Archeia Lady Faith and Archangel Michael ~ “Be of One mind and One Heart”

Blue Diamon's picture

Beloveds we bring you a joint message through our grounded One. Lady Faith and I, Michael, wish to congratulate you on your progress so far. It will only get better and more exciting from here onwards. The forthcoming Lions Gate energies will lift your vibrations and that of the collective sufficiently for you to notice the difference in each other and in the collective as a whole. If only we could show you what is awaiting you Beloveds, you would be astounded!

Let go of any unwanted negative energies and keep yourselves focused on that which brings you the utmost happiness and Joy. Let go of negative thoughts and words and concentrate on the positive from here onwards. There awaits a magical world for you.   Soon you will see the changes you have so long waited for. Your dreams are important now. Decide what it is you wish to experience in your new world Dear Ones, and make it your intention to see your dreams come into fruition. You have so much power already, if only you would use it to manifest your greatest desires right now. There is nothing you cannot do, if only you would BELIEVE. Belief creates FAITH! Trust in us and trust in yourselves Beloveds. Remember you undertook this journey with full knowing that it would not be easy. Only the strongest of you were chosen to be here at this time. Gaia depends on you and we have the utmost Faith that you will succeed. You have far succeeded our expectations already!

Know that where there is darkness, you can bring your Light. Cast your ever brightening Light into the shadows Beloveds, and stand together to be of One mind and One Heart. We are ever near you and we await your call for help should you need us.

We are Lady Faith and Archangel Michael.


Copyright © Debbie Erasmus. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given:



How wonderful this sound to my ears,,,,,,,again

David Porter's picture

Blue Diamond, please allow me to remind you, in the case that Ron did channel He that he claims.

You wrote: "If only we could show you what is awaiting you Beloveds, you would be astounded!"

We are all eager to be astounded, but so far it's all been a NO SHOW??? Just more words of urgency to do what exactly for us? Please, don't be shy, tell us why?

Ron Head w/AA Gabriel and Michael: Posted 6/9/13 "We wish you to know that that which you have worked for so long, and with such dedication, has now commenced. You have been informed of this from other sources, as well, and we confirm for you that this information is correct. The freedom, abundance, prosperity, and total transformation of your world, which you have prayed for these last thousands of years, and which has been incomprehensibly denied you, is now to be yours."

Very similar words that we have heard from the alleged Arch Angel Michael last year and the preceding years from other alleged channels.

PS: What happened to Archeia? Nice tone to this name, from whence doth it come? 

This Light that is IN FACT shinning, is shinning upon us all. "Disclosure" is ALL inclusive. And for those that come out to play in it, the spot Light is on them, in this case, you.

David Porter

Author of the series