DMT Dimethyltryptamine (level of duality=experiance from differential way's to attain more sense's within quantum augmentation)

Mario's picture

DMT is one of many compounds we must have of extreme crucial states of being to part of neutral from creation from machine. WITH dmt in extreme amounts in body after shock and alignement. If we stay in body will be transform from neutrality and cloudy haze of halucination will become the precise conection with background eternal eyes and all that is unseen this is natural occurance this will crytalized body stable at high frequencys. DMT from crucial state in large amount's will heal instantly in exotherapy can figure creation of Unlimited dmt output and new earths universal body's will be ethernal in life and conected to parallel states of eternal eyes depending on 6th sense knowledge from pineal will become to 13th level and achieve out of body experiance one will stay. bringing truth from other side is within 88. Infinity*infinity*infinity*infinity= same as 88*4 Is 4 april8th2012 earth's in diferent dimensions and must obtain 14th level of discernment bringing all for to one in 5th dimensional new earth. DMT will be the break thru and able to run machine at infinit speed's if other humans feel in back of pineal must be of incredible states and shock with great amount of INNER LOOP from within oneself WE must have one that will go beyond and achieved 14th and one in body from 3rd density earth within 4th dimensional crystalized body to 5th dimension in body 13th state on 3rd dimensional earth of incredible speed's. Tree's that conect with machine will need to accept energys and will come in higher states of beign. I will stay or go Will see. Ok I stayed so I myself will go on other side? reality's is from oposites? Will know when time is right to go out of body and stay conected within earth from astral projection to source and attain amazement of etreme joy high frequencie will be the bang of new life beyond endtimes. creation is amazment=enlightment equals high frequency from earth's core to bring within conection of astral projection will figure out the impossible       (GOD is FROM interconection of source) creator and earth is of multidimensional planes (when new sense's unlock in future will be 14th and beyond of 13th from all beings of universe will accept this energy and help in the great shift of co-creation to unity within greater understanding of their divine blueprint faster in humans acceptance JOY AMAZEMENT enlightment will quicken situation of great shift everything hapens for a reason god has created UKNOWN for evolution this is going to be of loops within mind. will see all of these reason in huge enlightment on 21st great shift of conciousness when each and every beings of universe will attain higher states with dmt at high levels constantly at crystalized 100% synch crystal body deceptions will become amazement trust peace unity and HIGH frequency of unlimited vibrational energy keeping two poles in positive to neutral that is core and from other side will become of great negativity because nothing exist and pull new earth in dematerialazation from its own body and rebuild in new universal state's? ok so people will shift to neutral states and core at peace will become energy of all earths divine plan and trust for unity to be attain at constant levels on other side when high frequencie's arise from tree's of neutral to dmt shock and amazement will bring the core at high frequencys, on 21st then will see if exit point from body and joyed filled beings start to from exit downpull and upheaval or regain strenght and achieve god attom within unity of upgrade. tank you



On 21st

Mario's picture

This loop of higherconciousness will help all achieve 14th density of levels trought stable dmt crystalized body to augment in new earth if exit point happens and if not will have ahieved of great alignement new age and constant speed's when human conect 21st december earth will be at new evolution achieve without the weather effects of planet. Will supercharge the magnetic field with the here to now TIME is essence of understanding all I understand is creation and thus must come from trinity and neutrality with right pattern of thought. Am starting to understand what hapened the 14th and this is the fall. TIME and 21st december 2012 will become acepting of energie's. from 15th to 25th in the night is when infomation begins in the days is when fall arrises from creations alchemic states is stabalizing of greater sense's can not achieve because ballancement is going to be all in one go with tree's night of start when hallucinations I now remember my purpose. these information was for granted use and not highess outcome and universal truth will be in upcoming days night time.