Caro ~ Are You Ready For Some Real Life – Unplugged?

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 ~ Are You Ready For Some Real Life – Unplugged?



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March 25 2012

Good Sunday to You!



by GLR Caro


I hope the weather anywhere else is at least as beautiful as here. I send you peace, sunshine and a smile

Let’s jog on (I just needed to incorporate this expression which I love, I find it very funny. I think you do not use it in this very context, but hey, we are free right?)

When I sometimes talk to my awake friends, I hear phrases like “Oh Dear, I hope I will not lose everything when the system fails/breaks down”

People, and this includes lightworkers, are afraid of what could happen.

Let me ask you something…

Do you possess something for good? I mean, in this illusion, held together by our thoughts…

Didn’t you already almost lose your freedom? I mean look around you, cameras, smart meters, smart phones, more “security”cameras, police states, false flag “terrorist acts”, media, education formatting your children to small robots, a very redoubtable health system, Monsanto, medication, microphones in the smart telly, google-dee-woogle watches you too… I am just asking, aren’t we about to lose what is the most precious?

These are facts. Whereas fear of loosing something in the future, is fear about an eventuality.

Let’s remember that we co-create. The energy we give out, is coming back…

We have unlimited forces and consciousness, the universe says yes. So what are you afraid to lose?

Why do you fear?

We live in the Now. We do not know what happens tomorrow… But we know that we can create whatever we wish to create. If it is for our good and the good of others.

Instead of being concerned if you will be able to keep the house, you might want to unplug from the Matrix and live.

We should all start very seriously with a lot of love in our hearts, to create a new wonderful reality. This is our mission. Raise the energy level and “glide” softly into the new dimension. Do you really believe it can be ‘worse’ than what happens here? I mean seriously, look around you. Not wanting to be negative, but is this the “fun” holodeck program we play here? I doubt…

I think it might be time for a change. Only by conscious unplugging, by becoming more and more fearless every day, we can make it happen. It is from within.

We know what “the few” are doing. There are so many courageous lightworkers having exposed the truths, they have been ridiculed, they/we are called “conspiracy theorists”, there are associations of scientists who took the risk and went public about so many things that happen, they lost a lot, but continue. They uncover the truth in any area concerning human health, pharmaceutical industry, food, HAARP, FDA (and all their equivalents in other countries). They all continue, they are not afraid anymore, they know and sometimes they pay with their life… Bless you all, courageous soul beings!

So, we are aware of what is happening. What are we waiting for? It is time to take our responsibility back. It is also time to be honest and realise that there is no “fault”. We allowed it. We participated in letting it go quite far, I would say. We were so busy trying to survive, trying to ignore, trying to make more money, trying to party and feel good because we “made it”… we were so concerned with our job, neighbors, family, divorce, separation… Then we blamed the others, because it is not our fault, is it?

So, today we woke up, we are wiser and we become wiser ever day. Good. First step done. Next step please.

Yes we take back responsibility and yes we need to change within, so that the whole collective changes. There is nobody who will save us. We are Superwoman & Superman. So stop to fear, as we are so incredibly strong and able to do anything. I mean, look at what we hold on to, look around you! This is our collective hologram. Bugger, if we are able to stick to this “duality nightmare”, we are super able to create the most beautiful, the most peaceful reality.

I admit, there are some outside enhancers, so that we stay in 3D. OK. But now imagine, what we are able to do once out of this Matrix? No more outside poisoned food, medication, telly… Imagine, once we are in total consciousness, in total confidence with ourselves? Once we remember … So, why are we afraid of anything?

Do you want to unplug from fear-zone and have a life in peace or do you want to worry? Yes or No answer.

I am aware that it might be easier to talk, when one has lost “earthy security” constructs such as job, flat, partner … I don’t say let’s all become poor and meet on farm in the Alps and become yogis! No way, this is not my intention. I love my clothes, my sofa… I can just share my co-creation experience, which led me living with less. When you lost your “existence” and you get it back, you know how to enjoy it. And even before the “it is back”, you do an experience, and maybe you don’t believe me, but it is totally liberating. This is my personal path. There are eons of ways to get where we need to go to. everybody has different patterns so sort out.

We are here to experience matter, to ENJOY matter! Most of the people don’t experience, they merely enjoy it. They run behind it, many walk over dead bodies to get there, some work so hard that life passes by and they never really lived. Others need to survive, find food for their children’s’ supper the same evening.

It is like with everything in life: the more we hold to things or persons with a firm grip because we are afraid of loosing it/her/him, well the more likely it is that exactly this happens, or we create a disease or both. Love, joy IS. It is free. Live and let it flow.

Remember, we are very strong. We create our reality. Also remember that we are never confronted with situations we are not able to deal with. Never. No matter how “big and frightening” a situation could be, it is always doable. Just see it as a learning process. Don’t judge it. And not only we can get over everything, we also learn and are really happy afterwards.

We are able to understand, to live and to feel all that. We woke-up.

So, please leave the cable unplugged. In general the cable is unplugged because of some shot-circuit in our life. At one point some fuses burn, cable smokes then falls out of the plug. What do you do? Try to put it back in? Noooo!

Back into a Matrix, a program of illusions? You may, until the next short-circuit… Remember a cable can be long, but it always has an end. You can walk free for a while within the system, but you will always come to a limitation.

Why don’t you leave it where it is, I mean once it’s out? We have our DNA connected to the universe, our heart being our most faithful guide. We can finally listen to them, we do not need to fear anymore. Life finally starts.

As I write I feel the force we all have within. I feel it is becoming stronger and stronger every day. More and more people remember, look at the cable and seriously, cannot even understand why the heck it has ever been plugged in. Shaking their heads, rolling the cable all together and put it away. I really feel the Matrix becoming less strong. It is not able to follow to the next dimension, hence the cable, you may float a little, but your are not able to fly to the next level.

So, yes, I believe in myself, I remember and learn each day more. It is a learning process, and there are days it is harder. There are times when I tap into this beautiful energy which connects all of us. Try it. I then sing in my car, talk to all of you, telling you how much I love you and that I am happy.

Come on everybody, stop to fear, sleeves up, there is a lot of work waiting for us. But it makes us feel alive, doesn’t it? And look at all these wonderful persons we meet.

Let’s throw our old cables away, maybe there is some recycling bin for them

Very much unplugged Love,

Caro /ecs73

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