The Destination or The Journey

glr_Andrea's picture


The Destination or The Journey


by John McIntosh


Given the choice the ego will ‘always’ choose the journey over thedestination since the destination means its end.
It revels in structures, formulas, rules, disciplines, timetables and a host of shackles that bind you to a far off distant emergence into the Light of Freedom. Gurus, teachers, oceans of books and endless seminars offering the next technique, the faster, purer, special way appeal to its endless search for Peace provided it never leads to actual finding.
You find yourself wrapped in a spiritual straight-jacket and refer to it as the seamless garment of Truth.
It does not occur to the ego-mind that the destination is nearer than a breathe … available Now for the asking merely by placing your undivided Attention upon IT, allowing nothing to take precedence over your rightful place as the God you Are.
The ego-mind demands great servitude and long suffering as payment … as penance for the evil you have been before your Liberation can be given. You must earn it at great cost.
Nothing could be further from the Truth.
You have never been, nor could you be guilty of anything. Your Freedom has never been taken away from you for some transgression against the will of an angry Creator.
YOU are the Creator … sleeping for a season in the fields of Consciousness, playing at being less than Whole, less than One, bound by the fickle caprice of a God located somewhere out there, you know not where … but definitely separate from the little you, you have perceived yourself to be.
It has been a long dream of your own creation … grand in design, taking you to the depths of a separated hell and the heights of a heavenly vision of what could be.
Now the window of remembrance is upon you and you have only to place your ATTENTION on It and through what the mind calls the Law of Attraction … what is correctly known as Harmonic Resonance … the ancient dream of limitation dissolves and you remember Who you Are Now … right NOW!
True, this dream will come and go as the last remnants of the glamour that once held your attention so securely in its grasp still flickers from the wings of the stage you have played upon for so long. But as you maintain your Attention on the Truth, on Freedom, on the Destination, on I AM … the Life and the Light and the Truth and the Love that you Are … the remembrance will return as your constant experience …




For heaven's sake, dear John

Kabniel's picture

For heaven's sake, dear John McIntosh,


the EGO does not know where you are going.

The EGO is basically a program designed to know only 3D and lower astral.


But... it will not tell you that it does not know your destination.

However, it will mislead you, because it is a self-preserving entity

that knows when it is about to be whacked.  The EGo has programmed the mental-emotional bodies ....because, you allowed it that way.


Since the EGO is a separate, vampiric  sentient self -preserving entity,

you must get rid of it.  It has no business in your business anymore.

have your shield on. You have to ask your Source-Self

and Michael to fit you with that thingy...golden mesh of light around your



Continually check this that it is intact.  Also ask your guides to handpick this lice

errr...EGO, and take it to 5D.


You will not need this protection when you have built your lightbody

to a certain level .   It acts as a natural shield.


Here is something you have to do . You have to learn how to re-program your 

egoic-mental-emotional bodies.  i believe the mental-emotional bodies are

educable. Not the Ego. Get rid of that one. the word is surrender to Spirit.


So, you have this work to do. Once you get these M-E bodies trained

and they kowtow to you at the snap of your fingers.........


You have mastered your Universe. 




Never mind ascending. Ascending will come natually , like breathing when

you have done your job.


I repeat: the EGO and the left brain (mental-emotional bodies) are not one and the same. And don't call these 2, "my egoic self".  Never was, never will.




Can you please explain

glr_Andrea's picture

where you go the impression you're talking about?

The statment "Given the choice the ego will ‘always’ choose the journey over the destination since the destination means its end." actually tells all you're also saying so I can't see the point, as it seems your traying to say something different by actually saying the same...?