~The Declaration of Assisted Independence~

Lia's picture





~The Declaration of Assisted Independence~




I here by decree, as a citizen of Gaia to allow the Federation of Light to intervene directly in the affairs of the cabal and their associate umbrella agencies, to prevent further harm to the earth and all souls who dwell on and within her. It is our right as sovereign beings to protect and nurture our mother and our children. This is the law of unconditional love, and we claim it before God. 

I as a sovereign being of earth, call for a truth and reconciliation trial for all souls in the top power structure of the cabal to the effect of relinquishing their power, wealth and influence. An offer of forgiveness will be made to them with unconditional love so that they may live on Earth for the duration of ascension, powerless but equal. The power to govern Earth will then be returned to the people so that they may manage their own affairs accordingly. We are free to decide for ourselves the course of our evolution and are free to ask for assistance.   

This plea goes out to our star family, Ascended masters, Inner Earth cousins, and all Christ conscious beings guiding humanity. May this message ripple through the hearts and minds of all souls in the cosmos, so be it and so it is.        


Michael Baker





GeminaGoddess's picture

I am in agreement, whole heartedly, with this post!