AP Exclusive: Romney campaign uses secretive, high-tech data-mining to find wealthy donors

Rain's picture

By JACK GILLUM | Associated Press | Aug 24, 2012

AP Exclusive: Romney uses secretive data-mining

FILE - In this Aug. 18, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gets into his car to attend a fundraising event on Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012 in Nantucket, Mass. The unprecedented success of Romney to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in the costliest presidential...
FILE - In this Aug. 18, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gets into his car to attend a fundraising event on Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012 in Nantucket,... (Associated Press)

Mitt Romney's success in raising hundreds of millions of dollars in the costliest presidential race ever can be traced in part to a secretive data-mining project that sifts through Americans' personal information _ including their purchasing history and church attendance _ to identify new and likely, wealthy donors, The Associated Press has learned.

For the data-mining project, the Republican candidate has quietly employed since at least June a little-known but successful analytics firm that previously performed marketing work for a colleague tied to Bain & Co., the management-consulting firm that Romney once led.

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Drain the Banks!

drmoe's picture

Move your money to a Credit Union and help drain the banks and banksters who operate them.  Mitt has already broken the law by going to Israel for campaign contributions.


Help drain the cesspool so he and his cronies have to swim in the crap that they have put into them and try to use that to buy votes.


Do not support any bank one day more.  Say goodbye.  Take your money and put it in your mattress if that suits you, but do not support the Banksters like Bain Capital.


Join a Credit Union and become an owner and actually have a say in how your financial institution operates.


The banks are afraid of us now.  They know that we know.  They know the truth is out.  They know that Libor and other equally disgusting rate-fixing scandals are the iceberg in the side of their Titanic enterprise.


Let's all help this process together.  Let's drain the cesspool and take back the financial side of our lives.  We don't need them - they need us!  And we are leaving - in droves!!!


C'mon, we can do it.  We are the 99% after all and now we're taking charge!