Crystal Grid ~ Created by Seven Year Old WOW

Lia's picture

We hear so much about "crystal children" and the information they carry. Here's one example of just that!

I gave Adam, age seven, several Lemurian Crystals and asked him to create a grid. We had no other conversation regarding the subject.

Less than 30 minutes later, this is what he created and his explained how it worked.


Luas***'s picture

WoW!! Im speechless!! Thanks 4 sharing, Love, Luas***

  Amazig! Powers of crystals

Doreen Smith's picture


Amazig! Powers of crystals in the hands of a crystal child...I really would have loved to hear his continuing explanation..the information is fascinating..Thank YOU! Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to Adam and ALL! NOW! :) <3


toonewewillreturn's picture

hes trying to explain magnetic fields: like a child!


have you ever seen a prism? reflect/refract light?


white goes in, rainbow come out, something like that.


well, when you put many crystals into a specific pattern,


the light bounces from crystal to crystal on different pathways.


waves join together in the ocean to form larger waves,


the reflected light on these pathwaysbuild upon each other


forming larger waves, larger magnetic fields, specific to the pattern.


yogigirl's picture

What an incredibly wise child. He is (and those like him) the blessings of our future!!

Thanks for sharing this beautiful soul with us!!

How cool is it that we are

Oz Angel's picture

How cool is it that we are seeing people work with these souls to recover knowledge... I am very grateful for the continued signs of awakening .. Nice work and as a fellow gridder I could use some tips lol

WOW - Gristal Grid by 7 yr old

lyn's picture

Please note the crystals kids are hear to teach the adults!!!! to remind us of what we already know from the past but can't remember. Everyone has a crystal child should help them accelerate - they are here to help the plant. Thank you to this child and his gifts to helping at this time. they just know what to do!!! blessings to all who will receive your help!!
