Coming Back to the Goddess

Lia's picture

Coming Back to the Goddess

Native American Butterfly Goddess


The Goddess Energy isn’t just about women. It’s the balancing energy we need in each of our psyches.


There is a hidden Goddess in every woman, the Sleeping Beauty within. In our consumer society, so often we chase the outer beauty, sometimes completely ignoring the beauty within. Sometimes, we even go “to the other side”, without ever discovering, how beautiful, strong, precious we were. This is the purpose of this Goddess portraiture – to discover the Beauty within and bring it out – for you and everyone to see. This is very important – so important, that my clients even travel with their Goddess portraits. At these times of change, we need to be gently and frequently reminded of our inner beauty and learn to love ourselves.


How does the Goddess Portrait work?

It’s simple and therefore it is hard to explain. I was given this gift to be able to connect to the psyche, and especially to the Anima and perceive the images she sends. I usually sit across my client, and we both go into a meditative state and concentrate on opening our hearts. Then my channel opens up, and I begin to perceive the messages from the client’s soul, especially the messages of the state of the feminine part of the soul, the Anima. Anima speaks and sends me images, and I sketch them. After this I make a painting, of the desirable size.


What is “Goddess Energy” anyway? What is the Goddess? It is not about seeing the Divine as a woman, as opposed to man; it is about the change in our understanding of the Divine. As we open our hearts for the “feminine” principles of love, compassion, feeling, we grow to understand, that there is no matter per se, there is only energy. And this energy that moves the world, sustains and creates, is called Love. Goddess=Love.


What is meant by “Goddess Come Back”? It is essentially, a come back to ourselves, the re-discovery of our souls. It is the opening of our heart center and re-uniting with the divinity within us. It is the abandonment of the Ego and understanding, that we are part of One, one unified field of Consciousness, one Matrix, Latin for “womb”, the word generated from “mater” (Latin for “Mother”). So we are part of the same Mother and come from the same cosmic womb.


Though there is only one Mater for us all, one Cosmic Creator/Creatrix, we have different faces of the Goddess to express cosmic ideas. Such as a terrifying image of Kali, slaying the demons. Who are these demons? they are but inside of us, the thought forms and belief systems that keep us in illusion of our separation from the divine source – such as fear, doubt, belief in scarcity and animosity. Belief,that we are separate from the Divine is our biggest foe.





Goddess within Men?

Guest's picture

Unfortunately this message is directed towards women, when the topic might be more important for men... Has a portrait ever been created for a man? Why not? Of course we will all agree that this might be a given, but notice how this important topic is ignored. Ahem!

The demons illustrated within the art work of Kali represent the egoist nature of our duality... You might notice a similar background (fire) and slaying of a demon within the art work of AA Michael. Imagine that, a balance between the East (Kali) and West (Michael), masculine/feminine, etc. portraying the same metaphorical message!


Jen's picture

I love that your message is for women ...The Divine women is always a symbol of Motherhood and nature for me ...
The Godess is such a strong wonderful energy when you see her in the earth ...The changing of the seasons ...
I love being a women experiencing the joys of motherhood ...
THank you divine Mother Ashera. and thankyou Kali for giving me inner strenght to walk this path and slay my own dragons ..Blessings of love to all