Don't Blame Me! Another Msg from Sisters of Stars

MaAlaea's picture

On the strengths of the connecting vibraitonal love between the Pleiadians and earth loves at this time, herein lies another picture. The sisters offer this one vision which, they say will touch many, not to push buttons, loves, but to help you see...  the veil has been very thick and you don't need to blame yourselves.


The first vision is a tool you can use if you run into chaos within your family groups or other extended families.  It will work with any size group, even 2. 


A veiled hu-man "protection devise" has been a thing called BLAME. The use of blaming others has been the most solid illusions which has kept love separated for eons. Peoples of various cultures, even today, use this technique to transmute the powerful energy block by the use of blame. This is also true of blaming yourself... you keep yourself from loving yourself.  


So now that you can even accept that I am going to talk about blame, and you haven't shut off the site, let's move on as a scenario is presented.  Because, what you can bring into your awareness here and if you choose to take a stand for harmony it is an easy thing to do. 


There might come a time soon where city blocks are out of electricity for an extended period of time. Imagine all different personalities, old and young, men and women, scared, frustrated, maybe hungry and now, not able to fall asleep at Facebook. We know personalities who are in your tiospaye (group) who would more than likely fit this descriptiion.   Now suppose you are the only lightworker in the group... how would you bring others to a center of harmony so that plans can be made, constructively. You need them and they need you so you cannot just run away... in fact for a few days, no one can use the electronic gas pumps. 


You can use a proven technique of the "BLAME DAY"...... TAD DA!  Miracle of miracles a solution that will work!!

Here's how it works... 

Count the people in your group.... let's say 42 which can include infants and even animals if your group is lighthearted enough... 

Get the agreement of the group that you all have this problem that must be solved... even allowing them a day or three to think about it.   Wait until they are wanting a solution.  

Solution:  If you have 42 beings in your group, each one OWNS ONE BLAME DAY! 

So, let's say Monday is Sally's Blame Day... everything everyone does that day that doesn't work right, or even if someone is in a bad day, ANY of the other 41 people.... it is Sally's fault!  yeppo, Sally and Sally alone!  And now Sally might be a really nice person and retort, "OH, NO, I DIDN'T CAUSE THAT BREAD TO FALL, or other defense mechanism. This is why you need to get everyone's agreement at first. Watch what happens!  Instead of anger the others will start coming to Sally and teasing her.... Hey, Sally, why did you make my wife overcook dinner! haha... now what am I going to eat? :')  All in jest!  Everyone will start laughing... I promise!   The next day is John's and so forth.  Even if Sally makes a mistake or does something really stupid on Tuesday it is all John's fault.  And the hu-more heals the family... 

Trust us on this.. it will be so much fun... you all will be so disappointed when the lights come back on!


We go!

