The Fix to This Mess

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by Dr. Terry A. Gordon

While walking through the forest last fall, I acknowledged that summer had run its course and was yielding to autumn. The brightly colored leaves made it obvious that change was occurring.

A gust of wind blew through the canopy of trees causing several leaves to let go of their attachment to the trees. As they slowly drifted down, the leaves spoke volumes to me.

If you think about it, the only constant in life is that everything changes. We are different from breath to breath. The river as it flows past   will never be the same river again. Nothing remains the same — ever.

As painful a task as it may seem, change requires that like the leaves, we must let go. It’s unnerving when we contemplate changing prevailing thought. Copernicus tried to do that when he presented proof that the sun and the solar system in fact did not revolve around the earth as religious leaders of the time had taught. He was denounced as a blasphemer by the Church and was forced to recant. Not surprising, it took over 300 years for the Church to finally accept that Truth, an awakening that forever changed the institution.
