Fast Moving Solar Plasma Cloud Heading Toward Earth

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Fast Moving Solar Plasma Cloud Heading Toward Earth


Ascending Star Seed | June 15 2012

Info From SIDC – RWC Belgium 15 Jun 2012, 1202UT

A fast solar plasma cloud – coronal mass ejection or CME – erupted into the direction of the Earth on June 14. The cloud was associated with a long duration M1.9 flare peaking at 14:35UT. The cloud was first visible at 14:09UT in STEREO B/COR2 images. A speed estimation based on STEREO B COR2 images, gives a value above 1000 km/s. This means that the shock preceding the plasma cloud might arrive within 2 days. We expect also the cloud itself to arrive at Earth. This CME might catch up with the CME of June 13. We expect the arrival of this cannibalistic phenomenonfor late June 16, early June 17. Geomagnetic disturbances are possible. The geomagnetic conditions at the moment are quiet. The sunspot groups that were responsible for the flares of the past days, persist in flaring in the C level. Another M-flare is possible.

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Annette writes ~ If you take a moment to notice how this event is described as a “cannibalistic phenomenon” it clearly demonstrates the fear and negative programming so prevalent in media today. What we are witnessing is the transmutation of life and energy by light throughout the solar system, I see it as a powerful dance taking place between photon light and the geomagnetic energy from the sun. This is how life on earth is being transformed, people who are “stuck” in the matrix of 3D still have their bioenergetic frequency resonating in the lower vibrations of fear, anger, hate and division are the ones who are negatively affected by CME’s.

Which is why it’s so important to take time to meditate EVERYDAY!!! I can’t emphasize this enough because I know how hard it is for the strong, independent thinkers who have ego’s that want to stay in control. We’re so busy pushing out our energy trying to save the world in an aggressive “We’ve go to fix it” mentality, that we’re always to busy to dedicate ourselves to going within and source the answers from there. Once you can find the “center point” in the zero gravity field, learn to hold it and stay there in silence you will beginning sourcing every thing you need to know from there. But, as long as you stay focused on the outer 3D world stuck in the lower vibrations you’re not accessing from your Higher Self that lives in all time, in an all knowing state with Source, or God energy.

You’re also leaving yourself wide open to the negative side of the energy coming in with the solar winds through your separation from Higher vibrations and lack of inner connectedness to all that is, all that exists in the Inner-universe. That’s also how disease, mental illness and degeneration of your bodies immune cells begin to manifest allowing illness to set in to your body bio-circuitry. After almost eight months learning to live in vortex energy I’m beginning to notice age reversal in my skin with collagen and elasticity returning, wrinkles fading, glowing skin, a feeling of vitality and my energy is returning after struggling with a long bout with illness last year.

So, don’t listen to this fear crap and watch the language, the subliminal programming is becoming very apparent to me now that my awareness is expanding at exponetial rates. Which is one of the reasons you’re not seeing as many posts as before, aside from being shifted to a whole new level of service. I’m really beginning to see the matrix for what it is and understand how sooooo much of the information coming over the internet now is working hard to keep people stuck in duality and the collapsing world system, as the shift begins to pick up pace.

The really horrifying part is how obvious it’s becoming that most people are not activated or sensing the ascension wave that’s already happening because they’ve been programmed to believe it’s not even real or is woo-woo New Age hogwash. If you’re talking to ET’s, channeling or getting info from people who are channeling entities, just beware. There are a few who appear to be channeling benevolence, but it’s becoming obvious that many have people chasing their tails in the belief that their “getting close to God” when they’re actually still have a wall between their Oversoul and are not truly connecting
their own soul or Prime Creator.

More on all this later…for now, heads up! Work on getting centered to Source and raising your bio-energetic vibration so your in the flow with the counterclock-wise, upward spiraling ascension wave and not connected to the clockwise spin of the collapsing world system. These things won’t be of any more concern to you at that point and your entire operating system will change once the direction your energy is flowing is changes. Only speaking from experience and what I know to be true my friends…as I am only another you, mirroring back what you already know.

Thanks Dp for a great find!
In Lak’ech,


