are provided just with what we need. Bless your heart dear child as this has truly impacted my breakthrough. Wow! mind blowing. I most recently have been reflecting on these matters of the has been something I have struggled with internally...letting go...and truly letting love and life...light and love back into my heart mind and spirit for my spiritual growth. I have found it was not always easy that is for sure.... but goodness goodness may...The seed of hope has been planted!


I am thankful and appreciative of The Angels always always by my side...leading me...carrying me, loving me and protecting me.


Thank you

Letting Go- The day the EGO died-TIME TO WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN!

blueskygal's picture

As I read Ann Albers' post it really resonated with what has been happening lately to me and probably many of us in our current relationships.  Since early to mid-March I have noticed somewhat of a frantic, frenetic energy coming out of my partner.  He has been trying to fix and make perfect so many many things.  He has been selfish, self-absorbed and very needy.  The difference is - I totally let go in March!  I am FREE - I literally am I AM.  As my spirit and soul get stonger and stronger as the EGO died, I am noticing this EGO fight out of people - the EGO is trying so hard to survive and be satisfied.


I feel myself pulling away as I am not willing to participate in this completely off-balance uneven exchange.  I find myself looking upwards and asking "Really???  How much longer do I have to deal with this 3d world and EGO...this is so boring I am ready to move on to TOTAL LOVE, LIGHT and ABUNDANCE OF SPIRIT with all of the I AMs who are also ready to go.


I have experienced what Ann mentioned in the past - that total sadness and emptiness when you let go of a relationship but that was the EGO - the EGO was sad - not the spirit.  It was the attachment and the memories and all of that that we miss.


NOW, as we go from EGO to PURE LOVE AND LIGHT- Unity Consciouness, I am finding that my soul and my heart are not willing to be nicked away at anymore.  Its like my heart and soul are creating a force field or shield around them - they are no longer able or willing to be nicked away at by other EGOS.  I feel like I have my arms open wide and my heart and love are blasting out of me from my core - I am pure energy with no agenda - total TRUTH and LIGHT.  Because that is so pure and so GIVING, it is most often manipulated by EGOS who try to soak up as much of that purity as possible to heal themselves.  You give of yourself unconditionaly with no expectation but at some point you gotta say - "YO!  Enough is enough!  If I am feeding YOUR EGO and nourishing you - I am not LOVING ME!  I am not taking care of MYSELF and nourishing MY LIGHT BODY  when you are sucking my light for your ego.  RIGHT?  Every relationship in my life has always been lopsided and I realize that I have always been feeding and nourishing others with my unconditional love and soul.  Eventually, every one of them ended with me feeling  like a bird in a cage needing to break out - unable to tolerate anymore.  Well, as soon as you are FREE and realize this...ITS TIME TO PARTY!!!!  I feel now like I can fly without my wingsuit!  I cant wait until I no longer need my parachutes!  It feels like being a balloon

and the stings that are holding you down here on 3d earth - as you cut each one and you are finally floating it is SO AWESOME!!!


I had a vision recently.  During meditation we went into the "crystal palace" we were asked to look around and see what it looked like - totally BE.  Wow it was so beautiful!!!  It was a round room and all around were these beautiful crystals hanging in bright purple and blue and silver shining and singing ever so softly like windchimes.  It was dark in this round room except for this intense beam of bright white light shining down into the center of the room from above.  as I looked to the floor, there sat such a beautiful young innocent and pure girl with brown hair and green eyes - so pure in a white gown.  She was sitting on the floor with her legs bent to oneside and she had her arms outstretched high above her head into the light and she had an expression of acceptance and love on her face.  OMG it was just TOTALY BLISS.  I was an observer you see I was just watching all of this.  Later on, when I reflected - I realized that that little girl was me.  That was ME!  In my PURE LOVE AND LIGHT Innocence - completely void of errors, imperfections, scars, baggage, just pure white light.


I believe this is how our soul and energy body really look.  So pure, so beautiful, so much LOVE - unadulterated and total BLISS.


Let GO...Find your PURE self...that pure innocence..pure LOVE and LIGHT and be FREE of the EGO.  Surrender to the love and light.  Then do not let other egos throw barbs at your purity.  A few weeks ago I felt so alone.  Like I was slipping away from all the people that are close to me.  It was So painful going through the process of releasing the EGO as all of the other egos attacked and tried to hold on.  Now, I am FREE so happy able to soar like an eagle.


Let your Spirit SOAR for there are so many of us waiting to welcome you with open arms and total LOVE.  It's OK to let go and move on - those other souls have their own journey and we do not have the right to try to control another's soul journey - let go of attachment, neediness, LOVE YOURSELF and the rest will follow.


All my Love and Light,


Melissa Blueskygal