Divine Nurturing: How to Mother Yourself with Help from the Sacred Feminine

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remembering-earthA mother is often someone we take for granted as being nurturing, when in fact they can be anything but. There are emotionally unstable mothers, passionate mothers, embarrassing mothers, selfish mothers, overly human mothers, mothers who make mistakes, who always say the wrong thing, who are a little prickly or clumsy with their love, who seem detached, cold or are even outright cruel to US… Their children.

Sometimes mothers are entirely absent, parted by sorrow, misunderstanding or even death. Mothers are often a far cry from nurturing, and so, when needing to be nurtured, we can often feel strung out in the dark.

As if something has been severed from us but we’re not quite sure what. Like a phantom limb, our actions when we become mothers or are struck with the necessity to be nurturing ourselves, the gap can itch yet we feel lost as to how to deliver this kind of rare and divine love.
