Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels

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Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 11 August 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we want you to think about the rainbows in your life. Rainbows, dear ones, occur when the sun shines through the rain against a darkened sky. In order to see these beautiful colors that are always present but usually invisible, you need both the dark and the light.

So too in your lives, if you are willing to shine your light of your love through the rain of your tears, and in the midst of darkness, you will see even more beauty, even more light, and even more opportunity than you previously thought possible. You will create pathways where none have been seen before. You will open up to new experiences and new growth. In every “storm” within your lives, there is always opportunity for greater light.

You have choice in every circumstance dear ones. You can focus upon the dark, and feel engulfed by your challenges, or you can say, “I have the light and love of God within me. I choose to focus on what is good in my life, what is true. I choose to focus upon what I can learn here. I choose to focus upon what is good inside of me, and even what is good inside of those who are challenging around me. I believe in God’s promise. I believe I will get my rainbow…”

And so dear ones, in bringing light into the dark, you become a greater light worker, a greater beacon of hope and inspiration for the world, and certainly one who becomes the sun against a darkened sky, bringing the promise of God’s love and the beauty of your own personal “rainbows” back into your lives. You can transform your life by choosing to love yourself and love what you can find to love around you… no matter what.

In the storms of your life, we wish you the beauty and the promise of the rainbow.

God bless you. We love you so very much.
–– The Angels
Message from Ann

Hi All,

I’ve been fascinated with rainbows since childhood. I remember feeling very smart when I memorized their colors as a child… ROY G BIV reminded me of “Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet.” I’ve seen rainbows in huge circles from the sky while flying and I’ve danced in the end of the rainbow once on a beautiful beach in Hawaii. I’ve been fascinated by their transparent ethereal and vivid colors that remind me of the colors that I’ve seen on few occasions when a human aura has popped into view. Rainbows remind me of heaven – always there, and yet not always seen. Truly they do only exist when the very bright light of the sun shines against the blacked sky. How fitting, that we can only see heaven when we shine our own light in the darkness at times.

Rainbows also seem to have the uncanny ability to show up just when I need a healthy dose of love and validation from the heavens. Years ago when I was getting a divorce, I asked for a sign that I’d be happy again and a big beautiful double rainbow broke out in the heavens within minutes. When I was sick a few years ago, and praying for comfort, again the rainbows appeared. After a massive home repair earlier in the year, I went outside to see… you guessed it, the rainbow once again! And after my recent health challenges, on the day I was celebrating my return to eating real food, there it was – a rainbow in the heavens. God does seem to take every opportunity to remind us that we are engulfed in a universe filled with love. We only have to focus on the light to see it.

I have been taught by the angels to bring light into just about anything. When I was feeling horrible a few weeks ago I chose to love myself, be kind to myself, reach out for help, and avoid beating myself up. I spent money allocated for other things on my own healing and didn’t worry about it. I chose to be honest with those around me about whom I could and whom I couldn’t serve while I was healing. It was liberating, and enlightening to deepen my adventures in self love, healthy eating, and rest even in a difficult time. Likewise with the little house fire, that could have been a massive opportunity to focus on what was wrong, but I didn’t go there. I didn’t waste a minute beating myself up. I treated myself with compassion. Wonderful people helped me. My house is going to be very clean after the next few weeks, thanks to my amazing insurance company. Again, focusing on the good, the gratitude, and the gifts, has brought many rainbows into this little storm in my life. Those opportunities are always there.

So when you find yourself in a challenging situation first and foremost, be kind to yourself. Ask yourself, “What do I need here to lift myself up?” “What can I be grateful for?” “What do I need to allow myself to feel?” “What gifts can I find in this situation.” Then look for the rainbows – the beauty and the gifts to unfold…. and who knows, mother nature may just give you a real rainbow every now and then :)

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers –
link to original article  ©2011 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved.


