Decree -11th Gateway of Mastery

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Decree -11th Gateway of Mastery – 22 November 2012

The decree is being shared to help individuals to actualize the 11:11 Gateway on November 22nd, 2012.

Blessings and Love for an amazing experience that will hold the energies for December 21st, 2012


I awake on November 22nd, 2012,

To allow the revelation of My Light,

To be Fully Actualized Within me.

I have traveled far and wide,

To places distant and within my reach,

To find the parts of me that have been lost.

The 11th Gateway represents all that I AM,

My travels,

My experiences,

My paths with many.

I embrace who I AM,

And experience all that I ever thought I could be,

In this moment of arrival,

As I walk through the Gateway of 11:11.

All that I lost,

Are truly elements that I was,

All that I embrace,

Now become

All that I AM.

The pathway of awakening,

Is taking me to a deeper level of essence;

I see healing in all that I AM,

And Ever Will Be.

I rejoice with others,

I sing gleefully,

I dance with all essences of the Divine.

The 11th Gateway is now opening,

For me to fully accept,

The parts of me,

That I have found.

I deeply embrace the TRUE Me,

The essences of times gone by,

As the remembrance of My Divine Being,

Is now flowing through Me.

I walk with Beauty,

I exhibit the Grace,

Of Swans swimming ever so lightly,

As I now Am the Divine Being

I have been trying to Become.

I feel the changes,

I allow them to flow through me,

I express my joy,

As now I walk with great dignity;

I have endured,

I have learned,

I have expressed,

I have shared.

Now I am honored with the Light of the Master I AM,

I flow with the colors of the rainbow,

I embrace the Divine,

I share,

My Love,

My Wisdom,

My Grace,

My Joy,

My Purity,

My Knowledge,

As the Peace of God,

Is fully manifest

Within the Divine Being I have Become.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Written by Rev. Christine Melereissee
Walking Terra Christa/
