Find love in your hearts, because there it is at home

Lia's picture

 Hederon of Venus through Isabel Henn August 19,2012


My beloved people of Earth. I am Hederon, the chief member of the High Council of Venus. In a former life I was Grandmaster of the Trading Federation on Sirius. I was married with a beautiful elf woman that lives in its present incarnation on earth and will serve me today and in the future as a channel.


Venus is also known as the love planet. She is the Divine Feminine embodied as a planet. The Divine Feminine is the Creator Goddess of this Universe, the Twin Flame of Prime Creator.


Venus as a planet and as your ancient goddess stands for love. Love is All-That-Is, but not the selfish love, but pure unconditional love. Every day we send enormous amounts of love in the universe, especially to our neighboring planet, your Earth. We want to contribute in anchoring the love and the light even more firmly on Earth.


Only over unconditional love Ascension is possible. Unconditional love that you can feel in your heart. Not with the mind, this only encourages the selfish love. Go into your heart center, your heart chakra and find the true unconditional love for All-That-Is and to yourselves. You must love your self and accept how you are. With all the ups and downs, all of the negative and positive aspects of your life and all previous lives. And then send out this love, out of your heart chakra and amplifie it. This and the drop of condemning and judging are the path to Ascension. It has been told you so often that you are All One. One with All-That-Is, with Prime Creator, the Source of all Being. Do you understand then that you only condemn yourselves even if you judge on someone else? Since you are all One? We all are all One?


The inhabitants of Venus, in whose name I speak to you today want to help you with finding the love and firmly integrating it into your life. A good number of you has done so successfully, but my words are therefore directed primarily to those who wake up slowly from her sleep of oblivion and looking for guidance and answers.


Find love in your hearts, live this love and love yourselves, and you have managed half the way to Ascension into the higher Dimensions.


We continue to send our love for this beautiful planet and its inhabitants. We love you sincerely and it is our pleasure to watch how the love and light are spreading and all darkness and negativity slowly, but surely, will leave Earth.


I am Hederon from Venus, Member of the High Council of Venus.

Copyright © It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.




Judge not

King David's picture

This and condeming has been nearly a pass-time kind of why in expressing here. What a challange this was for me/us to edit out. 


It has so much been in the way that we couldn't see it, nor the love that we could have been expressing. But this light has now shown through. 


Thank you for your update on these important issues. 


With much Divine LOVE