Buckle Up, Change Is Easier Than Imagined, Tough, But Easier Than Anticipated

33Nicolas's picture

Like many the idea of facing the unknown of offer tougher than actually facing the unknown. It can take years and sometimes decades before we can get past a block like that.

Meeting the real us within is often traumatizing. Well, at least the idea seems daunting until we meet ourselves and realize we had nothing to fear but fear itself. In many ways, the Covid-19 pandemic is forcing many teaching moments in our societies. While billionaires and wannabe leaders fret at their dwindling fortunes, for the most part, we're doing OK.

But the teaching moment isn't quite here yet. After 56 days of restlessness, people are walking out. The local Ralph's, the western version of Kroeger is letting everyone in, no more waiting in line outside anymore. It's funny to think about how many years WWI and II lasted. How many years did the Spanish Flew pandemic last? 56 days might seem long but it is nothing with what our mothers and fathers went through.

We are asked to review our ways. We are asked to balance our expectations. We are given the time to go within and ask the simple question: "What do you need?"

As for me, I always felt I was born differently and am different. I always love the idea of a more just and balanced society. I love watching Star Trek and resonate profoundly when thinking about how their society functions. It is time to stop and think, just think. It starts with something as simple as that.

After that, we can then meet us within. We see that the idea of the unknown is far scarier than the actual unknown. We finally see that life does work well and that despite life's seemingly unjust tribulations, the Universe was just and gentle with us. Our reactions might not have been but the Work is just and well done.

Meet me inside. Me has been waiting for you for a long time. Come and meet your best friend that has always been, me within.