AnaShyNa's picture


Today is/was Friday The 13th... not the one we get use to watching silly sequels of some duds in masks and massive knifes, or midgets dolls with no heart, yet with very little creativity using spoken word in these scripts...


I am not judging them in any way, as they found that constant fear from the screen is the only way to keep you imprisoned within your own mind... So you would not dare to stand up for truth starting early as teenagers or even earlier...

Silly techniques they used on us and our children, knowing intentionally that when they put rating 13+ or 14+ or 21+ or GP, GDP, or XXX or triple AAA... They knew they have our attention: where all forbidden was so much more desired, simply by stating this in the beginning of the show or movie...


They knew that humanity in this state of very low self-esteem have to be directed, led, ushered in to the boxes with these triple letter signs... They knew when putting product that is forbidden for some, yet fully available for others, this was creating negative feelings in all the parties involved in this product...


So, if you are watching movie with 13+ rating, and you are 12 you are producing additional stimuli in your nervous system simply thinking that you are doing something forbidden... or even better, you have two children one 14 one 12 where one with 14 become more appreciated and more respected as he has right to watch scary movie, developing in him differentiation and arrogance, feeling more important and separate than his sister [completely subconsciously...]


As well, 12 years old developing jealousy, yet another intentionally driven impulse of the controlled mind... Than this produce guilt in the parent, when they learn that younger watch the movie, and she is lying to them... Than older child producing fabrication to flakily protect the sister, yet not fully understanding that he want to control her by knowing her secret... and on, and on....



Well, if we [all of us involved in this scam about building negative emotions...] realize with simply no acceptance of other and forced rules by agency, by state, by society we can change complete energy creation in this little family cell....


They will realize this is their choice only, and if they do this, [watch the move, allow child to choose does she even want to watch movie...] they all taking responsibility for their own actions... Parents showing children their example of freedom they are giving to them, so they [children...] can be fully responsible for actions of theirs... And not some unknown rating agency... or even better, movie production company...



To give you my personal example, I have been refused quite some time from major production houses in Canada and States, simply because my scripts were not scary enough, way to inspiring and they give lot of hope for humanity as a whole, and there is a lot to process when the producer reads my words...

Then bluntly stated: we want fear leaking from the screens, we want blood and inspirational 'killings' be in each story and sub story of the script...


At this times, I realized the system will change and me and people like me will arise in pure inspiration and sharing our love and compassion through words and pictures....


Now, we are at this time that was in my heart for last 11 years, where fear will not be imposed on anyone, where truth will rule the world, where love will shine from every face that you see on the screen...



So, this happened today to me on Friday the 13th of April, 2012 [year of Global Ascension en'mass... ], finding this beautiful post about Iceland forgiving all the mortgages for its citizens... My heart lit like a sun, knowing: THIS IS IT... This is the event that will start changing hearts of all people around the world...

We all will start asking self: Me to, American, Canadian, Indian, Britt, we are all worthy the same treatment from our governments... The only thing we have to do is to ASK... WE ONLY HAVE TO ASK, AND IT IS GIVEN TO US...


We only have to know, that we are asking what FMGod gave us long time ago... GOD gave us freedom to live and be joyful on this wonderful Planet, and it was only up to us to realize this...

We only have to be brave enough to accept only truth, and nothing else but a truth... Knowing that Truth will set US FREE...



We only have to choose not to live like this, in fear and slavery, simply by being aware who gave us our Freedom, our Planet, our Life... Not some office dude in Congress, or papa in Vatican, or boss with trillion dollar suit... When we realize that FMGod gave us our self to experience our own growth and awakening, we will be immediately FREE...’t-media-report-triumph-democracy-iceland-what-are-they-afraid


The question on this beautiful report from Iceland was: Why Doesn't the Media report on the Triumph of Democracy in Iceland? WHAT are they afraid Of?...


So, my dear Brothers and Sisters, I would answer it this way: Why we even have to ask media to report on brilliant news like this one?... Why we do not do it our self’s, and spread the word around the Globe?...

Why we do not play yourself prime act in this mega movie, and become reporters of the Truth, become editors in chefs of our own galactic truth paper...


Why we do not publicize this in every conversation we have?... with coworkers, with family, with strangers in the coffee shops?...


Why do you think that MSmedia is afraid and afraid of who, or what?...

They are afraid of YOU, dear Awaken Humans...
They are terrified of YOU, dear Truth Seekers...

They are hiding in the deepest of the bunkers they built when Aware Human start walking the Earth...

They are so petrified of YOU, dear Galactic Human because you know Julian Assange in person...

They are horrified of YOU, dear Loving Humans because you KNOW truth now...
They are scared s***less of YOU, dear Brothers And Sisters because You are not violent...

They are frighten of YOU, dear ONES, because YOU love them no matter what... and because you have compassion instead of anger... and because you have love instead of revenge... because you know the truth, instead waiting for their version of 'truth' [we call this lie in our circles...]‘-world-tomorrow’-photos-published-13-april-2012


I AM so proud that souls like Julian, Drake, Cobra, David, Benjamin, are here to be our example of pure courage and compassion...


I AM so honored that you are reading our posts on GFP, and I love when I feel your heart grows filled with hope, compassion, care and love to self and each others...




If you dare to share, practice your compassion and sharing uncoditionaly... I incourage you to start practicing now, when you have little or nothing, for time when you will have more than enough... Take this as practice only... 

See what comes back to you, when you share uncoditionaly....



I AM THAT I AM, here with You dear Brothers and Sisters...

I love you just like this... or like that... You choose, yet you are loved anyway...


Predrag/Saint Germain



friday the 13th

arun's picture

ICELAND will be in teh news very very soon..I am certain of it..the back of the illuminati has now been broken....the media has got to break the shackles of servitude...NOW

great post, thanks.