A Chemical Fluid State

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What does this tell you, (About the Title)? A chemical Fluid State of Awareness… It seems that the Chemical Fluid State of Awareness can be known as multiple levels of vibrations which are flowing in and out, chemically forming an awareness which is beyond our own comprehensions until we get to the initial part of what the end of this message will have construed in its entirety with processes of assimilation and contemplations… Hyper transmissible routes and Dissolutions, which will link the properties of my current understandings which are beginning to grow as I am opening up channels for this energy to rise within me as to transfigure and transcribe initially without losing connections of the awareness I am utilizing from within a vortex contact space…

Additionally this should sustain the accords which will carry on the formations of these paragraphs to allow a higher attributable concept in-between our assimilations and concurrent transmissions, given they are held under the form of this chemical fluid state.

We thank you for remarks which were needed as we can link within time and space, (Localizations) of the energy emitted to construe the effects of the channel in greater receptive forms of our mutual connections which are made from (Outside Time and Space).

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