Fearing the unknown?

Lia's picture

Dear Ascension Pioneers!

All fear is fear of the unknown. When trapped in fear, we simply cannot be in Love, and we are not open to embodying Divine Love, our true Essence. Many are still fearing the unknown ... and all fear is basically fear of the unknown. This creates a circulatory movement, when in fact, we are aiming for a spiral movement. That is our true Soul Essence, and our natural evolutionary state. In fear, we remain in that circle, always repeating the same patterns, while not expanding and naturally evolving. This way, we are not stepping into our Divine inheritance as individualized Soul aspects, which is a trinity of Love/Wisdom/Power. Our true Soul Essence means that we fully embrace our co-creation ability and know ourselves as creators of our own reality. When we exist in this state of awareness, we are fearless, completely Self responsible, and never afraid of making choices that mirror our authentic Essence. When we are fully Soul infused, only Divine Love can flow through us ... there is simply no more room for fear. For this to be fully embodied, we need to do the "work" and get in touch with our inner Core ... where we can then develop specific Soulful methods for becoming Soul infused. These are not external methods, but actual ways of knowing ourselves and becoming a Self realized Being.

Within Divine Love, Polona