A Conversation with my Higher Self – Being Perfectly Flaw-less

Blue Diamon's picture

cherish and love yourself this christmas

Beautiful artwork by Lori Portka 

I’m very much feeling the intensity of the energies today and therefore had no intention of writing but my higher Self had other ideas… I don’t know where this conversation is going, but let’s see…

First of all let me say that this week has been another one of those tough weeks where we are once more shown in our ‘Book of Shadows’ what it is that is causing us to be less than perfectly at peace and in joy, in other words unhappy.

I’ve also had perfect confirmation again this week that people who rock your boat or cause you to lose your equilibrium are the ones who are holding up the proverbial mirror to help you SEE something about yourself you’re not acknowledging or not completely loving and accepting about yourself.

Okay, so I realized this week I had another flaw…. One that I hadn’t realized I possessed. And the knowing of this upset.


Because I dislike being critical.

I know, but why?

Because I shouldn’t be.

Why not?

Because I have no right to be when I myself am not perfect.

Who says you’re not perfect?

I do.

Aha! So you think you should be perfect?

Yes of course! Isn’t that what we’re striving for here?

No, not at all.

Okay, let me ask you something if I may… If you found a really exquisite (and expensive) vase but it had a rather large crack in it, would you buy it? Would you invest (your time and money) in it?

If I thought it was worth it, of course I would!

Why? Why would you spend money on a vase you couldn’t even use??

Who says I can’t use it? Let me tell you something… I would love that vase even more because it had the courage to show me its flaw!

You would?

Of course! It takes courage and strength of character to show your flaws to the world. No one, least of all me, expects you to BE perfect! What will it take to convince you that there is no need for you to BE perfect or to strive for perfection? My Love, you ARE perfect just the way you are. I have never loved you more than I do right now, despite your so called imperfection. I do not even see your imperfection. You do! And it is these so called ‘imperfections’ that prevents you from totally loving and accepting yourself just as you are!

So if I loved and accepted this about myself it would go away?

Of course! Remember what I have said: “What you resist persists, and what you look at disappears”.

How can it just disappear?

It does! It fades away into the nothing-ness. It is nothing but illusion! This is the so-called ‘clearing’ you are doing. When you have the courage and strength to love yourself despite the illusions you have created about yourself, then and only then, will you stop judging yourself and be fully able to love yourself unconditionally!

So to get past this thing I dislike about myself all I have to do is love and accept myself with the so called flaw and move on?

Absolutely! Stop judging yourself for it. This is the grand lesson! Understand this – You have come from a place where all that exists is perfection and here on Earth you get to stand in the proverbial ‘Hall of Mirrors’ which allows you to see distorted versions of yourself. These distortions are nothing but illusions! Why now would stand before the illusion and judge yourself? Do you see the paradox here?

Yes I know, you were showing this to me a couple mornings ago… It is crazy isn’t it?

Of course it is! Know that what you are seeing in the mirror is no less perfect than the distortion itself!

So it’s all about loving and accepting yourself and others as they are?

Absolutely, it’s all about loving and accepting and respecting yourself and everyone around you just as they are, flaws and all!

It took great courage for you to come here to the Earth plane and to create these illusions about yourself. Problems arise when you hang onto the illusion you’ve created because you believe it to be real. Especially when you believe the illusion has power over you. This creates negative thought forms and patterns of behavior which only end up creating further complications.

Self-Love and acceptance releases you from these negative thought forms and dissolves them before your very eyes, and therefore sets you free. Keep your thoughts focused in love and you will be okay. In fact you will be more than okay! 

Yes I know..it’s real simple when you think about it.

Yes absolutely, it is simple when you’re able to look at it for what it really is. It only becomes difficult if you believe it to be true. We will talk more about belief and the power behind belief because belief is the crux of the matter.

Yes I realize that.. What it is you believe to be true, IS TRUE for you right?

Absolutely. This is the ‘IS-NESS’ we spoke of earlier in the week.

Yes I remember. Sometimes I think there is so much I need to remember…

No need remember! It is in the ‘needing’ that you sell yourself short. There is no need – just be loving and accepting of yourself. BE in (the vibration of) Love with Me and you will be fine :)

Yes I know… Thank you!

You’re welcome Beloved. The Shepherd loves his flock, even the wayward sheep that wonders off yonder and gets caught up in the brambles. The Shepherd finds the sheep and gently releases her or him and lovingly returns it to the flock, happy and full of gratitude the he was able to save his precious sheep from harm. So is it with you and I beloved. I will always love you, flaws and all. The question is, can you love you?

I can love myself.

Are you sure?

Yes. If I didn’t love myself, imperfections and all, I would have a real problem right Houston? Because that would mean I believed the illusion to be real and it’s not, because only LOVE is real.

You got it Princess!

And now I’m hearing Celine’s song in my head “I AM your Angel”. Here it is for you to enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzdekl3Qj8c

The week ahead of us is going to be no less tough than last week. Know that as always you are fully supported by your Higher Power who is standing behind you, loving you and embracing you, letting you know that your are surrounded by their divine love and grace at all times.

Act in kindness, compassion, grace and goodwill. Be the role model, be the Light and be loving at all times, no matter what comes up during the week. And most of all, be kind and compassionate with yourself. You are most precious and loved most dearly!

We cherish and love you and are here for you as always! Have a fabulous and joy filled week!


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