~ Energies of the Equinox already coming IN~ Peace for Planet Earth

Lia's picture

High Winds, Rain Hit Alaska Co-ops


ECT.coop - Derrill Holly, 9/20/12

A series of early season windstorms slamming into south central Alaska from the Pacific Ocean have kept electric cooperative crews busy restoring power and clearing debris.

 Clay Koplin/Cordova EC)

Early storms dumped heavy rains on the Cordova, Alaska, area, causing major flooding. (Photo By: Clay Koplin/Cordova EC)

“Cottonwoods, 70 feet and taller, in full leaf, caught the wind and tipped over at the root base,” said Bradley Evans, general manager of Chugach Electric Association. About 40 percent of the Anchorage-based co-op’s 80,000 meters were knocked out of service by a severe windstorm that swept through the area,
Sept. 4.


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The Obamas on The Late Show with David Letterman


GFP Note: WE support The Obamas because they're Lightworkers. WE don't care about their political affiliation. WE ARE ALL HUman BEings - ALL ONE -  ALL Equal. Putting people into groups and labeling them "Democrat" or "Republican" or anything like that is the way things were done in the old paradigm. Dividing people into groups and setting them against each other was the work of the cabal. Now WE shine a LIGHT on these fake distinctions and watch them disintegrate like the illusions they are.


Barack Obama appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman on September 18. He and Letterman discussed the Mother Jones - Mitt Romney video among other issues.

Full episode: CBS.com.


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Five killed, dozens injured as storm sweeps across Paraguay


The Telegraph - 9/19/12

A powerful storm killed five people and injured 81 in Paraguay as it blew across the southern cone of South America on Wednesday, ripping roofs off ramshackle homes and leaving thousands of people without shelter.

Workers look at the damages caused by a storm which destroyed the tailoring factory in which they work, in Mariano Alonso Roque, on September 19, 2012

Workers look at the damages caused by a storm which destroyed the tailoring factory in which they work, in Mariano Alonso Roque, Paraguay Photo: AFP

No deaths were reported outside Paraguay, but power outages were widespread and many people had to be evacuated as rivers overran their banks and coastal areas flooded. Wind gusts reached above 62mph and heavy rains raked Paraguay, southern Brazil, northern Argentina and Uruguay.


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East Coast storm spurs warnings, flooding


The Baltimore Sun - Kevin Rector and Scott Dance, 9/19/12

A string of severe storms brought heavy rain and high winds through the Baltimore region and the East Coast on Tuesday, flooding homes and streets, knocking out power to thousands and forcing local school officials to cancel afternoon activities.

Flash flooding was reported in Columbia and a foot of water covered National Pike in Woodlawn. Waterfront homeowners on Millers Island in Baltimore County saw their streets flooded as water poured over concrete bulkheads along the Chesapeake Bay, through their yards and into their basements.

To read the rest of this story, visit BaltimoreSun.com.

Related video: CBS.com.


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Mud volcano erupts in Azerbaijan- Colombian volcano awakening after 86 years


Source: The Extinction Protocol

September 20, 2012 – AZERBAIJAN - Baku. Kamala Guliyeva – The Lokbatan mud volcano erupted in the morning has weakened, Executive of Mud Volcanism Department under the Geology Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Arif Huseynov told APA. Huseynov said that the eruption process is being studied.

The volcano accompanied by a rumble at 05.00 spew flames at 09.00: “According to the preliminary observations, the eruption was powerful and mud spread across the area of more than 2 ha. The exact information will be announced after the measurements. But this eruption was more powerful than the eruption in 2010. At that time, the mud covered about 2 ha area.” Husyenov says that no flame is being observed in the area: “The volcano has already weakened. It is not likely to flame again, as it’s weakened.”

The Lokbatan mud volcano is the most active volcano in Azerbaijan and in the world. Last time the volcano erupted in 2010. This is the 24th eruption of the volcano. Fortunately there aren’t any houses in the area, but there are oil wells. -APA



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The manuscript of survival ~ part 198


The manuscript of survival ~ part 198

Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North


Since the first break of dawn, mankind have wandered on this planet searching for their roots. For as you know so well by now, you hail from a place far removed from these shores, and that calling in your heart has always been there. However, for the longest time, that voice was so small and timid, both by design but also because it was surpressed by forces on the outside not wanting you to hear it. But now, it is growing in strength day by day. And as it grows is strength, so too does your longing for liberty from the shackles that have been holding you down in every way you can think of. But now, the realization that this does not need to apply to you any more is getting to the forefront, and with it, the realization of your own strength. For you are not timid, helpless human beings, being held forcefully down in your own ignorance. You are powerful creatures, capable of standing tall and shining your light over a vast distance. You have already started to straighten yourselves up, and your light is already strong enough to blind those less attracted to the light than to the shadows.


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~ Divine Intervention~ Love Wins!


~ Love is On this Planet and Love Speaks Loudly~ The Awakening Of this Planet Into The Present Moment of Now is Fully In Process! This Means Love Wins!


Love The Earth Allies


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Lucas - A Timeline Of Love - 20 September 2012


A remembering of who we are and why we came here in this crucial end of the cycle time is what brings us to what has happened as timelines are merging and this will be going faster and faster as they all have to come down to that one timeline all will end up at that same endpoint.


Those who stay focussed and stay in their hearts,  let go of the old paradigm and all that has come with it in duality and polarity will see love as their intent for all that is. They will find themselves on that main timeline that is decreed by our creator/god/source to be the one. If chosen so, people can switch timelines to other timelines by their own actions and intent and choice.


In chosing so those humans are not lost or  are no longer our brothers and sisters coming from the same source as we. They will make a temporary detour or sidetrack.  There is always the way back as eventually they all will be forced back to that same endpoint. Even if they now are saying to have other insights or see things different. What I and maybe those feeling and experiencing the same will try is always to love all those that chose to stay in 3D or are  going on another timeline. We can still talk to them and be advising them but we are not effected anymore from the negativity, fear, hate and old thinking ways they are still experiencing themselves in. We will see what is happening but not be affected in our state by it anymore. The negative emotions will not be anymore.



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Meredith Murphy – Septemeber Equinox 2012 – Message From Archangel Michael



Meredith Murphy – Septemeber Equinox 2012 – Message From Archangel Michael – 20 September 2012

The bell rings.  The tide turns and the wave begins to draw back, all the while in anticipation of the cresting.  The cycles of expansion and return are repeating, but with great emphasis now, and with massive implication.

The dawning of the new.~

Greetings My Beloved Family in Form,

The Earth has already established new resonance in the 5D sphere of expression, and this expression is now more expanded and you are experiencing it more.  As a result, you will notice that your heart’s desires seem more supported than before.  That you mysteriously are drawn to the right article, the right person, the right insight at the right time to help you move things forward more easily, more quickly.  Things will appear that you thought wouldn’t show up for some time and you’ll realize you’re enjoying something that you let go of even trying to manifest.  In the combination of your letting go and these expanding realms of 5D energy on Earth, many convergences are beginning to take place and acceleration and manifestation is and will continue to increase in availability and experience.


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Heavenletter #4318 How Do You Count Vastness?, September 20, 2012


 Heavenletter #4318 How Do You Count Vastness?, September 20, 2012 


God said: 

The Earth revolves around the Sun. In the world, these revolutions are counted, yet the Earth itself and the Sun that shines do not count. The sun beholds the Earth but does not count its revolutions. The Sun is so full, what would it count, and what would be the point of it? The Sun knows its prominence in Eternity. Swept up in Eternity, what on earth would the Sun count? Nor does the Earth itself count, for the Earth is bigger than that.

And yet My children count and get caught up in details when there is Wholeness to get caught up in.

My children count sheep. They count on their fingers. Numbers are counted, and yet I say that the digits called fingers count more than the numbers that represent them. Numbers are interesting, yet counting is not all it is purports to represent. And yet in the world, counting takes place, and counting has a prominence. How much money do you make? How many acres do you own? How many rooms in your house? How many trees? How many wives does a King have?

How do you count Vastness? Even in world terms, there is much that is uncountable. And yet My children count how many loves they have had when love is Oneness.

Cards are dealt and counted. Money is counted. There is some energy from dealing cards and counting money. There is some energy from the fingers that count. And yet love can not be counted, and love counts more than anything else.

We can say that love is the summit. It is the apex of life. Numbers are not. Oneness is.


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Surfers are Kahunas For Good Reason

There was a local contest where World-Class Surfing Champions spent the days with kids of all ages who surf and want to be professional surfers like them. The energy is amazing, and you can feel it from the quotes and the YouTube in this link:http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/09/stoke-o-rama.html It makes sense to me that as Lightworkers, we have ridden many gnarly energetic portals, vortexes, and waves, and we are riding strong to towards Ascension! And further, that Salusa and Sheldan Nidle are our Kelly Slater and Dane Gudauskas, and they are equally excited to be sharing the waves of energy with us. Surf Gaia! Get psyched! Feel the flow!

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Home Coming


Not the one the schools are having this weekend.

What a “time” for such an event. This upcoming Saturday, September, 22nd, 2012 at 9:48AM is the “Fall Equinox.“


What else is special about this upcoming timeline?


Likely more than what you would believe until you see it with your own conscious/awareness. One thing of it that was said to us by Rai and Lona from Argartha, is that they will be making contact with some select of us that day. I don’t know how much of our, behind the real scenes new this will make? But a “Home Coming” of sorts is what substantiates this contact.


Our return Home, the one that exist within us all, as soon as we Remember Who We Are, (awaken to full consciousness). But on the way to that state of exquisite bliss, we will find many experiences that we will cherish and some we will gladly release.


As soon as you stop being a Christian, stop being an Islam, stop being a Muslim, stop being of the Jewish faith, stop being a Buddhist or Hindu. And start being who you really are, not led, taught, proscribed, persuaded by or shoved on you by “outside sources” then you may begin to see the Light that has always shinned “within.”


It is now become High time to go within to address That Part of Who You really are and bring it to surface. Identify with It, see It, feel It, get in touch with It and this will begin to bring it into full memory. As this One is Who You Are.


How to: Speak like It, act like It, think like It, feel like It and be like It.

Does God use unlimited methods in any of the above?

Not with this many Galaxies about, I can safely suggest.



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2012: What on Earth Is Happening to Us?


As we near the end of 2012 humanity is being bombarded with energy from the cosmos and the central sun. This energy is pure God consciousness, pure unconditional love and we are being bombarded with it so that we will wake up out of the illusion we are living.


You might ask "Why now?" The answer to that question is because it's 2012 and this year marks the end of an era. Now, at the end approaches, we are being given the chance to ascend into a higher level of consciousness. Currently the planet and her people are in the 3rd dimension of consciousness. The 3rd dimension can be likened to a school where humanity is given the opportunity to experience duality. In duality it is possible to experience separation from the One Consciousness or Source, and to also experience such things as need and lack, and various other illusions we have created here.


Finally after 26000 years we have the opportunity to lift ourselves out of the illusions we have created and lift our consciousness into the realm of the absolute, the 5th dimension, where Love is All There Is. 2012 marks the dawning of a new age of awareness, and age the Bible calls "Heaven on Earth". To achieve this, the Company of Heaven is sending down enormous amounts of energy to lift the vibration of all who live on this planet. With the increased energy comes increased awareness and thus what is known as an awakening.


There are various symptoms of awakening. Some people are experiencing some of these, others are experiencing more:



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Andromeda and physics fundamentals



Ponomaryev could not be contacted yesterday. However, he left the message on his desk answering the question on latest scientific news from Andromeda:
“There are no formal rules on the energy exchange here. Study Hertzprung-Russel diagrams and extrapolate. The broken link between science and cosmology reigning for millennia on Earth had finally been restored last week. It suggests return to physics fundamentals. No more speculations and fairy tales stories. The architecture of local matter remains the same, heliocentric approach doesn’t need revising. There is no observational evidence of time.”


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Gaia conduits are being cleared and clarified in preparation for the rapid release of 3D-4D lower aligned energies



Gaia conduits are being cleared and clarified in preparation for the rapid release of 3D-4D lower aligned energies



Gaia has called. Hue-manity answers.

Release points designated for the 2012 period remaining have been identified and energetic healing teams contacted.

Messages were received by all Gaia Ground level operatives on these teams.

Gaia conduits are being cleared and clarified in preparation for the rapid release of 3D-4D lower aligned energies to occur after 9-22-12. Stargate Gaia transmits all such lower energies to Galactic Sol.

New Gaia energetic grids appear as connected golden pyramids that channel and intensify 5D-7D Cosmic Sol energies and reflect back only those to Gaia Inner. All lower energies are released via this grid, through Gaia Stargate, to Galactic Sol.


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THINK for yourself. Question Everything. Anonymous raising awareness.


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NEW BEGINNINGS ~The Council of Nine


 September 20, 2012

Long have we watched over the evolution of this planet and the development of humanity. Now swiftly approaches a new beginning for your planet and its inhabitants. We encourage each of you who read these words to focus on your innermost parts, that sacred place within where you can gather your forces, calm your mind, strengthen the connection between self and Higher Self, as well as renew ties with your galactic family.

Events move apace outside the purview of the tightly controlled mass media. Things are happening in the subtle realms of the fourth dimension (the Astral Plane) as the remaining non-physical dark forces are being flushed out of their hiding places, by our own forces and our ground crew, clothed in their astral bodies. The tide has turned; the Light upon this planet steadily grows in strength.

Now, in your moments of quietude, we encourage you to turn your powerful creative thoughts towards the kind of world that you wish to see manifesting in your “future.” Dream grandly and open your hearts wide in anticipation, for the world you will see will meet and succeed what you are currently capable of imagining.


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~ Message From Gaia (3) : The Transition Process


Ute Possega-Rudel ~ Messages From The Realms Of Light  ~ 20 September 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Dearest Brothers and Sisters!


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How is this possible?


I have been awake, fully awake and conscious, since January 25, 2012. I have been studying, remembering, meditating, networking, exploring, and, most, lightening up.


And here I am in the dark.


I had a traumatic experience a week ago, and I am still experiencing the fear which raged through my reality like a frightful tsunami. I feel its diminishing waves brushing the peace I have come to know.


Yesterday, in an effort to find peace, I went to my guru who gave me a conscious reading, and then assisted me through deep hypnosis. For the first time in my life, I had a meaningful past life regression. I explored aspects of myself I did not know existed. I saw myself in four lives, each with quite discrete and simple lessons which were learned, experiences accumulated.


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Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you:

- You have chosen this
- You are changing
- No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now

You have to let go. You have to let go. You have to let go. It is time.

No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen:

- Religion
- Wealth
- Patriotism
- Power


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The Simple Truth ~ How To Change The World ~


 20 September 2012 Thank You to Lucas


www.americankabuki.blogspot.nl link to original article

(Lucas : Here in this cartoon is all that I and others have been talking about in simplefied form displayed, go within and the key is your heart as your new mind[Heart] and open the lock by using now and for ever unconditional love towards all and in all. Love and light is my wish for you all.)



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Holy Moly! These people are going nuts!


 20 September 2012 - 3:09pm |  lightlover1964

Ok it is official.
The people around me are completely losing it...going nuts.
So incredibly emotional, irrational, and flying off the handle.
Crazy stuff happening all around me.

I feel like the center of the hurricane,smack in the center of chaos.
People spinning out of control all around me.
To say that the light is shining on everyone's "must release" issues is an understatement.
Including mine of course, hehehe.
I am ejecting issues and people like crazy.
My often asked question is "what the heck was THAT all about???"

But here is the really cool thing...
I don't feel like I used to.
I don't take it personally.
I don't engage.
And I think to myself..."gee Marie you should be really upset by this...you should be a blubbering idiot dealing with this..."
The old me would have been...lots of crying and spinning into the why me? mentality, going down...mayday,mayday...


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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Co-Creating With Others


~ 20 September 2012

As the family of humanity, the stewards of Earth and cosmic citizens of this universe, we are moving into a new level of creative ability.  After the purging of July we moved into a new level of personal creative responsibility in early August.  Every release has its consequence, as does every choice.  We are freeing space within for the grace of creation’s flow.  That is Love.
Survival mechanisms pull the boundaries in, even if the action is outward.  So one that harms another may seem to be pushing outward, but it is a reaction to a disconnective boundary that fear induces.  Anger, resentment and especially the personally focused emotions like remorse, guilt and shame pull the connective energy inward, separating.  Life is meant to interact, for it is a circular system that is self-sustaining.  Death serves new life, new life serves to inspire the sustainment of life and the circle continues.  It cycles through, deeply in Love in each moment of Time.  How deeply are you aware?
When we Co-create With Others, we are appreciating, honoring and expanding in the naturally supportive and connective energy of Love.  Love is an unseen binding force that compels individuality and group consciousness.  When you Love humanity you c


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REFLECTION OF PEACE ONTO THE EARTH ~Yogi Babaji via Natalie Glasson


I bring forth and demonstrate to you unity to activate a greater sense of strength within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you peace to activate a greater sense of serenity within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you discipline to activate a greater sense of devotion within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you joy to activate the innocence of the Creator within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you contentment so you may express divine gratitude from within
your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you the existence of being, so you may find your pathway of enlightenment and mastery, allowing it to emerge from within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you the way of the Master because you are already walking this pathway with ease.


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The Healing Temple Transmission Sue and Mary Carol


MARY CAROL: Aloha beloved ones, I am Adama and I greet you with love and light. We are here in the inner earth gathered to await your arrival. We would like to take you to visit our temple of healing and the valley of the crystalline vortex lake. It is an extensive landscape that accompanies many of our crystalline structures and so in the healing temple there is a pool in the middle of the temple that emanates all the colors of the rainbow. This is a healing pool with the frequencies of all the colors that assist with healing. There is a healing table upon which one may recline to receive healings of the utmost intensity for where needed or desired for the healing of the body, mind and soul. The body, mind and soul are all connected, and where there is a blockage or a dysfunction in one it most certainly will affect the other. This is most certainly very deep healing that we do here. We have appointed highly trained priests of healing who facilitate what is called for.


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My personal Disclosure~


new beginning In the light of the Disclosure movie , given by the 2012 Scenario site, I felt compelled to write my own Disclosure. And I wonder how a personal Disclosure will look. I agree it will be on a personal level, acknowledging my star brothers and sisters. On an early age I was attracted to stories about UFO’s, Shamanism and further on in live to Wicca and eventually lead me four years ago to the Galactic Federation. Their messages increased the light in myself. So as I stand here before you, I acknowledge their presence here in the skies and in space. Even though I didn’t have the chance to see it for myself in my own eyes, but there is so much evidence on the Internet. They are coming in peace and want to help us with our Ascension. Help! Not doing it for us. I am so happy to be here in during this time and I am so excited.

Within my heart burns the fire of Disclosure, a fire that is spreading so fast it cannot be contained. My Star Brothers and Sisters, I welcome you all to this beautiful planet called Earth/Gaia. Where billions of hearts will come together as ONE. I look upon the sky, and I see cloud ships, giving them my Love as they sail by and I wonder…maybe our Star Brothers and Sisters are watching us in that cloud. My heart sings with joy as Disclosure has begun. There is no stopping of abundance that is coming with it. Can you feel the anticipation in the air, the happiness, the Love…. Welcome, welcome….


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The Pleiadian Council of Nine: All of Creation is a Mirror of Itself


Sep 20

 by Wes Annac


We have taken to inhabiting the beautiful Pleiades Star System, and the planet in which many of us taken home on whenever we do not exist and Live upon our dear Motherships is the planet Erra. This planet is a communications-hub throughout much of the Universe, and is one main ascended planet that the Federation of Light keeps many ‘bases’ and transportation centers on.

We have numerous ascended and enlightened cities on Erra and in a perfect match of resonance, we have as well areas upon our dear planet that many have noted as some of the most beautiful places of nature throughout this dear Galaxy. You dear souls are increasingly becoming exposed to the prevalent beauty of your world and we say that our Erra is very close to your dear Earth, in more ways than you would perhaps realize.


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Spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bulliesThrough Ron Head


Spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bullies.  Through Ron Head



Today let us not forget to mention the impending equinox.  “Oh no!”, thinks our channel.  “We are going to get the light and energy stuff again.”  OK.  We will spare you that… after we point out that not only will you receive it stronger than ever, but there will be subtle changes as you move into this last quarter of your solar year and also into new abilities to sustain higher and higher volumes and frequencies.


We also need not point out that the crazies are seemingly becoming contagious all around you.  Many of you are wondering at yourselves for not becoming at least a little alarmed at what is happening and what is rumored to be about to happen.  Congratulations on your newfound ability to stay anchored in your centers and focused on your intended self-improvement.  Perhaps that is not the best thing to call it, but then, that is what you are doing.



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Waiter, There's Arsenic in My Rice

My experiences on 9/9




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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Prepared


It is a time to learn

A time to gather new information to assist you and help you evolve your light. Enjoy the process, for it will lead you where you want to go. As the seasons change, it signifies more changes in your lives. Taking the time to gather what you need for the next part of your journey lets you feel more prepared for what lies ahead and lets you have more trust in your own decisions. Change is always happening and as evolving beings, this is important. Take the time to let yourself feel comfortable and make those changes with clarity and wisdom.

When you are ready and feel secure in your choices, this movement ushers in desired new energy in which you can grow and prosper. Your unique talents will blend with this wisdom, and synthesize it into new and important ways to bring peace and love to your journey. You (along with everyone else) deserve to have life experiences that bring you joy, balance and happiness, trust that this is so.
Affirmation: "The more I learn and know, the more I trust in my choices and I know that when everything is right and in place, it will happen."
You are dearly loved and supported, believe in yourself, the angels


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Suzanne Lie: 2:00 am Message



By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie


Dear Arcturians,

I woke up at 2:00am last night feeling the “landings” so strongly. I could feel your presence as if you were in the room. Then I began to worry whether or not I had done everything I was supposed to and if the groups were all prepared. I was awake for an hour or more. Can you please assist me in understanding what was going on with me? Maybe I was just responding to my last blog about the visit to the Mothership.

Dear Suzille,

Are you questioning your experience, for if you are then you will be quite confused as our plans progress. It is vital that you trust your instincts and listen to what you hear inside. Doubt will be your worst enemy for it is an open door to fear. Therefore, our dear Ascending One, can you allow yourself to trust what you have heard inside?

In fact, you have been totally trusting your information and dispensing it for all to see. However, this message is different because it is something that can be proved wrong. This could be yet another false alarm. How many times have you heard from others that Disclosure would happen at a given date?


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I sat all one day in a Crop Circle



I sat all one day in a Crop Circle (in Avebury). Saw a Star (light), moving up-across-down. I shouted to someone to come over & validate. The validation was sh*t (in german)... Following morning, 20 miles away in another Crop Circle, these 2 guys turned up & he asked for Healing for a bad shoulder. As I worked on the Chakras above his head, the corn started Crackling - Blew us both away




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Transcript: Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda ~Part 1/2



Transcript: Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda – Part 1/2

 Commentary by Stephan Cook: This is Part 1 of my interview with author and Galactic messenger Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda from August 9, 2012. Thanks to Ellen for the transcript.


Sheldan first went public with the messages he received from his Sirian star brothers and sisters in 1992. He has since written several books, including You Are Becoming A Galactic Human, and continues to share his messages with us every week and host monthly webinars. We talk about Sheldan’s childhood, family and what lies ahead with regards Ascension, Disclosure and December 21 – and more..


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~Space Weather Update~ CME's Miss earth? Solar Wind Speed 575~


CMEs MISS EARTH: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has observed at least three CMEs billowing away from the sun during the last 24 hours. However, none of the clouds are heading for Earth. The source of the explosions appears to be on the far side of the sun. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

AUTUMN LIGHTS: Northern autumn is only two days away--and that means it's aurora season. For reasons researchers don't fully understand, the days around equinoxes are the best times to see Northern Lights. Indeed, the Arctic Circle is glowing. Last night, Ole C. Salomonsen photographed the ongoing display from Tromsø, Norway:

"The sky was full of awesome auroras in magnifcent shapes and colors," says Salomonsen. "I also saw a magnificent blue fireball streaking through the lights above my favorite mountain Otertinden. It was the biggest fireball I have ever caught on camera. What a great photographic moment for me!"


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