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The Way of Love Blog Posted on by Nancy B. Detweiler





Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



QUESTIONS sent in by a reader:

Question:  Do extra terrestrials look like humans?   Except maybe bigger?  You mentioned one that was 7 and 1/2 feet tall  I think a lot of people fear beings from outer space because they think they will have a different shape and form.  If there were some sort of assurance that our galactic family resembled us, then I feel that most of the fear would go away.  Maybe it’s because I am uncomfortable with the thought of beings that do not look the way we do, and therefore would not act and react the way we do.

Answer:  Our galactic family (extraterrestrials) has a variety of physical forms, just like flowers manifest with great variety.  It may be helpful to think in terms of all of us being a flower in God’s bouquet of flowers.  Some are smaller is size; some are larger.  Some are humanoid; others have different appearances—yet, they are all flowers.

According to the channeled messages from our galactic family with which I am familiar, the humanoid extraterrestrials will be the first ones to openly come among us.  This is for the very reason that “they” do not want to frighten us.


       Semjase is a Pleiadian


SaLuSa is a Sirian

 Paintings of Semjase & SaLuSa, both of whom are presently or have been communicating with Earth humans.

Once we have adjusted to the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos … that, in fact, extraterrestrials are our Star sisters and brothers—our real family—we will not be frightened by the variety of physical forms.

Question:  And, there is always the aspect of communication.  Do they speak our language?  I think this is another area where ignorance leads to anxiety.

Answer:  Those whose soul mission is to work with Earth humans easily learn our language.  At this point, Earth humans use about 1/10 of their brain capacity; extraterrestrials use their full brain capacity, so learning a new language is easy for them.  Much of their communication is telepathic and the preferred method because “words” are very limiting.  Our galactic family is millions of years ahead of us in their knowledge, technology, and spiritual evolution.  What we view as a “limitation” holds no meaning for them.

Question:  And, if someone on earth were to go on a space ship, would she be, in a sense, kidnapped?  Could she come back to earth any time she wanted?   Would she have to agree to go away for a very long time?

Answer:  The stories of UFO abductions have frightened many.  Many of the abductions were staged by the military/industrial complex to create fear of extraterrestrials and the harm they might do to us.  Other so-called abductions were made by actual extraterrestrials for medical reasons and as a result of a treaty with our military.  They were permitted to take some Earth humans on board ship in order to take samples of DNA or to impregnate.  In these cases, it is my understanding that each individual’s soul had agreed to help in this way before they incarnated.  The stated goal has been to upgrade the DNA of the extraterrestrial race as well as our own.  Freewill cannot be violated, so even though the individuals that were abducted do not remember granting permission, their soul did prior to incarnation on Earth.

We don’t hear of abductions any more (to my knowledge).  Instead, so many Earth humans are now aware of our galactic family that we are eager to go on board a space ship.  Also all “service to self” extraterrestrials are now prevented from entering Earth’s atmosphere.

I know that I go on board ship frequently during sleep, but am not allowed to remember much.  Our memory is blocked because once we get a taste of 5th dimensional unconditional love, we do not “want” to return to Earth.  To stay on board ship for a very long time would be the fulfillment of our heart’s desire; however, the priority must be the completion of our Soul Contract for this lifetime.  Words cannot come near describing the ecstasy that I, and anyone who has felt it, experiences when in the presence of 5th dimensional beings.

Working with my Twin Flame for the past 15 years has allowed me to feel his presence at times.  Even that is a rarity simply because returning to what was 3rd dimensional living (we are now adjusting to 4th dimension living) is the last thing I want to do.

One night, I woke up to see a glorious space being in a royal blue flight suit standing by my bed.  His energy was so calming, so loving that all I said was, “Hi” and went back to sleep.  That memory is etched in my mind, never to fade away.  This Star being returned a few weeks later to assure me I was on track.  I forget on which project I was working, but I knew instantly that it was why he returned and affirmed what I was doing.

Our galactic family will instantly back away if we become fearful.  Many say they want to see a Star brother or sister, but become fearful when they approach in a space ship.  They instantly back off.  The galactics do not want to create fear … that’s what the dark cabal feeds upon, not our galactic family.

Question:  Maybe all of this seems silly to you, but I think these are very real fears for many people – to the point that they are scared to “go there” even in their minds.   In other words, most people avoid thinking about it, because it’s just too weird.

Answer:  Believe me!  If  you ever feel a few seconds of the unconditional love that radiates forth from our galactic family, you will never entertain fear of them again. 

All of us need to commit to moving away from all fear-laden concepts.  Stop watching movies, TV shows, newscasts from mainstream Illuminati owned TV networks, playing video games, and reading books that attempt to create fear.  Earth humans must move away all forms of violence.  Until we do, fear is lodged in our energy field and will attract more reasons for us to be fearful.  We cannot have a safe world while fearing violence.  That’s the goal in requirements such as airport inspections and a continual stating of the need for national security—they create fear.

And the reason we hear and see fear-laden material regarding “aliens attacking us” is that the Illuminati know that once our galactic family lands openly on this planet, their game of violence and fear is over.


EXPLANATION:  I often hear “I’m so tired of hearing the Illuminati this … the Illuminati that” … why the victim mentality?  In response, I want to quote Matthew, channeled through his mother, Suzy Ward, in their latest book Illuminations for a New Era:  Understanding These Turbulent Times.

“Mother, you may be tired of my attributing so much to the Illuminati, but their influence on life in your world is so pervasive that I can’t refrain, and what your media report and entertainment offers is plain and simple mass mind programming. 

The purpose of “news” that far more emphasizes “bad” than “good” is to arouse the fear energy that prevents light from reaching souls.

The mind controllers offer that kind of diversion for more than one reason.  First, you can quickly switch to it from the “news” without questioning what has been reported or noticing the lack of substantiation for “official statements.”  That kind of entertainment also inures the population to violence, and the most vulnerable minds veer from reading and watching to actually committing the crimes.  That creates more grist for your news mill at the same time it maneuvers psyches out of separation from “those” victims into selves as potential victims fearing for personal safety and the safety of loved ones.”  (pages 105-6)

The good news is that all of these venues will change!  “As the light in the populace continues to grow, violence-filled TV programs, movies, and handheld games will give way to peaceful forms of enjoyment that are just as exciting.  Films that portray war as patriotic or depict other civilizations as monstrous beings or conquerors or are pornographic in nature will cease being anyone’s interest.  All those forms of diversion and distraction will exist only as another unsavory part of Earth’s history.”  (page 108)


Extraterrestrials are our real family … they are our brothers and sisters. WE ARE ALL STAR BEINGS!  We will rejoice to be reunited with them and to become a galactic society of Love, Light, Peace, and Abundance for All!





To know truth

David Porter's picture

Is to "feel" it. When I read this that's exactly what I "felt."


Thank you

David Porter

Author of the series


Do Extraterrestrial Look Like Me?......

Ra-Raela's picture

Whenever I look at Semjase, I start to cry. She stirs a memory in me, that I can't quite grasp. It looks like the face of an extraordinary, beautiful woman, but somehow there's more to it. Amazing! I feel energy when I look at pictures from her.

I know exactly what you mean.

DeSwiss2's picture

I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way about Hilarion. It's uncanny....



 - On the other hand, we have some unusual looking humans too: