AnaShyNa's picture


Dear Soul who call self LightWorker...



I hope this letter will reach you to the bottom of your existence of this 3D and give you courage to join us fully in this highest dimension where doubts, fears and judgments are no more...


This letter is not to entice you in any way to join US in Conciseness Unity, but to simply let you know that we are here for you and any of your friends and family who are fully awakening with no rush or pressure to join in Unity... As we know it will come to you as it comes...


This is to let you know that we are here for you for any needs you have... Only thing you do IS... You simply ASK...


Through your writing and immense efforts that you put in your site you show your knowledge is there almost to full potential, but only if collected from other sources... Yet couple of sources are neglected and missed on purpose or by pure mind programming that you were exposed for all of your life in this 3D...

These sources are YOU, and FatherMotherGod... And I know You will not take this letter as judgment or preaching, but only as brotherly hug all the way from Switzerland...


I feel you so much, knowing who you truly are, seeing your energy field expanding with every day of your discoveries, which you so effortlessly and freely share with others..



You know that You are not a guru of some kind, even if you always collecting information and views from other gurus and channels... You know that when time is right for student to learn, that the Teacher will appear within...


Now, at this present time you are still searching for Teacher outside of your own existence... but this will pass, as any other lessons and tests that we have to go through... this will pass at the moment when you realize the Teacher within...


When you stop asking for proof, looking through many ancient and contemporary writings you will know that we need no proof, nor some Divine Plan event telling us that Nesara is here or there, or that this channel is clearer than that one...


When you truly take full responsibility for your whole being, in front of your own reflection in the mirror, and in front of your immediate family or infront your readers or listeners... than and only then you will truly know that you only want to share Truth with self and others... No more doubts, fears, anger, judgments, analysis, karma, guilt’s or mistakes...



When you know that FatherMotherGod are not some judgmental God, who counts your  mistakes, but One [even if they are Two... where this old one 1+1=2 is not valid any more... especially in their case where 1 Mother + 1 Father = 1 GOD..] you can fully relax and by simply accepting all you experienced in this life time had its own place and timing... YOU KNOW...


This is what I feel from you and many other very aware spiritual beings, to whom I am addressing every post I write here... Yes, I said HERE, because I AM HERE AND NOW, knowing that every single word I post comes directly from my HEART... and I KNOW that I need nothing from you... not even a Thank you or d*** you...


And Yes, you are so very close to FMGod and to Divine Plan, because You are part of this Divine Plan unfolding here on Planet Beautiful...


And Yes, you will become part of this Divine Plan, as soon you become aware of IT... and as soon you become acceptant of all that is happening around you, you become AWARE... And when you are Aware, than you can share Truth, and in this moment of Now you will stop searching for Truth = FMGod...

You will look self in the mirror and see GodSelf , and you will dare to say: Good Morning Dear One... Good Morning God... and you will not blink or remove your stare... Simple as this...



You will Know that Galactics are part of the GodHood so why wondering reasons why they are here... As soon you realize that MotherFatherGod are here with US, you will see God in your own reflection, you will see God in every other soul you came across, you will see God in every Galactic being no matter what color uniform they carry...


Why do you think that Galactics are any different in relationship toward FMGod?... Can you allow your imagination small indulgence, imagining that FatherGod set a date with MotherGod on Earth exactly during these times?... They started dating 2008 on October 18, and date was set some 19.5 billion earthly years ago...


Can you imagine that every single soul on this Earth Beautiful see greatest potentials in every difficulty that he/she experienced [individually or collectively...]?...


Can you imagine that every of these events we can transmute in opportunities, as steps toward Heaven on Earth... As Steps toward our Ascension en'mass?...


There is no one to prevent you to take these steps, but you... This is the beauty of Free Will Rule... If you have a awareness of this choice which I call opportunity to step higher up, that you have free will to Ascend... The only rule of Free Will Planet is there is no rules...


There is nothing that can prevent you to choose Ascension before staying in this present dense and material slavery... The only one who can do anything about this is YOU, my dear Brother... Not even  MFGod can or want to do anything about YOUR OWN FREE WILL...



So, take full responsibility for every action you do, knowing that with your full awakening you  will bring pure light for millions of other souls, who will not see you as we get used to: they will not see you as Guru, or Leader, or Teacher, or Master, or God, or ET...


They will see you as ONE with YOU... They will see them as One with MotherFatherGod... simply by your own example... simply by being YOU...


Know that All is well in our Universe... 

I AM THAT I AM, Predrag/Saint Germain


PSS... [post scriptum short...] You can repost this text where ever you like, you can take parts or as a whole, there is no copyrights clause what ever you do with it... or You can ignore it as well... knowing that this is your ignorance that you sharing with others... 


Wow I came to this 42 secs

Kyle's picture

Wow I came to this 42 secs after it was posted and it literally talked to me


Grażyna's picture

Me too, I like it very, very much :))) hugs


Stasha beLOVEd's picture

tears of joy... awakening cold hearts... brushing off the cosmic dust

ahhhhh, feels good!