The Dolphin Collective ~~ We, You, the Children and our collaboration

glr_Andrea's picture



The Dolphin Collective ~~ We, You, the Children and our collaboration~~ 26/08/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont.

Greetings, lovely ones, we are the Dolphin Collective and we step forward once more as we have a lot to share concerning the clean-up of the negativity and concerning the Earthly changes. As you already know by now we are working very hard to assist Mother Earth in releasing all negativity from her fields and from your fields as well, you being our family who dwell on the surface of the planet. We request of you to still  send much Love and Light to our oceans and to us because we are in need of that as it helps us with our work. Every little spark of Light and Love sent to us and to the oceans by your thoughts is sufficient to get a lot of work accomplished. You are powerful creators, never underestimate yourselves!
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter and we love you all beyond words, and that also includes the so- called lost souls, the dark souls, for they know no better. We forgive them and we send them our Love as if they were our own children, we place them in the Light and we consider them as our own but with the difference that they simply have lost their way to their inner Self. We ask you to do the same, for you are all one and are collectively tied closely one to the other. It is beneficial for you and for Mother Earth to forgive those whose deeds/goals and thoughts differ from your own. You had to endure a lot during countless incarnations, you have covered a long distance and even the ones who are now called the Lightworkers and awakened ones, have at some time walked the same path on which the dark souls now find themselves. Even than we never ceased to love you unconditionally and we forgave you, all this has helped to led you to where you are now. To forgive and to Love are of paramount importance now.

You find yourselves now on the last straight line leading to Ascension and that’s why we ask much more assistance from you because we are dealing with a common project in which we all actively pull the same strings. We like to see this cooperation as 1 big charity towards you, towards us and towards all others. My lovely ones, we love you so deeply, so immensely, if only you knew the depth of our love for you. Ascension is in fact yours as well as Mother Earth’s process, so it all boils down to you and that’s why you are expected to give it your fullest. Mother Earth and the oceans are ready and are now starting up the first processes relevant to this and we, as the dolphin Collective, are here to help to let it all proceed as planned in the smoothest circumstances possible. We are here to assist you in this and we do not allow any kind of hindrance or interference. What must happen to cleanse the oceans of Mother Earth will happen. You will all, together with Mother Earth, purely shine again in all your splendour.
It has been long that we established contacts with humanity and more specifically during the eras of Atlantis and Lemuria, where we already cooperated closely with your civilization. Hand in hand, as it were, there were genuine friendships often forged between our souls and yours. Well, during the present Golden Age all will return to this, as the cooperation is again close at hand and humanity will, very soon now, see the misconceptions as regards to our dolphin civilization and adjust their visions accordingly. We are very highly evolved beings originating from the star Sirius B and we know all too well what humanity thinks of us and expects of us. Often we feel your tremendous love and warmth for us, which we like to reciprocate the same way. We love the children deeply as their souls are still so pure and untampered with; they remain close to the Source and they often communicate telepathically with us. They are the future and they are arriving in waves on Earth to assist us all and to help spread the Light here. Let them be the children so that the untampered part, the childlike part, is preserved as long as possible.
We are the Dolphin Collective and we wish to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for what you have accomplished already and for the Love sent towards us. We feel how it all intensifies and we feel your Love, it’s what keeps us going. Never forget how immensely we love you all and we are looking forward to tighter and newer forms of cooperation on a more personal level than before, for we are all One! We are One big family! We are the Dolphin Collective and we thank you heartily for sharing this message.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.




Love and Light

Monica Selina's picture

Thank You!

Working together we will succeed!


Gracias hermosos

VaneStar's picture

God bless you sweetest and beautiful souls of Love and Light.


We are all ONE indeed.


We are most grateful for all your hard work, and for forgiving the lost ones in their attempts to destroy you and the oceans.


We are succeeding and we are Ascending together.


Lots of Love from the Human Collective back to you and your/our Oceans...


Julia Cosby's picture

 Its wonderful hearing from The Dolphin Collective. I with great love honor your request.


Love & Light!