Apr 20 2013 El Morya ~Ascension brings along her Global Changes ~ by Méline Lafont

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Copyright © Picture from Méline Lafont: New Zealand

April 20, 2013

El Morya


As a token of my appreciation I will put your mind at ease with the new energetic changes occuring on Planet Earth. There’s a lot impending at this moment and the new sprouts outgrow their stump forcing their way through the soils of the earth to bring forth marvellous fruits for which you have toiled so hard.


Much room has been made for massive renewals and enrichments in order to obtain a planetary shift into the Light. The shimmering sphere of golden Light shines down on you now and lets her astonishing energies descent in this regal valley where for centuries the dark has ruled supremely. The light is offered to you to enable you to see again in the dark nooks and crannies of your Being and of your planetary Being so a thorough approach and a resolute presence of the Light can be made possible.


This timeframe is called enlightenment and has to do in part with the appearance of all the dark facets that have ever ruled in your Being and on the Being of Gaia. Everything is scrutinized and thoroughly purged till a new green leaf of hope, life and birth emerges. A birth results after the transformation of all the old and void into all things new and enriching. You will be reborn into a pure and marvellous white light that is reflecting your consciousness and that shows itself as a magnificent new Being.


When everything is reborn, a new paradigm of Light will emerge in which only the Light will rule and exist, in such a way that there’ll be no more darkness because darkness and Light are one and complement each other in such a way that only the Light remains, as the result of the two having merged together. The Light can never be extinguished, it can only remain hidden behind a large mass of gravity. That gravity is the density and the duality, it is the world in which you have lived for centuries.


As a token of my love and respect it is my duty and my honor not only to support but also to delegate all further terminations leading up to enlightenment. My beloved Presence is duly known by all of you as the Master of the first Ray, which contributes a lot to all of you together with the angelic kingdoms of Archangel Michael.


The one most important for your Presence is your own Being and your own inner world (heart). Currently we are present on your prevailing level in the heart and have always been present with you in this world of Being. I myself, El Morya, Kuthumi, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, Lady Nada and Sananda, Quan Yin, Melchizedek, Hilarion, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Mother Mary, Maitreya and all the Masters and the Archangels of the Order of the Light assist you massively on a daily basis through a really powerful level of our presence. We do this to support you all and to lead you to your own enrichment into your true Self.


Precious matters are about to unfold for all of you although many hearts do not always consider them as such. EVERYTHING implies a lesson, an experience and a creation in the actual life leading up to the activation of your inner Self. EVERYTHING leads up to your journey into your inner Self and into the lingering in your inner world of Being. EVERYTHING is you and everyone, it is just experienced, digested or accepted  in a distinct and personal way.


Remaining in your own truth and your own heartfeeling is absolutely important and the current matters will play an important part herein to lead all of you to this conclusion so that it also becomes your action. All the current matters on your present world are non-existent because it is a created Illusion that comes from the creation of holographic aspects. From the standpoint of reality they are naught and form a reality only in a person’s head and thoughts if the brain makes the choice to take this reality as truth.


So the choice is up to all of you what you will consider your own reality and what not. This is now the order of the day and is an ongoing matter which might bring a lot of confusion. The DNA templates have started their journey to full activation and bring with them memories and activations pertaining to previous lives in parallel worlds and dimensions. Everything will again become one great mass of energy, your Being.


Afore-mentioned activations are forming a new way of Being whereby the world all of a sudden is viewed and understood differently. Souls are travelling on a middle course into a parallel world of their real Being, where their own inspiration and their elementary consciousness gives rise to a huge change in this world in such a way that EVERYTHING abruptly no longer fits its own picture. Rest assured, my beloveds, that this will bring you back to your real places and that a lot can keep on occuring on your old reality until EVERYTHING and everyone notices, knows, understands, integrates and embodies this.


With my most heartfelt wishes and my Love for this new era that is unfolding, you are amidst the most important phase of this wonderful life lesson and dito process up to Global Ascension.


Master El Morya


Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/  and http://lafontmeline.wordpress.com/
