Confession: Jury verdict prove CIA killed JFK

Rain's picture


Press TV - 11/20/13, KB/PR

File Photo of the Virginian-Pilot announcing JFK being assasinated.

File Photo of the Virginian-Pilot announcing JFK being assasinated.
As the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) assassination approaches, the American people and the American media are living in two different worlds.

The corporate media is still pushing the myth that JFK was killed by a communist lone nut named Lee Harvey Oswald. But most of the American people are not buying it. Since the early 1990s, a strong majority of Americans has believed that JFK was killed by a conspiracy, and that the CIA had a hand in it.






Duh.. he was finding out

youngmoonchild's picture

Duh.. he was finding out about Agenda 21 &vowed to expose it, that's why he died.. 0 yrs later we know..


youngmoonchild's picture


I'm one of those people that

samantha's picture

I'm one of those people that believe there was something fishy going on there. Just not sure if it was the CIA or some kind of shadow Gov.