Change In Perspective

E Dawn's picture

This comes from a more "new age" perspective but yet at the same moment the new age concepts are uncovering truths that have been hidden from plain sight for centuries.

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega are the Father-Mother God for every soul in this universe and they preside over the twelve hierarchies of the sun. These twin flames are the highest known individualization of the masculine and feminine polarity of the Deity, and also the most humble. their flame is anchored in nature through the forget-me-not. Alpha personifies the God flame in every heart as the Father principle. Omega personifies the God flame in each heart as the Mother principle. Before coming into physical embodiment, our souls went before Alpha and Omega and pledge our service to life in these matter spheres. We can meditate on our Father-Mother God by giving the eight-syllable mantra, I AM Alpha and Omega, and visualize each syllable unfolding the eight petals of our secret chamber of the heart chakra, in a clockwise direction.

Helios and Vesta

Helios and Vesta are our divine parents in the heart of this solar system. They abide in the very heart of the sun, and serve with the solar hierarchies The predominant quality of Helios is illumination and the predominant quality of Vesta is truth.

The Ancient Greeks knew Helios as the Sun God and the Romans worshipped Vesta as the Goddess of the Hearth. In Rome, a temple was erected to Vesta where six priestesses called vestal virgins, tended thee sacred fire. Vesta also directed the Temple of Truth on Atlantis, where Pallas Athena served.

The God consciousness of Helios and Vesta regulates the activities of the sun and sustains our physical solar system and they guide the spiritual evolution of each planet. We can visualizes the solar flares coming from the sun as direct light emanations from the heart of Helios and Vesta, impelling us to raise our consciousness to new levels of love, wisdom, divine empowerment and self-awareness that bring our planetary home closer and closer to solar awareness.

It has been prophesied that earth one day shall become a sun. This is the goal and vision that Helios and Vesta hold for us, in the ongoing transcendent evolution of planets, sun-systems and galaxies.

In the book Man, his Origin, History and Destiny Werner Shroeder writes, “Love is the key. Through love, Helios and Vesta projected forth every planet at just the right distance. Through love every galaxy is held within its orbit as it rushes through space with lightning speed toward a destiny only known by the Godhead. After Helios and Vesta decided to become God-Father and Mother of our solar system, they had to prove, through the directing of light rays, that they could radiate enough concentrated energy to first create a solar system, then to maintain its planets in a certain orbital position, and to sustain life thereon.

Helios and Vesta passed the initiation; thus Alpha and Omega vested them with the authority for such a system. The first fiat issued by helios and Vesta was, “Let there be light.” through thought and feeling, Helios and Vesta determined the size of the planets, their location, and the number of life streams that would abide on each one. When the light pattern was completed, Helios and Vesta placed the blueprint into the hands of the Cosmic Silent Watcher, who accepted the responsibility of holding the immaculate concept for each planet until the time when Helios and Vesta would designate the externalization of each. The blueprint contained the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, lands, trees, shrubs and other vegetation, the mountains and the atmosphere for each planet.When the time for the creation of the earth was at hand, the cosmic silent watcher turned the blueprint over to its planetary silent watcher. The name of the Earth’s silent watcher is Immaculata, a feminine being.

Helios and Vesta are determined to bring earth into a golden age. They have asked us to call upon them, especially when we are dealing with conditions of evil in the world. We can give the fiat, “In the name of my mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, in the name of Jesus the Christ, I ratify the judgment of Helios whereby the plug is pulled on the seed of the wicked.”

Now taking this into consideration you have a different understanding of the two different realms that each spirit flows through on their journey to incarnate here upon this Planet. This get's rid of the concept of cosmic ignorance and instead shows that EVERYTHING was planned perfectly as is. I was sitting in a Methodist Church the other day and saw the symbol on their alter it was a triangle overlaid with the trinity knot with the Alpha and Omega symbols. Being me I got bored and drew it and then reversed it. This is pretty much what I drew and from what I understand this symbol is ancient and represents the perfect balance of "As Above, So Below".

Anyway it's extremely odd because this understanding wipes out the concept of an evil entity trying to destroy us and keep us off the "correct" path to God. Oh wait...that sorta is a religion isn't it....that stems back to Paganism. To the concept of ONE overall God and many other Gods that are aspects of their "personality" so to speak. Thus creator lives through each and every single one of us, experiencing exactly what we choose to experience. This would completely abolish the need for worship except to express gratitude for being able to co-create in perfect harmony and accordance to the Divine Plan which in every moment being created through the usage of Divine Magick...thought, focus and energy that is God and that is our Spirit that is connected and unified. 

There is a story that Neal Donald Walsh writes where it explains how the Spirit of each of us comes before Alpha and Omega and makes it's decision on what to experience during it's lifetime. Enjoy and I hope this does give a different perspective. 


Excerpt from "Little Soul and the Sun"
A Children's Parable Adapted from Conversations with God
Neale Donald Walsch

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered. Souls had come from far and wide- from all over the kingdom- for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying. 

Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their light, that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them. 

"Who then, to forgive?" asked God.
"Boy this is going to be no fun at all!" grumbled the Little Soul. "I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like."

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad.

But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd. "Not to worry, Little Soul," the Friendly Soul said, "I will help you."

"You will?" the Little Soul brightened. "But what can you do?" 

"Why, I can give you someone to forgive!"

"You can?"

"Certainly!" chirped the Friendly Soul. "I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive." 

"But why? Why would you do that?" the Little Soul asked. "You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you- who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move throughout the Kingdom with the speed of your thought- to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?"

"Simple," the Friendly Soul said. "I would do it because I love you."

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

"Don't be so amazed," said the Friendly Soul, "you have done the same thing for me. Don't you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don't remember."

"We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad- we have both been the victim and the villain of it."

"Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are."

"And so," the Friendly Soul explained a little further, "I will come into your next lifetime and be the "Bad One" this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives."

"But what will you do?" the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, "that will be so terrible?"

"Oh," replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, "we'll think of something."

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious,and said in a quiet voice, "You are right about one thing, you know."

"What is that?" the Little Soul wanted to know.

"I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favor to ask of you in return."

"Oh, anything, anything!" cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, "I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!" Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

"What is it?" the Little Soul asked. "What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!"

"Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!" God interrupted. "Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels."

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul's request. "What can I do for you?" the Little Soul asked again.

"In the moment that I strike you and smite you," the Friendly Soul replied, "in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could probably imagine- in that very moment..."

"Yes," the Little Soul interrupted, "yes....?"

The Little Soul became quieter still.

"Remember Who I Really AM."

"Oh I will!" cried the Little Soul, "I promised! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!"

"Good," said the Friendly Soul, "because, you see, I will have pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are."

"No, we won't!" the Little Soul promised again. "I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift-the chance to experience myself as Who I AM."

And so the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible.

And all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness- and epically if it brought sadness- the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

"Always remember," God had smiled,"I have sent you nothing but angels."

Blessings and Love,
