Daily Intentions for Grounding and Moving Energy

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Daily Intentions for Grounding and Moving Energy

What do I do in the shower every day? State my intentions for grounding and moving energy. I thought that sharing this might help you develop your own routine. An important thing to remember is that you don’t want to fall into the habit of reciting your intentions – instead, think about them and what you are saying.
Mean what you say!

And, when you say that you are grounded in Mother Earth, stop and imagine yourself being grounded in Mother Earth. You can visualize yourself standing firmly on the ground, outdoors, with roots extending deep into Gaia from your feet.  When you say that you are connected to The Cosmos, visualize yourself standing tall, with a vibrant blue beam of energy coming  from above into your crown chakra.  This beam moves down through your entire body and into Gaia and energy flows in both directions in the beam.

I AM grounded in Mother Earth and connected to The Cosmos
It is my intention, in this everlasting moment of Now
To gratefully draw in energies from above, through my crown chakra, into my third eye and then into my Heart.
I then let these energies settle gently and harmoniously on Mother Earth and the area around me.

I AM grounded in Mother Earth and connected to The Cosmos
It is also my intention, in this everlasting moment of Now
To gratefully draw in energies from above, through my crown chakra, into my third eye and then into my Heart.
I then let these energies be integrated, evenly and harmoniously, throughout my entire body.
I ask the Angels to please continue helping me to integrate the energies in the way that is best for me.
Thank you, Angels!

I AM grounded in Mother Earth and connected to The Cosmos
It is also my intention, in this everlasting moment of Now
To draw some energies back from myself and Mother Earth
And to return them to The Cosmos as a way of saying Thank You.
Thank you for the energies, My Friends! We Love you!

