David Porter's picture


Proof of ascension in progress just in: 

I was at Price Chopper standing at the service counter after shopping and heard a disturbance at one of the many ck-out counters. I looked over to see. A clerk that was sacking, I’d say about 50 years of age, muti-nationalities, was speaking rather load saying, “I LOVE MY JOB, I JUST LOVE THIS JOB AND MY STORE AND I LOVE YOU,” as he looked at the couple he was sacking for. They were in their late 80s at least, he told them he loved them and It didn’t seem that he knew them and seemed as though he’d never met them? She put her arms around him and hugged him saying, “we love you too,” speaking for her husband wearing hearing aids in both ears.


I’ve not been witness to this nature of behaviour for a while but am now seeing more of this and the “pay-it-fwd” kind of things taking place here now. I am begging to like this planet. This is getting funner~

“The only thing that can grow is what you give your energy to”

May you live long and prosper




shelly's picture

thats pretty awsome!