Ascension symptoms, a brief timeline of my journey so far.

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all, I thought I would post a brief timeline of my journey and the symptoms of the process of ascension that I have experienced. 

1994- Had an intense out of body experience in which I met my higher self, the Mother and my higher selfs family. I was shown many things about pivital moments in my soul's journey in the past and what was to come in the future, I was shown that I was a part of something HUGE and it was all about Love and I had a contract to fill. "I will in a future post talk a bit more about this experience". I was never told that I should share this story, only that the whole experience was a gift from the Father on the behalf of my higher self and the Mother.

1994-1997- was a period of searching for others who also had a simular experience and cause for existence. During this time I explored many groups and pseudo teachers calling themselves way showers, I am sure some of them were just that in their own way. However I found none that could here my story without dis belief telling me that it most likely was a frabrication of my mind, I think they were jeleous, why should I have an experience like this and not them. I got dis enchanted with the who "new age" movement, it was the same back then as now, we were told all we need to do is "this", but there was always more that we needed after the first was a fail... I knew in my heart all that was needed, I would try to share this, but it was to simple for most to accept.

98-08 Dis enchanted and disgusted I just slipped back into auto pilot set on ignorance and lived my life as a normal person, got married, had kids etc. I grew more and more depressed as time went on. Then in the fall of 08 I became ill for days I puked dry heaves and sweated heavy but according to the doctor there was nothing wrong, or it was just a common flu, I knew this to be different. At this point I was very depressed, I was not enjoying life and felt I was an actor protaying a normal person. This was the start of one illness after another that continued into 2010.

09-10 After a bout with the swine flu in the Nov. December came and I had the first of my headaches, this was no normal headache or migraine it lasted 5 days. This headache was something, as another recently shared, mine was very simular, like lasers and lightning creating new pathways in my brain. I was in the bed the whole time, pain killers had no effect, I though I might die, yet I knew it wasn't time yet. Then came the intense dreams where it seemed I was cleaning house in all the dark areas of my being. More sickness and dreams leading to my second 5 day headache in may of 2010, this whole time I felt like I was dying. Then I came across a post from a doctor lady who said in her posts that if you have been going through sickness and feel like you are dying, relax you are not dying, you are experiencing ascention symptoms...I welcomed this and accepted the fact that this is what is going on with me. That post also connected me to the now vast number of people that are going through what I have been in my life! I was excited and my fire was burnning once again. Thank goodness for the internet! Then in july of 2010 I had a extra vivid dream where a ceremony and celibration was goin on in my honor, it was hosted by very old beings that looked like children, in which I was told I must be a child again and my acceptence of this was marked by me peeing my pant's in front of everyone...LOL However after the dream I no longer lived with my darkness, I was like achild again in many ways. All my past vices were no longer a part of me. Since then no more headaches, no more bad dreams, no more sickness other than a cold going around my kids school.

10-11 With new spark and vision, I have been sharing what I can to help others release the chains that bind them, I prefer to do this behind the scenes, I have little ego if any and really don't want attention or recognition, I share only when compelled to by Love. I prefer that if others share my posts that they do not include my name, I seek no status or fanfare.

2011 has been a very intense year for us, the Love waves have been so exciting and welcome, August things started to heat up and the Love was amplified, past blocks have been removed, the clarity of intent and the lack of resistence in meditation and prayer has been intense for me. Then along came the 28th of oct. Since then I have been in a constant state of Love for all Life with fits of bliss and uncontrolled laughter from the intense mentholated pressure tickle in my solar plexes and then heart.

Here we are now in this moment and how wonderful it is! Relax all, things get better and things are on the move! Graduation day is at our doorstep! 

More to come in future posts! 

In Loving Oneness <3 


Please excuse my typo's, I

World-Bridger's picture

Please excuse my typo's, I realize upon reading that I screwed up in a couple places...ah well.

Great post

Rebeccaa's picture

It is great to hear your story. I think it is awesome to share so others feel connected and not alone in this :-)