The Annex Jounals : (The SOUL)

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The soul is the source by which you are constantly and deliberately creating. Your soul only knows love and can only be love. when you feel a negative emotion, that is because you are disconnected from the source that is you. Your soul can never be torn from you and it meets you where you allow it to. By allowing source guide you into alignment, you will begin to see the bigger picture. Your broad perspective will help you begin to understand that what really bothered you never really was that trivial. What is important to remember is that you are a divine being that can attract your desires and there is no reason for unhappiness or a feeling of lack. When you feel lack or unworthiness, more feelings of lack and unworthiness comes. when you look for the good, only more good finds you. We are appreciative of who you are and we only want to start helping you lean toward the direction of good feeling thoughts. A positive thought is stronger than a negative thought especially if you are in the vibrational vicinity of the more positive feeling thought. We understand in many of you that when you feel a negative emotion it can be difficult to get out of the low feeling vibration. If this agrees with you then the best thing to do is to start leaning toward the better feeling thought. If you're angry stay there for a while, but then start moving toward the more positive feeling thought. if you stay in anger you will find that the anger really didn't serve you well as the long term solution. Positive thoughts are the basic principles for you to begin attracting what you really want. As you maintain the positive high frequency, changes will occur. We are also not saying that you won't feel the after effects of the backlash from the negative thoughts from before; however, you will find that it will be less and less frequent. There will be more positivity things in your vibrational vicinity than the negativity that surrounded you before. we love you very much as we forever remain in constant and deliberate creation.

