Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation challenges new Shell tar sands mines

cocolove77's picture


source: sarah small

Published on May 19, 2013

Indigenous people living downstream from the tar sands explain in their own words why they are saying enough is enough.

Shell Canada is proposing two new tar sands mine projects in northern Alberta, Canada. From the perspective of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations (ACFN), whose lands will be affected by both Shell mines, governments are not fulfilling the promises of Treaty 8. This has led them to file a challenge to the Jackpine Mine proposal under section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.


Producer/Directors: Eriel Deranger and Melina Laboucan-Massimo

Videographers: Eagle Claw Thom & Zack Embree

Music: Meander River Dene Drummers

Recorded and engineered by: Taro Hashimoto & Curtis Cardinal

Additional Music:Dexter Britain "Into the Electric Fields" "Together in the Empty"


Athabasca Chipewyan.....

Ra-Raela's picture

This is happening all over the planet, not just in Canada. Everywhere oil companies have set up shop, the water gets polluted, wildlife gets poisoned, plants die off, and the earth gets poisoned. I just heard something on NPR our public radio station, that this happened in Lousiana. All of us, who drive cars are in a way responsible for this. There are very few people who only drive all electric vehicles, which are not being created as fast as they should and are not very well supported, although it is starting to get a little more support. The car companies do everything they can, to suppress anything that would keep them from making a profit, of course. It's like the plastic bag dilemma. They voted down removing plastic bags from grocery stores, the argument being, that too many people would loose their jobs. Never mind the environment. I say put those people to work cleaning up plastic bags from the environment, and then create bags that don't pollute. People are bull headed about accepting change. The world can be dying around them, and they will still complain about "loosing their jobs". Folks, when you're dying from a polluted environment and your children can't live on the planet, jobs won't matter much, will they?!