CMATON ~ The Time is Now and will always be now!

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The Time is Now and will always be now!
By CM thru Johan
Mar 8, 2011 - 3:07:34 PM

Candace:  Johan, a member of the forum, has been training to become a channel.  His first two pieces are here in this first post, and then I will make another post of his latest one.
The Time is Now and will always be now!
CMAton, February 12th, 2011
Hi friends at AH. This morning during meditation, CMAton knocked on my door to take this message. Written in my simple words, He asked me to share that with you all today. Humbly and Sincerely, Johan.
Dearly Beloveds,
The time is now and will always be now.
The Light has won and is working its last defences in order for the Ultimate to arrive in Glory, that all who had the chance to turn to the Light within our Teachings, Instructions and Guidance, took it in full consciousness and those who didn't will get their chance later, as Divine Mercy is always at work.
For those of you who knew of the Light and made it shine brighter, great rewards are coming your way, even as we speak and write. For those of you who knew, but sat idle and merely conversed amongst each other, will also receive rewards, but of a different nature, those you deserve , as Divine Mercy is always at work.
Look upon the changes around you, but not through the eyes of cameras who only show what is called sensation, but look through your Inner and Higher Inspired understanding, since Light brings only forth the Truth. Take your chances to co-create alot more serious if you want your Desires to manifest. Seek those Desires not upon your world for it is merely a world of apparences, as your Master Teacher already mentioned. As repeated many times, your Reality lays elsewhere and it will reveal itself by Learning OVer Emotions, what LOVE is all about.
Love what is dear to you, Love what is near to you, but also Love what your Inner and Higher Self tells you to LOVE. This might bring your ship a little further in choppy waters and weather, but only trust and experience has brought many a captain HOME from far away destinations, that only his Guidance and Love made him undertake and reach.
The time is now, and will always be now, my children. Set sail, follow your heart, undertake the voyage for the wind is favorable, the conditions are good, the Light will shine your path as strong as the destination is calling and We are all anticipating your calling, to meet again and rejoice together that you trusted your heart of hearts.
I AM Within you and With You, no matter what journey, for we cannot be separate in Truth and Love. Ponder these words and put your findings onto the test. Then what you long for will show up unexpected and you, my dear ones, will once again be Home.
The time is now, and will always be now.
February 12th, 2011.
This is a Battle Song for Warriors of the Light, My Children.
Dearly Beloveds,
I AM CMAton, through Johan.
Its in Times like these that Choices need to be made.
Enough Guidance has come your way. Now heed to the Call Within. This will be different for all of you who have chosen to Serve the Light you ARE, Yet, the same Drive and Force will strenghten your courage to BE and DO unto Others as We have demonstrated to You.
Take up your positions, it all will become crystal clear when the floodgates will open and Mother Earth will shake and tremble to release the old and Reign in the New, as you can follow with great pride and stride.
I salute you for your bravery, I welcome you into your new positions and KNOW WE ARE ONE, and can never be anything else or less.
The Fight is ON, so balance Yourself in ONENESS, and FEAR NOT.
As a Torch in the darkness, you will Shine for All Eternity and Many of You will look back and remember those Moments of Battle and be PROUD you stood TALL, nomatter what.
This is a Battle Song for Warriors of the Light, My Children.
I AM CMAton.
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