Cellular Expansion through the Super-Electron

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Children of the Sun's charity to Earth is in ensuring we form global Group Avatar... empty of self and one with coherently connected, ascended and free Divine Consciousness. We serve for the fulfillment of the highest potential of all Humanity and the new I AM Race on ascended Earth.

Cellular Expansion through the Super-Electron


Created through the supreme archangelic field of energy referred to as "Metatron", the Super-Electron is a life activating pattern from which all other electrons of manifestation are derived. Its perfected pattern establishes that all creation will manifest with the unifying principle of Divine Coherence through the activity of the electrons.

Radiating from heart-mind of Mother/Father God, the Super-Electron can be visualized as the master energy container enveloping all life within our Universe. It is likened to a pulsating gating mechanism controlling the light levels on many layers of consciousness all the while creating and maintaining the inter-connectivity between all particles of energy within the entire universal light continuum.
This means that programs in motion can return to their source of creation, or, connect into other programs already in motion. Each star, planetary body and every human being is a nodal point of energy vibration within this gigantic Super-Electron unified field. Every single minute particle of creation exists in Divine Perfection!

Creation has just experienced what happens when a free will human race misqualifies the perfection of its electronic  patterns through the thought and feeling apparatus. As chaotic as our stupor under the veil may have seemed, we have never ever been separate. It is impossible due to the eternally cohesive activity of the Super-Electron through our individualized flame of the God Presence within.

At this time in our evolution, all misqualified electrons from  our many human realities and timelines are now being gloriously redeemed. In this redemption process, human beings are being resurrected like tiny magnets spinning at increasing velocities of light in a grand return to the master program.

Simply put, the Super-Electron is our golden chariot HOME. Within our own bodies, this master regulator lives deep within the chamber of our heart and sustains the eternal three fold flame of  Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power. This living sacred fire of God's Presence maintains connectivity with our earth body, our light body, our higher mental body and the electronic body of our I AM Presence, the Supreme Omnipresent Self.

It is this deep chamber within our heart that we are activating through the activity of the Super-Electron to assist in resurrecting ourselves into beings of Love's Divine Magnificence that we truly are. Further, we are activating our next level of cosmic consciousness awareness as a Group Avatar of magnificent servitude to the evolving human race upon our ascending Earth.

We are inspired to begin a daily practice of consciously and rhythmically connecting to our great Love Flame, the electrons comprising our human body and the entire holographic electronic overlay.  May we affirm Divinity in all things and continually qualify every thought and feeling with the power of Love and God Perfection. This is one of the surest and quickest ways to realizing  our Supreme Self  and greatest human potential!

For more information on the Super Electron
See the book, "The Keys of Enoch", Key 3-1-8
from Father-Mother God, Metatron and Enoch through J.J. Hurtak


Unlocking the internal Hall of Records

We are quickly transcending our limited consciousness to realize our sophisticated human physiology which houses a supreme genetic code. Every single cell within our being contains a coded Divine Blueprint with potential for a greatly expanded multi-strand DNA framework to emerge.
Through the influence of this Cosmic Ray transmission and the infusion of electronic light, the atoms within each of us can potentially spin at increased frequencies to greatly awaken our multidimensional memories and unlock the internal Hall of Records stored in these quantum levels of our DNA.

As we unfold the awesome gift of who and what we are as supreme biological beings in form, our avatar abilities will naturally unfold along with a vastly expanded perceptual framework to both our planetary and cosmic existence.

This internal sacred knowledge may only be opened by those of us who have self mastered the limitations of a polarized reality and can remain in emotional detachment at all times. 

No matter our level of awareness or conscious understanding, everyone can be greatly quickened by this activity through mere "linkage" to our ascending group consciousness and interlocking group merkaba.

We are New Earth Consciousness Programmers

Many of us who are currently awakening to and integrating these levels of cognition are seeding unfoldment of the expanded DNA template on mass scale. We have often been referred to as "First Wave" ascenders.
Part of our purpose as the seeded programmers is to plant into the planetary Crystalline Grid matrix this new energy framework as we are directly experiencing and assimilating this reorientation within our own bodily harmonic, subconscious and superconscious sensitivity field.
It is the transmission and transference of "integrated experience" that is far more important than the mental understanding.

