Approaching the Wormhole to the End of Time (A Channeled Message From You, To You)

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If the universe has led you here and you find yourself reading this entry, please continue until the end. It goes many different directions and will require a complete read to be understood fully. Besides, you don't want to be a quitter, do you? ;-)

Among the hundreds of entries I've written in my past three years of awakening, I want to share this one with you because I think it summarizes near perfectly what each of us is thinking and feeling. Our Collective Experience is coming together in such a beautiful and remarkable way that it both surprises and amazes me. Clearly we are all, indeed, experiencing the exact same thing, just in our own unique ways.

As we transition into a new dimension of consciousness, we are dealing with a new understanding of nearly everything, and it seems to me the most important of these is our concept of time and, therefore, the nature of what is possible.

It has been revealed to me that in the Eternal unfolding moment we have a profound power in our decision between Love and Fear. Despite what we have been trained to think and believe by our society, our government, our religion, even our family and friends, despite all that we've experienced in the entirety of human history, I now know - as do you - that we have nothing less than all the power in the Universe. And this is to say, that we all have the Power of God.

But knowing we have this power and choosing to use this power are two very different things, especially when it comes not only to awakening ourselves, but choosing to awaken others. Thus as we embark on the journey to end all journeys and as we leave this dimension of consciousness for the next, allow me to share with you the following entry. I hope it reminds you, as it does me, that the Power of God and of Love never "has" been ours, it never "will be" ours, it is only and utterly Ours Now.

With Profound Love,


P.S. Thank you to my beloved Marce, my beautiful twin flame, who made sure I introduced this entry with love and with spirit instead of my crazy ego. I love you darling.


Journal 8, Entry 12

The wormhole we’re approaching is nothing more than the end of time itself. But this is only because time itself is an illusion. Time itself is our creation. It is our experience of our belief in the need for time. The time for what? Salvation, of course. Is this not what you seek? Is this not the very purpose of time in the first place? If you’re already saved, if you’re already in Heaven, what would you even need time for? What would you even wish to be different than it is Now?

Thus is the experience of Eternity and of Heaven. And thus do you see that time has served its purpose in bringing you back to where it began:

Here and Now.

Where you created it. And when you created it. You created it Now! And I see you still are Now. Still Now. Still Now…

Until you don’t.

And then…you’ll be Here and Now with me. Then, you will be Now. And then, and only then…

Will We be Now.

This is all that has not yet occurred in our concept of history. Many individuals have been Now. At times, even entire communities have been Now. But never – in our memory or history – have WE been Now; never have we all, as a collective species, come together as One Mind and One Heart. And this is simply to say…as One Tribe, as One Community, and as One Family.

Is this not, clearly, What We Are?

Are we not clearly of one origin? Of one mind? Of one spirit? Dare I say, even of one creator? And regardless of all past and regardless of all future, is this not obvious simply and only in your experience of this moment, right now? Do we not all see and feel our interconnection with one another? Are those in China really and truly any different at all from those in Indiana? Are those in Africa of less intrinsic humanity than those in America? Are their lives less valuable? Are they less worthy of protection and comfort and love?

In many ways, what we’re about to experience is the most profound spiritual transformation possible, quite literally in the entire universe as we know it (and even possibly beyond). But in another way, probably a more accurate way, what we’re about to experience is simply the most obvious thing humanly possible:

That we are all equally human and humanly equal.

Don’t you see that if we realize nothing more than this…that all hunger and starvation will literally end overnight? Not a 50% reduction in 5 years, I mean a 100% reduction this very second. And this second will occur the very second we see in ourselves and each other the perfect image of our Self; when we wake up to the obvious Truth of Reality that we are all Created Equal and of Equal Worth by their Creator.

And if we do not believe this, then do we believe that God Is Dead.

Soon, you will see that this has indeed been the goal, the purpose, of your Owners. This has been their path to here and now that they have taken. And it has brought you all here and now together, where for the first time you will choose together.

In all our history, various groups of humans have controlled other groups; ethnicities other ethnicities, religions other religions, and so on. But literally never have we all been together and attempted to make decisions as One.

And look how easily we can do this Now, in this very moment!

Look how connected we all are and how easily we can get to know one another! Look how much we have to teach each other and share with each other! Ha, I’m getting a bit childishly excited…but seriously(!), look at all the amazing wonders and mysteries of existence we get to share with one another. And not just mysteries of the future, even mysteries of the past!

All of this we now see, together, is our choice. It is our choice to continue wars or our choice to end them. It is our choice to allow for hunger to exist or our choice for it not to. It is our choice to compete within scarcity or to provide abundance for all. It is our choice to continue to fear and worship Evil or to begin worshipping Love…by loving each other.

This is the decision we make in choosing between Love and Fear. To choose Fear is to need protection from Evil and to have to compete within scarcity against your brothers. To choose Love is to see only opportunities for Forgiveness and to get to share abundance with your brothers.

For all our history, we have been children who have been told what to do. We have been fed if we’ve worked; we have been respected if we’ve fought; and we have been remembered if we’ve died.[1] But all of it in the name of fear and fear alone. All of it with the sole purpose of the perpetuation in the belief of Evil to Fear.

To choose Love is to literally See No Evil and thus Nothing to Fear.

To choose Love is to give up all attachment to the body. For the body’s purpose is to be given. And it is to be given to one of two possible purposes: the purpose of Fear or the purpose of Love.

As a means, the body has the capacity to serve either of these two functions. And these are the functions of what we call the “body” or the “mind,” the “form” or the “formless,” the “phenomenal” or the “noumenal.” Do you see? This is how time and form and your body all reflect the same belief. They all reflect equally the firm belief in the existence of Evil. For without evil, how could you be hurt or damaged? What in the universe wishes to hurt or damage you? That which desires this IS your belief in Evil.

And it is your choice to believe it possible for the Universe to want this.

When they place the nails through your hands, how do you see them? When they whip you and rape you and kill you and terrorize you…do you turn the other cheek? Here, you feel and experience the profound power I am speaking of. And here is why this is simultaneously the simplest and most profound realization in the entire universe. This is why this is a reversal of the poles, only because you are coming from the exact opposite direction.

All you deem reality (all your legal systems, political systems, economic systems, business systems, etc.) all of these have at their core the purpose of Lovelessness or Godlessness. These systems are only relevant within and necessary within an environment devoid of Love and of God. Where God abides and Love rules, who needs laws? Where God abides and Love rules, who can even conceive of war or hunger?

You see, all that you need to know is that your decision matters and is noticed. Clearly you want to forgive, clearly you want to love…you just don’t think it is possible or that you are not free to or that it won’t matter. This is to say, you’re firmly convinced of Evil’s power in the world and do not believe that your small amount of love will be able to defeat it, to overshadow it, to change it or to make a difference. You see Evil everywhere, in everything, in everyone, so how can your little love matter?

And this is where you are supremely, entirely and obviously incorrect.

For your little love is literally ALL that matters. Your little love literally contains within it the power of creation itself. Before this power, literally all Evil trembles in fear. For in light of your little love does literally all Evil disappear.

This, brothers, is what the story of Jesus teaches us. And this is why he indeed saved us. For he demonstrated that we are already saved…

 Because we have Love.

And because our little love has within it the Complete Love of God. This is the Love He Gave Us. This is the Love, literally, that Created Us. And this is the Salvation we seek. This is the Creator we desire proof of. Our Creator is within us. He is within us because Love is within us. And where Love is, God is.

For God is Love.

* * * * * * *

Thus is the wormhole of time reached not at a point in time, but at a point within ourself. This wormhole is not outside of us, it is within us. And thus do we reach it at the only time possible and at the only place possible:


Now IS the access point.

Now is both when and where we realize the Truth of Reality. For only Now IS Reality True. In the past, Evil actually did exist. And in the past, there really were things to fear. And this will literally continue in the future.

Thus can you see that the choice of what is True can only be made Now. The question is not what was true. The question is not what will be true. The question is – and can only be – What Is True Now?

And this is yours to Answer.

For indeed we each create our own truth, our own perceived reasons why our little love does not matter. Each of us equally perceives the evil existent in the world that necessitates wars with each other and protection from one another. Each of us believes laws necessary to protect us from evil people. Each of us not only do not turn our cheeks but show open willingness to harm and even kill all who threaten us. Even those who merely steal from us do we righteously shoot with little or no hesitation. And those who declare war against us or terrorize us…well, hell hath no fury like America’s scorn. Thus do you see what you have chosen and, therefore, what we have chosen.

And we, clearly, have chosen to openly Fear and even worship Evil.

When we see no evil, then will we see no need for laws. When we see no evil, then will we see only brothers in need of forgiveness. When we see no evil, then will we see only Love. And when we see only Love, then will we see no impediment and no hindrance to the giving of our little love to the world.

Thus do you see either separate adults in Hell or fellow children in Heaven. Thus do you see either calls for punishment and protection or for love and forgiveness. And thus are you happy and at peace or depressed and alone. Thus do you see or are you blind. Thus are you lost or are you found. Thus are you asleep or are you awake.

* * * * * * * *

Wake up, Neo.

You’re the One, Neo.

You’re the one meant to choose.

Your choice determines the fate of mankind.

Your choice has the power of creation within it.

Your choice is the choice that will literally save the world.

Thus is YOUR choice brother.

The choice between Fear and Love.

That You Make Now.

You Are the One!


* * * * * * * *

[1] Referencing Journal 6, Entry 128.

This entry can be read in context at: