~ Behind the Scenes Events are Preparing for a Mass Awakening

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Not only is the energy Heating Up, we are are honored to be participating in some events which will for once and for all be cutting the food source for the denser energies on the Planet, making it easier for a Mass Awakening. As Each Being wakes Up, the Higher Grid On the Planet Lights UP, assisting the Light on the Planet. Its Getting Exciting, and Love is in the Air. Love Mother and Father God and the Earth Allies

Infinite Waters – THINK For Yourself – Question EVERYTHING…Starts NOW!


Uploaded on 3 December 2012 by Kemetprince1 Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations!


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Heart Song for December 4th 2012


The Heart Song for December 4th 2012 is Speak To My Heart


Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit
Give me the words that will bring new life
Words on the wings of the morning
the dark night will fade away
If you speak to my heart

Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit
Message of love to encourage me
Lifting my heart from despair
How you loved me and cared for me
If speak to my Heart

Speak to my Heart Lord
Give me your Holy Word
If I can hear from you,then I'll know what to do
I won't go alone, I'll never go on my own
Just let your Spirit guide and let your word abide
Speak to my Heart


Love Nageeta



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2MIN News December 4, 2012



Pubblicato in data 04/dic/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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SophiaLove – Zap!



SophiaLove – Zap! 

3232532It is our third day.  We are on a Quest for truth.  This is not a simple thing; it is the only thing.  In lifetime after lifetime, you’ve come here searching.  Your search is over.  Your heart holds what you’ve been craving.

You reside in a field of love.  Your very base programming begins there.  It is the spark of each other that joins you.  Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own.

When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred.  It is you that has stirred your own soul.


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Jamye Price – December 2012 Newsletter – The Energies Of December



Jamye Price – December 2012 Newsletter – The Energies Of December 

auroraheartswirlNovember Review
That was quite a November.  Good in many ways, but certainly not without challenge.  That’s been a theme of 2012.  It’s a 5 year numerologically, so a lot of change was to be expected.  November was no different.  The 11/11 was more difficult this year for many.  Though it was an influx of Light, its intensity actually led many Lightworkers to days of adjustment. 

We transmuted a LOT of negative energy around the 11/11 and many Lightworkers experienced this as fatigue and depression for about 3 days before and a few days after.  Due to the Scorpio alignments we were assisted in removing some deep second chakra issues.  I’m shown it as a belt (not necessarily a chastity belt, but that can be an energetic effect of Scorpio clearing) removed from the collective body, especially allowing more energy to flow from the back of the second chakra.  This is a signal of taking our history into a state of forgiveness and transmuting it into wisdom.  When we do that our past becomes a support system rather than a ball and chain.  What a great gift to have lower back support!


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Heavenletter #4393 Is Moving On to Be Mourned?, December 4, 2012


Heavenletter #4393 Is Moving On to Be Mourned?, December 4, 2012 

God said: 


Remember that there is no loss. All that ever was is still somewhere. Nothing is ever lost. A loved one may not be in sight, and yet no love is lost.

In the material world, you may mourn for the loss of a loved one and, furthermore, when you leave your body on Earth, you care that no one will be left to remember your loved one, and a time will come, when no one remembers you either. When you are feeling this way and bemoaning loss, what comfort can there be for you?

Even for your precious animal friends, their loss to you is devastating enough, and, furthermore, that no one, no one else has a recollection of their love. This is sad for you. No one loved them as you did. They never meant as much to anyone as they meant to you and mean to you now.

You do understand when I tell you to let go of the past. You are a river flowing. A stream of life flows, and the river does not mourn for the shores past. It was beautiful where the river flowed yesterday, and the river keeps flowing. The river is satisfied in having touched the shores it did. The river knows that the beautiful shores are still there. And the river has other shores to pass through.


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The Morning Blessing 12.04.12



The Morning Blessing


This arrived for you early this morning. XOXO Rev. Angela ;)


Memo From Higher Self:


You are in charge of birthing all you desire through your beliefs, through your engagements of energy, action, and thought!



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Natalie Glasson – Expression Of Love For Ascension By Your Beloved Guides



Natalie Glasson – Expression Of Love For Ascension By Your Beloved Guides 

Natalie_Glasson_Twelve_Rays-130x230We wished to bring forward our communication as a group consciousness with the ability to share personally with you. It is at this times that many activations within your being are occurring, some activations are of old and ancient sacred energies resurfacing like a golden serpent within you to provide knowledge and wisdom, while other activations are like a crystal clear well of water bathing your being to promote clarity and clear vision into a new and light filled present and future.


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Thanking Spirit for a New Day


Yesterday was different for me. I questioned my sanity, I mean really questioned it.

I knew in my Heart that even though the world said I was just a speck of lint, the Universe said something different. An, when one realizes some of the heights of the Heart and Soul, it is a little unbelieveable. 


Yesterday I was reluctant to talk cause I might say something dynamic or profound which, is normal and yet not normal for me. Most of the things I say, I AM used to saying them only to myself, for, who was there to listen must less believe but myself.


I went on one of my "it dont matter" binge eating sessions. But, this time, I did not feel hopeless. I actually felt vindicated. I felt free, just, I guess, self inflected injuring myself. It felt good to eat those cookies, it really did. Even though I should not have done it, I did not beat me up as usual for doing it.


I also began to question this place. My ego said, "Nageeta you dont know them, they may be full of it, just stroking your ego, you just that little ball of link, remember??? This is serious for you and play play for them. Your back in a cult girlie." THANK SPIRIT ALL THAT IS/WAS AN ILLUSION. Gongolay. 


It was even hard to sit and talk to my Twin Flame, I actually did not see him in the chair, just an empty chair. More cookies.


hehehe I can laugh at this because I see myself growing up.  Yes, little Nageeta was very much in "rare form "yesterday. hehehe.  This morning, she has once again taken her place in back of the ship, sleeping soundly, sick of cookies for a while. When she is being nice and quiet, I allow her to sit and listen.  She needs to take a long nap. hehehe



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TODAY'sQUOTES 12-04-12





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How to Navigate the Upcoming Changes


We have crossed the first of four big portals in December, 12/3. The next are 12/12, 12/21, and 12/30. 


Hold on to your hats!


Here is some advice based on intel from Cobra and around on the internet. I went to the Laguna Beach Conference, and he has permitted intel to be shared from that event. All 'Yoda' series blog post titles are based on information--a lot of it--that was presented by him.


For the changes: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/12/trust-yourself.html






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Awesome Pillars Of Light 2012 HD


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Visionkeeper – The New Drugs For 2013



Visionkeeper – The New Drugs For 2013 

beauty-dreams-hope-joy-love-peace-favim-com-102302(picture by www.favim.com)

We are creating a whole new world so we might as well create a whole new line of drugs to take the place of 3D toxins. It will be handfuls of love and beauty and dreams and hope and joy.

All wonderful things to saturate our bodies and minds with, making for a whole new way of living. What fun it will be to live from this whole new perspective! We have already begun to live this way, and that is how we will manifest our future, we are giving it a trail run so to speak and it seems to agree with most of us. Everyday a new story comes forth about somebody being kind and thoughtful and compassionate to another. It was rare for us to express such things so now when we do when they become headline news. How pathetic, but happening it is and that is my point. We are growing into our love and putting it forth.


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Sirianisches Mutterschiff fliegt mit der ISS 2012 12 02 19h26m25s


Lightship at ISS


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Laura Bruno – Gillian Grannum – Numerology Fascinates Me



Laura Bruno – Gillian Grannum – Numerology Fascinates Me 

laura brunoSometimes people ask me to go more in-depth with certain topics than I feel professionally qualified to do. Although I know a fair amount about astrology and numerology, I don’t by any means consider myself an expert on either topic. Medical Intuition, Past Lives, Energy Movement, Reiki, Synchronicity, creating new holograms for healing: no problem. … But I would say I dabble in astrology and numerology, rather than having devoted decades to profound study.


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report, December 4, 2012




1964 - India, near New Delhi. July 3. This excellent photograph was taken by legendary Billy Eduard Meier, famous for his many still frame and moving pictures of UFOs.

A self-proclaimed contactee, he is a very controversial figure in the field of Ufology, with opinions ranging from hot to cold on the nature of his involvement with aliens from other worlds, and the authenticity of his work.


Source: UFOcasebook





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Quake Watch/7.0 +/-5 Possible


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Help! Frustration With "tinyurl"


Last night, I had a wonderful conversation going with someone whose "tiny name" started with "angel...." . I can't remember the rest. I was waiting for her answer to one of my comments, and then something happenend, that has been a problem with tinyurl for a while for me, now. It disconnected me. When I tried to get back on, it gave me the message of: " This username already exists, try another one." Urgh! I couldn't get back on. I even tried switching to from Firefox to Google. No luck. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know the remedy to this problem, or why it happens? I to appologize to you, angel......  and want to continue the conversation, if possible. 


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Gaia Integrated 12/3/12




Gaia is unique. She holds genetics of

wildlife, fauna, oceans, and skies that create diversity.

Her feelings reflect soulful

aspects of seven billion heroes.

Holding space in a duality so extreme,

enormous range of emotions are experienced

unlike anywhere else. Only brave souls are here.


Energy waves burst from the galactic center

pulsing awareness and creative codes to the stars.

Helios smiles and his vast system becomes lighter.

Gaia’s collective awakens.

We remember we are in this together. 


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The Pleiadian Council of 500 ~ The time for hiding out has come to an end – channeled by Debbie Erasmus


I AM Peter from the Pleiadian Council of 500 and I come today to you through this channel who has kindly agreed to serve as my channel for your last days here in this dimension.  I want you to know that I have never left you nor have I forgotten about you.  I have so much I want to share with you so let’s start.
This channel has been through the most difficult time of her life but she has survived and picked herself up, dusted herself off and she is ready again to face the last of her days here on Planet Earth. She will complete her mission here as it was given to her by the Pleiadian Council of 700 with whom she serves and this makes us immensely proud of her. She did not do this alone however, we were there to help her and guide her every step of the way. I’m telling you this little bit of information about her because I want you to know that we are there helping you and guiding you in the same way. We have never left you, nor will we ever leave you until you are safely back home with us.
Some of you are going through what you might call the worst nightmares of your life and some of you are losing hope that it will ever end, but I want you to know that it will end, and soon. Your journey here in this dimension will soon end beloveds. You will all be applauded for the work you have done here and the time and effort you have given to your mission here.  Our beloved Gaia and her people will applaud you after your Ascension. 
I want to stress also how important it is not to give up now when you are so close to the finishing line. Your work here is almost done. You have just a little bit further to go, so please don’t give up.


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~ Stop The Press~ Staff Meeting at 10:30am Pacific All Are Welcome



Greetings Love Being, We will Be Having Our Weekley Staff Meeting today All Are Welcome! We will Be discussing The December EVENTS!

You Can Join US Live at This Link:





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With purple casts on legs, Bootsie the hedgehog is healing


Animal Tracks By Mish Whalen, TODAY

Jeff Moore / Splash News

There is something uniquely touching about an animal wearing a cast, and Bootsie the hedgehog is no exception. Some kids in London found the young male struggling along with injured feet. Happily, Bootsie is now being cared for at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in England, which calls itself the "world's busiest wildlife hospital." For an injured hedgehog, there is no better place to be than Tiggywinkles, which treats more than 10,000 animal injuries per day free of charge.

It turned out that Bootsie had two fractured front feet. Tiggywinkles founder Les Stocker said, "Bootsie was found walking on his knuckles because his wrists were injured. We reset the wrists and plastered the legs and he now has a shallow food bowl to make it easier to eat."


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Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer Without Side Effects



Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer Without Side Effects

By Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

The medical science is strongly in favor of THC laden hemp oil as a primary cancer therapy, not just in a supportive role to control the side effects of chemotherapy. The International Medical Verities Association is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five ite


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Spread awareness of a powerful cancer cure!


Many readers here are well aware that there are medicines inside cannabis which is a medicine as it is in whole which cure cancer completely, both killing cancer cells and creating new cells. 



Here is a wonderful to read article detailling just how powerful this plant is. 

For those who are wondering, medicines invented by the western pharmaceutical paradigm, when they work, rarely cure. For example, a man can drink soda his whole life, get diabetes, and be told it is genetic, and be given a pill for the rest of his entire life. 

Cannabis oil eaten not inhaled however actually fixes a terminal disease. That is a real medicine. It is not toxic, it is not addictive, it can be used to wean off and detoxify deadly and pointless pharmaceitcal substances, and unlike chemotherapy which seems to be "state sponsored genocide" replace state with whatever the truth is, wealth elites? Corporate greed ? Both ? SOmething of the sort at the *very* least, 

Now, think of it this way, a plant, with no side effects, whose *high* can be dosed to be as mild as a few cups of coffee or one or two beers, can heal ALL the pain of an "incurable" disease, as well as cure it, with no side effects.

any way you look at it the criminalizatoin of this and other profoundly useful tools is an evil we cannot bear to allow to continue. 

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WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Publicly recognize the scientifically proven and incredibly powerful cure for cancer and other serious diseases!




Publicly recognize the scientifically proven and incredibly powerful cure for cancer and other serious diseases!


sign the petition http://wh.gov/NWqD


We the people are fully aware that a scientifically proven cure for cancer exists.

We demand massive overhauls to the medical and health care system to get medication and treatment into the hands of people not private and malicious organizations who have only greed in mind.


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Benjamin Fulford: Many ‘Elite’ Falling Mysteriously Falling Ill



Ben Fulford: Putin, George Bush Sr., Saudi King Abdullah and Venezuela’s Chavez all reported ill during same week; Big oil involved

Posted on December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012

Last week there were a flurry of reports, all officially denied, that George Bush Sr., President Vladimir Putin of Russia, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and President Cesar Chavez of Venezuela were all suffering from serious health problems.



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The battle of ego vs. love


The battle of ego vs. love

Inside every human being, two opposing forces battle against one another: love and ego. Each has its own agenda, suggestions, and ideas, and they are almost always opposite. It's up to us to choose which we will allow to govern our lives.

Here's how this battle plays out:

The force of love

Love draws us toward the good. It moves us to be kind and sensitive at all times, and it admonishes us when we are unkind or neglectful. It is not manners or upbringing, but the force of love in us that makes us feel so uneasy with being angry, rude, reactive, jumpy, or paranoid.

Every heart is sensitive to love's requirements. Even if no outer voice called on us to love, we would call on ourselves. Our conscience is love's voice speaking from within.


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Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of December – 3December2012


The Golden Age Daily, December 3, 2012 by Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman


Enlightened Life

We’re in the final stretch of a very long journey, how do you feel? For some, there is relief, for others, disbelief that we’re already here. We have done so much and yet it feels like there is so much yet to do. Can we really be so close to the December 21, 2012 date and still feel like our journey has accomplished so little? But if we spend our time judging what we think has not been accomplished we are ignoring the more profound question — what was this journey supposed to look like and who said it should be so? Is it possible that we are exactly where we need to be, at the perfect time?


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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 3December2012


The Golden Age Daily, December 3, 2012 by Love Reporter Angela Peregoff


Angela Peregoff

This week Gaia taps into the ruling universal energies of manifestation and intentionally works with the vision she has for herself. Being part of her physiology means that we, too, begin a move in the direction of self-motivation, self-expansion, and conscious decision making.


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Birds At Night


Birds At Night

Where Do Birds Go At Night?

By Melissa Mayntz, About.com Guide

Sleeping Bird

Most birds sleep at night.

Larry Lamsa


Birds can seem to be everywhere during the day, flitting among trees, foraging on the ground, visiting feeders and perching on every available stick, post or wire. But where do all these birds go at night?


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Sarah-Jane Grace – Monthly Astro-Forecasts December 2012 – 3December2012


The Golden Age Daily, December 3,2012 by Love Reporter Sarah-Jane Grace

Sarah-Jane Grace

The Planet Whisperer


Message for December 2012

Welcome back. As wave after wave of shift continues to lap the shores of our souls, there can be no denying the shifting sands and the changing shape of the landscape that we find ourselves in. Everything is changing on so many levels, and whilst it can be hard to keep up with it all, at the same time, there is a growing sense of stillness emerging from deep within as we become One with the change and open up to consciously living and being in the present moment.

There is an air of excitement and anticipation in December as events such as 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 are upon us. There are many theories and ideas in connection to what these cosmic events will mean for us, and whilst it is part of being human to want to understand what’s happening, at the same time, it is important not to get tied up in knots trying to make sense of it all. Shift happens and we are all a part of that.


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Husky Photobombs Like A True Professional (PHOTO)


Huffington Post Good News Posted: 12/03/2012 9:29 am EST Updated: 12/03/2012 2:29 pm EST

Via Buzzfeed

Every time we think we've seen the funniest animal photobomb of all time, a Redditor comes along and one-ups them all.

This week, it's a very enthusiastic Husky pup that steals the show. Just check out his or her amazing photobombing skills below and let us know if you see any other hilarious animal photobombs that we should feature!

To view the rest of the story visit Huffington Post Good News


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Lightships, Motherships from galactic federation of light at ISS


Here you can see Lightships, Motherships from NASA-livestream.






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The Changes are Upon us~



 Written By Earth Ally Will Harader


Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with corporate greed and the governments that protect the corporations at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.



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Russian Far East holds seismic hazards that could threaten Pacific Basin


Source: University of Washington - 12/03/12, By Vince Stricherz

For decades, a source of powerful earthquakes and volcanic activity on the Pacific Rim was shrouded in secrecy, as the Soviet government kept outsiders away from what is now referred to as the Russian Far East.

But research in the last 20 years has shown that the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands are a seismic and volcanic hotbed, with a potential to trigger tsunamis that pose a risk to the rest of the Pacific Basin.

The 2009 eruption of Sarychev Peak in the Kuril Islands.

The 2009 eruption of Sarychev Peak volcano in the Kuril Islands was captured in this photograph from the International Space Station. (NASA)


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12- Primary Sun Disc's Activated


The 12- Primary Sun Disc's have been Activated, awakened,  allied with all Master Crystals for use.




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In a first for India, 10-storey building built in just 48 hours in Mohali


A Mohali-based real estate company has succeeded in creating a record of constructing a 10-storey building within 48 hours.The building was constructed using pre-fabricated steel structure technology. Three cranes were pressed into service to assemble the pre-fabricated roof and walls, which were prepared in the factory. The pre-fabrication took three months in the factory.


Source You Tube


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5.8 magnitude earthquake rattles Anchorage, Alaska


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/04/12

Anchorage Alaska

December 4, 2012 – ALASKA – A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck off the coast of Alaska on Monday, close to the city of Anchorage, rattling buildings and knocking bric-a-brac from shelves, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The tremor, initially reported as a magnitude 5.7, struck at 4:42 p.m. (8:42 p.m. EST) 25 miles west of Anchorage, the U.S. Geological Survey said.


The quake, relatively shallow at a depth of 33.1 miles, was widely felt in Anchorage, according to Guy Urban, a geophysicist for the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska. “Some people in Anchorage said some things fell off the shelves,” he told Reuters, adding that the center was unaware of any severe property damage or anyone being hurt. Quakes of similar strength are fairly common in Alaska, one of the most seismically active parts of the United States. –Reuters



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The manuscript of survival – part 232



The manuscript of survival – part 232



 •December 4, 2012 • 


The tension is waxing and waning, as you all feel the pull from the vortex you have entered. In many ways, it is just like entering a black hole, and you have just passed what is referred to as the ”event horizon”. In other words, there is no turning back now, and even if this concept might feel a bit challenging, it is only the first stage of a wondrous process that will deliver you safe and sound on the other side of this monumental vortex of energetic change.

But just as in a black hole, there is no way of literally seeing anything ahead of you, as it seems that every last drop of visibility is sucked away from you, just like the light particles entering the mouth of said black hole. But fear not, this is not about disappearing forever into something that on the outside might seem like an abyss. Rather it is indeed like entering a set of interlocking doors where you cannot see what is on the other side before you have passed them both.


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Typhoon Bopha hits Philippines, killing 27 people and destroying homes


CNN.com - Jethro Mullen, 12/04/12


  • NEW: The death toll from the storm is now 27, the country's official news agency says
  • The storm has churned across the southern Philippine island of Mindanao
  • It has set off a landslide and blown away fragile houses, officials say
  • The typhoon comes almost a year after a storm killed more than 1,200 people on Mindanao

(CNN) -- An intense typhoon thumped into the southern Philippines on Tuesday, destroying homes, setting off a landslide and killing more than two dozen people, authorities said.


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Earthquake swarm reported at California’s Coso Volcanic Field


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/04/12


December 4, 2012 – CALIFORNIA - An energetic earthquake swarm centered beneath rhyolite domes in the Coso Volcanic Field (CA) continues, with over 20 earthquakes ranging between M1 and M3 so far today. Many smaller events (hundreds) are recordedhttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrjaotHVRw1tTYblIu0giktB2gXtJCBq015y8U_LoHkKeQycxn

 as well. The swarm initiated on 27 November and has included earthquakes as large as M3.7. The Coso Volcanic Field is located in Inyo County, California, at the western edge of the Basin and Range geologic province and northern region of the Mojave Desert. The Coso Volcanic Field is one of the most seismically active regions in the United States, producing dozens of tremors in the M1 and M2 range each week.



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British Army Shuts Down For Christmas


THE British Army has been ordered to take an extended 25-day Christmas holiday or “work from home” in an attempt to cut its gas and electricity bills.

In a move that former military commanders say is unprecedented, a leaked memo from a general says all military and civilian personnel in land forces — amounting to 110,000 men and women — are to take “block leave” for 25 days from December 14 until January 7.

Full story.... (thesundaytimes.co.uk)


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Malabar beach glows blue following red algae invasion


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/04/12


December 4, 2012 – AUSTRALIA – After the eastern beaches coastline resembled the Red Sea last Tuesday, the “night lantern” visited Sydney’s Malabar beach that evening. These photos have not been digitally enhanced – in fact, photographer Dr David Psaila said the water was an even more spectacular color blue than that shown in these images, the Southern Courier reports. “The organism responsible, Noctiluca Scintillans known as “night lantern” is very aptly named, as it will luminescent a bright blue when it is disturbed by waves,” he said.



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125-Mile Traffic Jam In Russia Keeps Drivers Stuck For Three Days (VIDEO)


The Huffington Post - 12/03/12, Cavan Sieczkowski

Traffic in Los Angeles and New York City pales in comparison to the 125-mile backup in Russia over the weekend.

On the highway between St. Petersburg and Moscow, a traffic jam stretched 125 miles and last for three days, CNN reported. The two cities are the country's most populated.

To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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Jill Renee Feeler- Ascension/Upliftment Insights And Support – 4 December 2012



Uploaded on 3 December 2012 by beacon4lightworkers



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Lightship from GFoL flight with ISS-2012-12-02-17h43m12s


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Third storm in five days wreaks havoc on U.S. West Coast


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/3/12

Blasting out of the Pacific, the third and most powerful “Pineapple Express” storm of the week swept over the Bay Area Sunday morning, dumping heavy rain on a region already soaked to the roots and reeling from power outages and flooding. “It’s a mess,” said CHP Officer James Evans. “We’ve got flooding everywhere.” The triple whammy toppled trees and power lines, snarled traffic, caused accidents on slippery roadways and cut electrical power to about 297,000 customers in the region, including BART riders who were stranded on subway cars during a harrowing, one-hour outage early Sunday morning.



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Latest Earthquake Activity - December 4, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in Southern Alaska

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


December 4


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thanks Bill


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Video Dream Log - Dec 4, 2012 - Sun Staring Soul Teleportation



Pubblicato in data 04/dic/2012 da SKULLBABYLON


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Astronomers go infrared to map brightest galaxies in Universe


PhysOrg December 4, 2012

Astronomers go infrared to map brightest galaxies in universe

A 3D projection of almost 300 galaxies in the census in the same part of the sky. The third dimension shows how many billions of years back in time we are seeing each galaxy, determined by observations from the Keck Observatory. At top are images from the Hubble Space Telescope of five galaxies in the census. Credit: ESA-C. Carreau
Phys.org)—A group of astronomers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the U.S. Mainland, Canada, and Europe recently used the twin telescopes of the W. M. Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, to conduct a census of the brightest, but until now unseen, galaxies in the distant Universe, bringing astronomers one step closer to understanding how galaxies form and evolve.
 To read more visit PhysOrg


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Lisa Gawlas – Surf’s Up and We Have a Fancy, Speed Accelerated, New Surf Board!!



surfs up


Boy, December wasted no time at all making itself Known, well, that really should say the energy I call December.  I sat on my couch on the morning of December 1st and I was watching earth open up in a way that so took me by surprise.  It had all the elements of the cube that was in the movie Hellraiser (for those not familiar with that movie, I embedded a clip of that cube scene below.)  I just sat there and watched as it moved, opened, shifted, changed.


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Three earthquakes jolt eastern Taiwan


Focus Taiwan - 12/03/12


Taipei, Dec. 3 (CNA) Three earthquakes shook Hualien in eastern Taiwan early Monday, with the strongest recorded at magnitude 5.1 on the Richter scale, but there were no reports of casualties or damage, according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).

The magnitude 5.1 earthquake hit at 1:45 a.m., centered 7.5 kilometers southwest of the Hualien C


To read the rest of this story, visit FocusTaiwan.tw.


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Späherschiffe(Scout Ships) der GFdL im Vorbeiflug bei der ISS am 2012-08-20-17h37m16s-NASA-ISS


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Calder 'Red Nose' Lithograph Bought At Goodwill Worth $9,000 (Video)


Huffington Post Good News


Calder Red Nose Lithograph

MILWAUKEE -- "Red Nose" just meant a reindeer named Rudolph to Karen Mallet until she bought a print by that name for $12.34 at a Goodwill store in Milwaukee. It turned out to be a lithograph by American artist Alexander Calder worth $9,000.

Mallet's good fortune is at least the fourth time in six months that valuable art has turned up at Goodwill, where bargain-hunters search for hidden treasure among the coffee cups, jewelry, lamps and other household cast-offs.

To read the rest of this story and view the video visit Huffington Post Good News


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A Different Perspective On First Contact~


 Cloaked Ships Hanging out Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader

By Earth Ally Will Harader


I'd like to dispel any preconceptions about what First Contact looks like. Humanity has dreams of enormous Starships flying through the atmosphere, and forever changing the Earth's relationship to the Universe at large. I'm not saying this isn't what it's going to look like, but that's only one aspect. For many people, First Contact has already happened. In fact, for a tiny portion of the population, Contact has been happening for thousands of years.


The Extra-Terrestrial Beings aren't so alien as many people believe. They've been visiting Humanity for quite some time, but people have had many different words for them. They've called them angels, djinn, devas, tenshi and Ascended Masters among other things. Recently, there's been talk of cloudships, Starships that take the form of clouds, but is this really something new? The angels were said to live in the clouds, the genies (djinn) rode around on clouds, and you can find many more references of angelic beings coming from or living in the clouds if you search through the various cultural mythologies. In many of the recent reports of Contact with Extra-Terrestrials, these glowing Beings come down from the sky. This is another pattern you can see repeated all throughout history.



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The Merging of Time with the Higher Dimensions: Council of Angels and Archangel Michael


The Golden Light Channel ~ Higher Frequency Information from the Angelic Realms for the Golden Age upon the New Earth
By The Golden Light Channel 


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Lakota - The Star People ( 2012 ) * A Message For All Of Humanity *


~ May the Creator bless you all with health and happiness ! ~


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December 2012, the Age of Aquarius & the New Earth



• Several significant dates upcoming in December

• Numerous cycles ending & beginning synchronized to our ascension

by Scott Mowry 

For more news stories see our News Archives

The movement toward the Golden Age continues to progress in full force mode on planet Earth as we near the end of the magical and majestic year of 2012. Can you believe the year 2012 is almost over? In fact, the human race is now in such a heightened state of evolution it has defied many of the prognostications and predictions previously anticipated.

Make no mistake about it. 2012 has been a year of monumental change and accelerated awakening unprecedented in all of human history put together. This awakening process is only going to increase and get better and better as we venture into 2013 and beyond.

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Stone Builders, Mound Builders and the Giants of Ancient America | Jim Vieira


3 November 2012 | Vieira's research over the last 20 years has led him down a bizarre road of intrigue and mystery surrounding the races and built structures of Ancient America. Vieira has compiled thousands of accounts of giant skeleton reports from the New York Times, Smithsonian Ethnology Reports, American Antiquarian, Scientific American as well as town and county histories to make the case that the history of our past has not only been deliberately covered up, but is vastly different then what we are told.


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It is the will and decree of your Creator, and it will be by Ron Head






We have spoken through all of our trusted channels about the clearing of your old fears and hurts, dearest friends.  And yet, even though we know you have seen these messages, we see you continuing to identify with the situations that these energies bring to your attention as they arise.  These things are not you.  It makes you feel stressed, sad, and helpless when you see them as part of your selves, part of your lives.


Realize, please, that this is no longer so, and in fact, never was.  These are but experiences that you have had, lessons you had chosen to learn.  Let them go.  They are arising now simply for the purpose of lightening your load, so to speak.  Allow yourselves to see that they are not a part of you, and let them go into the light.



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12-4-12 Bill Ballard ~ To the New Waves of Person Awakening Now ~ Follow YOUR Heart


Published on Dec 4, 2012 by pearls2u

Many persons are just waking from the religious sector into the Ascension process and being guided by others trying to control and manipulate them. I have seen this occurring and was discussing with a dear friend last night with what she is witnessing too. Incoming messages directed to me show this is occurring too. The key to ascension is turning inside, to your OWN HEART, finding YOUR OWN MESSAGES and LOVE, and focusing on that. Ascension is just that simple! No diet, No Ceremonies, No following this person or that will get you there... ONLY YOU HAVE THE ANSWERS YOU NEED! Its all about LOVE, your thoughts and perceptions that create or remove your own limitations! Beware the Ascension BS you may believe imposed by others! LOVE!



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Oracle Report - Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Leo

Darkness continues to lift as something from the past returns to be brought into the light.  Today's energy carries a revision of some element of the past that will be carried into the future.  This could be a change of heart, a shift in attitude, the recovery of something that brought you joy, rewriting an old story of your life, or rediscovering something important on your vision quest this month.  All in all this causes a shift in formation.

If the past comes back to you in a way that you don't like, before you turn away consider if there is a lesson there that will help you now.  You may not want to look, but remember that this is happening today for a reason.  As we descended like the phoenix during the last moon phase, we sloughed off anything that no longer serves our highest and best.  So the energetic effects of anything from the past that we were carrying around were burned off.  Now all we have to do is recognize this.  If we continue to carry it is only because we are attached to it in some way in our minds.  The energetic elements no longer exist.  We carry it only if we somehow want to carry it.  That means it's on you if you continue to keep it around.  The Sun, Gaia-Sophia, and the other divine beings in the Galactic Center are totally transforming energy fields and it is a great gift.  Holding on to lower energetic frequencies while higher spiritual frequencies are entering will only make us miserable.  It sounds cliche to say leave it behind, but truly it is a matter of choosing to do so.  This is a time of vibrant new beginnings, not a time for holding on to what is outworn.

We're continuing on our quest through the last day of the Third Quarter Moon phase and this means we hold anticipation for what we will find by then.  It's still in progress, so don't give up if you feel like you aren't on track.  You are.  Trust the process.


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Archangel Michael ~ It is up to you if you choose this time to return to your true Self. – channeled by Debbie Erasmus


I AM Archangel Michael, Archangel of Peace and Love, and bringer of the Light. I come to you this day through this channel who has agreed to bring my messages forth with a level of clarity that is rarely found. 
My message to you today is simple yet profound. As you get closer to the Ascension portals I spoke with you about the other day you are also getting closer to becoming your true Selves. I bring to you today a short introduction to your true Self.
Your true Self is that part of you that remained behind when you first decided to incarnate here on Planet Earth. It is the essence of who you are, your God Self.  As you near the Ascension portals I spoke of before you will start to merge with your true Self. This merging will bring about a new level of consciousness within yourselves that will astound you. 
You will start to remember who you are and where you come from right the way through to the origins of your being. You will know how to do things that you previously thought were impossible. Your level of wisdom will shoot sky high as your brain starts to function at full capacity. Your DNA will start to upgrade to that of a higher dimensional being and you will find yourself capable of doing things you previously thought impossible.
This level of consciousness is available to all who choose to go through the Ascension portals in the next coming weeks. Your Ascension is the key to your return to true Self.


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Spirit Science for Consideration “The Shift of Ages and what might happen in 2012?!




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