Breaking News Spaceship Sightings Witnessed by Hundreds Over Myrtle Beach August 26, 2012

Lia's picture

More Amazing Footage shot by Joe Kiernan North Myrtle Beach,S.C. dusk around 8pm of what looks to be a Mothership hiding in the clouds! Also notice the small Object Disappear as it Zooms Underneath the Unusual Lights! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype! To watch more of Joe Kiernans Videos Click Link!



astreia's picture

NICE one!

How very beautiful she is!!!

Doreen Smith's picture

How very beautiful she is!!! She's brilliant!! She's amazing! Like diamonds in the sky!

I love the guy taking the video..he's so amazed..I would be too! Woohoo!!! He's reacting and talking like I would think everyone would, seeing a brilliant dance in the sky like this..Thank you our dear brothers and sisters!...I'm applauding...Yea!!.. Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3