Be of my teaching's, world unity maintaining earth's from upheaval (level of duality=deceptions)

Mario's picture

From the divine beigns of light that is gatered here today to these teachings will be the stabilization of new earth the fall is of complexity and was expected and is to rise again. Will be time for our information from beyond to attain sustainable amounts of joy after the meditative state (frozen or hardened by cold) Goosbumps/primal instinct's. This is building up energy around earth from one of the Tree's to the other's. Meaning conecting together unity and looking at options that are deaming down to best outcome for our mother earth GAIA Will dematerialize and rise to 5th dimension of 88 reality's and earth will merge all reality's together as is and uplift dematerialize and from a new withing big bang. We will have evolved and attain world peace for next thousand's of year's.


To acknowledge is better than to go into emotions of lower frequencie this is for mass population when we die we either go to god creator and is therefor conected of earth's energie's from core. One with all or all stolen all within one of reality's or parallel dimension's in eternal eyes know as the void where we see roaming endless sea's of souls=other dimensions=energy consciousness working on other plane's attained by quantum crystalization of dmt from impact befor death they are roaming endless seas and need to be rendered to god creator core at peace from interaction with to gain more neutral pull of inner core and attain stability. And if we stay in body The (3's) we can acknowledge those light beign of the dead and put them to god again for the cycle this will be of great joy for them and for ones walking within the void on physical earth of 3rd dimensional plane. We will call upon them within frequencie of tone/beat of higher joy intact with GRinD we will come and help dark an light conscious beings as they are of need of the purpose of life.


Before walking upon the void. Only acknowledge them they are here to help and can be changed to neutral energy. The deception's are from corruption of self negative beings of confusion and cause deception's though patterns and will be more harmful in the rise but with TRUST and JOY=AMAZEMENT we are able to go beyond conection of 3rd dimensional physical mother earth enfilled beings of new born reality is to be of divine plan that is deaming down to rise further more.


The deceptions are to be acknowledge and of amazement ask higher self for guidance as some of you are born to primal instinct's. Perceived and acknowledged do not puzzle the mind only watch and acknowledge until final crystalization of body with drink of water at time of heart stopping. Can drink water when frozen or harden by cold if states of neutrality attained by no awareness of creational compaction of option's will not notice any signs of the sense's we will be working in conection this will be the shock for (3's) in meditive state of DEEP primal instincts and working on creation's like this. On night of 20th. attained by 2 or 3 days up with alchemic state for the ones not in shock meaning ones working on staying alive this is for further stabilization's. Tank you and remember dying is the exit point if we die we must be of neutral on the other side and watch as universe's form not dying is the neutral energy field kept from one to another primal instincts. After you attain exit point will be harmless and enter core at peace to maintain earths rising from upheaval and energetic magnetic field.


Must go for more alchemic as options become less aparent will come wright in future. Thank you

If questions arise will be gracefull of knowledge to obtain enlightment for positive energy and neutral ones will be working with instincts everything hapens for a reason. Peace be with you Namaste.



These are sympathic

Mario's picture

The meanings are conventional for a gradual intake of information gathered at zeroing energetics from a grading bond of awareness foremost surreal in extents of telemetry forming at the poles for abrupt passive means of a singularity in the consciousness forming advents to a crystallization in core bodily constructs (Consciousness) Becomes the norm for acceptances in neutral fields of energies and a conceptual remap of the acquired energetics are a similar aspect to a co-creative attribute between some masses of humanity... The mentioned parts above have been corrected fall backs symetrics are diligent in aquaintences for a remap trough galactic inheritages... These are singular points for a quadruple effective means of a developpment in individualizations within this level of consciousness... The formation is describing the forms at play here as for the networks? Are compelling from beliefs gathered at sounds in expansions.


The accomodations

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They are gathered for a round up of events in individualizing components for a crystal clarity or consciousness... The forming attributes are selective in re-uptakes in individuals at gradual bonds of awareness forming telemetry... It is casual in causes performed at a zero point grid when we are in alpha to beta, theta and delta grid ratio formations for cryptons to take advents in misuse of this information... You see the time is nearing for a recollection of data in controversial means of a detachable amount of my info conceptualizing thoughts of undivided basis within the genome and its functions. Deceptions are core bodily constructs at play once they are finished forming the pathway for individualization of systematical new earth realities... The grids are advancing in a contemplation foremost the acute symphonic reasoning is not at a precise momentous flow to symbiotic means of developments in sines or rimes conforming within 3'e's..

Devotions will be gathered accordingly

Mario's picture

The selective timetables will be monumental in efforts to bring about a singular stopping point. The catch is simplifying the means for what we termed survival? They come from a symbiosis. New Earth realities are in actuality merged within the cosmic fabrication of consciousness as divine will, intelligence takes part in the known meanings for subdividing aspects of choices in quantum formations, or energy vortexes. Acceptance is clearing remnants for a causation in adepts.. The fields are expansive in natural laws... The contending beliefs will be what sets this feed free of time, rimes, dimes.  What sets this free was means of survival (A bounce back) You see the accommodations are selective for bringing back an awareness to past individuals, they have create a means to advance a singular concept instead of a multiplying forms of awareness between masses of humanity... Velocity is paramount they do not want this to be accomplished as a fleet to a selective few, are individually giving feedback in accordance to fractals at play... They just seem paramount but in actuality they have formed means for survival (Acute bonds of symbiosis) You see how beliefs contends to a simplifying aspect in undivided basis for accommodations, they neutralize aspects within the creations to augment individual feeds pertaining to life events created at zero point energetics, the acute symphonic bonds of interplanetary consciousness. They carry attributes formed at point on energetics crystallizing human genome for activations trough vortexes, information gathered at zero point energetics. The simple term is that we are going to have a reversal sometime soon... Do you see where I am going with this? It's forming advents to accustom individuals in their paths for gathering a higher consciousness. They will see in time. They were adepts in a neutralizing attempt to re-locate the fall? The simple outputs of information from concise means of gathering a surmountable amount of perspectives above the original awareness being played out. Systematical means of achieving a higher grid experience... The Universe is a function, it serves a function of something greater than itself, compartments are created in this greater self, the universe is one of these compartments... Undivided basis are coextensional quantumary loops for a selective means of adapting new fields of energy in a time that has past long ago... A time that has bypassed a re-selection in searches of words producing* means of conventions*. They simply put terms in means of advancements within the consciousness.