AnaShyNa's picture

Beloved Brother Brendan, 

please find attached EK1.0 translated in Yugoslavian [Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, MonteNegrian..] and thank you for this opportunity to write something on my native one... 
I will ask around for German as well on FB and GFP... 
There is no need for apologies for working so hard on this beautiful concept, as You are doing  this for others, and asking nothing in return... as we all are, for years of our awaken life... as this is a concept of Love for Life... 
This is a concept of Life without guilt... This is a concept of love Unconditional, even if hurts a little... This is a concept of asking others nothing yet giving all you have in your heart... This is a concept where is no guilt or doubts any longer... This is a concept where we only are what we allow self to be... This is a concept where we receive all and more, not from one we just serviced, but from Universal Creation, from FatherMotherGod... 
When I realized that I am doing the best at the moment of Now, for others only and asking nothing in return, not even a thank you... THis was a moment when I become fully awaken Human, and Know why I exist here on Earth at this time...
This moment was fully revealed to me when I meet in person MotherFatherGod in 2009 and I knew that all is perfect as it is... This was a moment when I learned that I have no judgment about who they are, as well who I AM... Actually, at this moment I fully knew who I AM...
I learned to live without money and any kind of needs and requests, simply knowing all will be provided to me, from shelter, food, water...  simply by trusting in FMGod... simply having faith not in some religious figures but in pure Spirit... simply knowing that I am the one who trust in me... I knew I found Love here on earth... 
I know that I have to do NOTHING, yet I AM doing everything possible in my Human form to be an example to others, who are still afraid, who are still doubtful, who are still questioning, who still think they have to work and than they have to be praised[read: paid...] for what they did for self... 
I know that if I simply accept what ever comes my way with gratitude and compassion, I am perfect example of non judgment toward other humans, toward self, and toward FatherMotherGod... This is what I see in the mirror every morning I awake, and thank FMGod for being present in my life...
I gave my self freedom to accept my life as a blessing, with all of its tribulations, with all of its pleasures, with all of its lessons... I am taking my life as gift from FMGod and asking no more "Why" questions... I SIMPY AM...
I AM THAT I AM, Predrag/Saint Germain
