Forbes – Shah Gilani – It’s Not Libor Stupid, Central Banks Are The Problem

glr_Andrea's picture



Forbes – Shah Gilani – It’s Not Libor Stupid, Central Banks Are The Problem – 7 July 2012

Posted on July 7, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

( Lucas :  The blame game has started that makes it only interesting and gets us in the blaming more and more insights in those who have robbed us, deceived, enslaved us. The truth will come out whatever way. Soon the old will vanish from the screens and out of existence. We will see the new emerging.)

The Libor scandal is about to get a whole lot worse. And, that’s the good news.

Not only are at least twenty more big banks under investigation as part of a massive fraud to manipulate interbank lending rates that affect some $800 trillion in loans and derivatives, but the Bank of England is about to take center stage in the scandal.

And that’s bad news for central banks around the world.

Well, actually, it could be good news, as in really good news if it’s the beginning of the end of what central banks do to manipulate free markets to the benefit of their only real constituents, the world’s big banks.

Read the whole story at: link to original article





A bank is a bank is a bank.

Saxyroxy's picture

A bank is a bank is a bank. Theyr'e all the same controlled by the same people. They've all  done their part with the only remorse being that of being caught. I say wipe out all debt, and repay the trillions of dollars they've taken from humanity. As most people have student loans, credit cards and mortgages, this affects everyone.

comment to saxyroxy

bobbyauto's picture

amen brother or sister. my focus is on the new earth!


I was going to say why don't lisa use cannabis oil for her father. it suppose to be very effective!